Which country will you run away to 20 years from now when millennials implement communism because it's 2037?
Which country will you run away to 20 years from now when millennials implement communism because it's 2037?
China has become the liberal hub
Patagonia (beautiful, only goats and introverts)
or Austria (some nazi sentiment still remains)
>tfw millennials in your country are implementing national-socialism
no place like home
I have actually thought about this.
I might not leave the US, instead I'll go to alaska. It's so remote and the government there is remote too. In some villages, state police are several hours away by plane and the people there just don't give a fuck.
If all else fails, see you in Monaco.
china since it will be the least communist
Literally anywhere with a majority Chinese population
This will never happen in my country, because our people have already seen what c*mmunism is really like.
I would hopefully move to such a place
All the alt-right favors in my country are fucking unbearable. Seriously, if you look at demographics for people who voted for Trump you will notice an overwhelming majority barely have high school educations, if that
Meanwhile those who voted for Hillary were the academia aka people with PhDs and Masters degrees
I have been legit preparing for this for the past year or so. Thank Christ Trump is in office for the next 3 years, because it will bring me a little extra time to get the fuck out and put together an exit strategy.
I personally have settled on Bangkok, Thailand. Cheap, no PC culture, no SJWs, beautiful country and the monarchy will keep Communist scum far the fuck away.
So you mean the so-called 'left wing' party in the US are a bunch of bourgeois, rich, elite assholes and champagne Socialists? Color me shocked.
t. Union worker who probably makes twice as much as you
So basically you're telling me the poor uneducated marginalized coal workers voted for a crazy Billionaire - and the bourgeois elite voted for more elite??
And ladyboys. Don't forget ladyboys...Lot's and lot's of ladyboys.
Sorry Mcdondals worker, I am a software engineer. Good try.
Besides, PhD and higher education does NOT directly equal more money and higher class status ("elite"), it just means more educated and mentally capable of figuring out how to run things. Including our fucking country
Sorry I don't want people who can barely add deciding how taxes and healthcare should be implemented. Oddly enough I want someone who can at least read, and form cohesive arguments using actual facts
probably America, seems pretty conservative
leftypol get out
Not leftypol. I am a moderate.
You fags are just so obsessed with "muh trump" because you apparently cover your eyes and ears every time that moron does something (which helps the wealthy elite, NOT you)
>supposed to work in benefit of the people and not the richfag whales who chose him
KEK, I love it. This guy advocates for higher education and more intelligence when creating social policies and everyone goes "gtfo leftard faggot"
Never change, Veeky Forums
Low-information voters are the worst.
There's a reason the Founders only wanted certain people voting.
Why leave it up to any single country?
Live on a weaponised submarine yacht and only anchor near capitalist countries
>implying gen z won't gas millenials and implement esoteric tradtionalist fascism
roger ver is looking to buy land right now to finally start the ancap experiment, will probably move there
>gen z won't gas millenials and implement esoteric tradtionalist fascism
Hate to break it to you, but Gen Z is even more liberal than millenials.
>people are unironically ancaps in 2017
I was born here but speak read and write polish because that's where my parents are from, Poland.
That's where im going. Cost of living about 4-5x cheaper than the US, I can retire with just half a mil, and I will likely have a few million by then.
Don't try to deny it or they'll gas you too.
These kids are growing up having the worst faggy degeneracy pushed on them by all their authority figures, and they see religion, racism and right wing politics as rebellion. They're flocking to /pol/ and similar places more than ever before.
>he isn't an ancap
Statist bootlicker pls go
LOL ancaps don't even clean their rooms properly... can you imagine what the world would look like, if the ancaps had their anarcho-capitalist utopia? all cities would be massive trash heaps, full of trashed "inventions". there would be no gurbment to remove the trash and the crazy gun-totting/rapey rednecks off the streets. crypto-market is proof that anarcho-capilaism will never work. it's literally a mad race to collect "tokens". everyone takes advantage of everyone, with pure selfishness. big gov needs to step in and shut this down.
Kids these days listen to whatevers cool and the jews in media and Hollywood are pushing such left wing propaganda that I'll be amazed if we don't have communism implemented. Everyone wants free college free everything.
On the other hand I must admit that you sort of described me, I live in NYC and the filth and degeneracy of the people who ride the subway pushed me towards the right wing. But I don't think I'm a normie at all, I doubt the majority are like this. Most of my classmates and even friends were all Bernie supporters. Everyone wants free everything till they realize their taxes have to pay for it.
I do think that the later generations will return to right wing though. I can't wait for the shit show when in a couple decades Social Security runs dry and people who have been paying taxes for social security for 40 years learn its bankrupt and they have no retirement.
>I do think that the later generations will return to right wing though. I can't wait for the shit show when in a couple decades Social Security runs dry and people who have been paying taxes for social security for 40 years learn its bankrupt and they have no retirement.
kek this is happening in my country
the current wagecucks are paying the old farts' pensions
but the brain drain has left virtually no young workforce to pay THEIR pensions, so the current wagecucks are literal double-fucked crying wojaks
>lets open our borders and create a welfare state, nothing could go wrong
t. enlightened intellectuals
>Kids these days listen to whatevers cool and the jews in media and Hollywood are pushing such left wing propaganda
Thanks to the rise of the internet, and the sheer absurdity of the propaganda pushed out, they're becoming less and less influenced by these things. The last few generations have grown up just with tv, but more younger millenials/gen z are used to being able to easily verify things or find dissenting viewpoints on the internet. Of course, it's not like they're all about to become full-on national socialists, but a non-trivial chunk will be drawn quite far in the right direction. And you only need a small percentage with the right ideas in order to effect change. For example, the hippies of the 60s were really only a small minority of youth at the time, but they were the major cultural force, and now are remembered as the embodiment of that era. Generation Zyklon (and maybe the next gen after) will lead the cultural reaction we're entering now, and they'll be remembered well for it. Look forward to the future.
Nothing could go wrong for THEM (enlightened intellectuals).
They'll keep living in their white-only gated and heavily defended communities and virtue-signal to one another what kind and caring persons they are.
All the bad outcomes of the open border/welfare state doctrine will be sucked up by the middle class / poor / uneducated who will grow more and more resentful and xenophobic.
It's sad that it's no longer cool to be tough and xenophobic. The r*sshits ruined it with their constant anti-semitic / anti-refugee / anti-establishment propaganda and their support for right-wing movements all over Europe - from UKIP's Farrage, to France's LePen, to Germany's Kepetri.
Hong Kong obviously
>can't spell
>"u dumbasses can't even read"
>look forward to the future
unfortunately it will be a long time before the generation youre talking about come into power, and by that time the millenials will have destroyed everything with Communism. My parents came from Poland, they know what true Communism is like.
There's going to be a major dip before a new ATH, much like Bitcoin. The US is going down. I plan to move back to Poland when it happens. Not going to let the new commie bastards redistribute my wealth so Shaniqua's 7th kid can get the newest Iphone
Somewhere in new england. I will buy lots of guns. That or Montana.
Even if I were a libertarian (which I am not), I would never become a citizen of King Roger's empire. He has mental issues and would not hesitate to abuse his monetary power to abduct you and forcefully cum in your throat.
Authoritarianism will go extinct soon
Jesus, you guys are fearful and weak idiots.
Good luck paying for healthcare and education in your ultra capitalistic society. But hey, at least "socialism" didn't win, right? Better to die from cancer with barely a highschool education then give up profits over basic human necessities.
more like being afraid of what comes after socialism and being forced by the government to pay for people that hate me (more so than now) after having my kids taken away because I told them no too sternly and have not offered my son hormone therapy because he played with something pink once.
PAYG pensions and single-payer healthcare are ponzies I wish to kill within a decade along with EUSSR
Institutional education is redundant nowadays too, fucking state worker commie voting parasites
deluded workers keep fighting while the rich work full speed in researching AI and automating everything rendering your wagecuck ass disposable.
Typical right wing fucktard talking point. We know where the money comes from and that nothing is FREE. Would rather have our taxes used for the development of a stronger, smarter society than a war machine that benefits no one but a select few.
Pull your head out of the ass of FOX news and clue the fuck in.
I'll see you in Monaco for the Monaco GP user.
Almost done with learning the language, next is getting citizenship.
Hope to be done by 2025.
I wonder if all those right wing wagecuck hillbillies who hate "socialism" will still be against it when there standing in a soup kitchen line provided for by "socialists" because a machine took their job
>Buy high, sell low
Never change, Veeky Forums.
I shall not "run away" to another country; I shall instead stay here as a guerilla warfighter & domestic terrorist while receiving copious gimmedats from the very welfare state which I fight against.
What book is this. I wanna buy.