>tip waiters 500% occasionally
>have a secret area in your home that can only be accessed by a bookshelf that you need to pull a certain book of to open
>have my home in the forest by a river, but not more than 2 hours from a nearby city
>travel often but like a poor person in order to appreciate what I have better
>partially fund my own films that I direct
>make intricate music boxes
>wear fine clothes
>buy all the video games and LEGO sets I couldn't afford as a kid
>buy nice things for my siblings and parents sometimes
ITT non-devilish things you'll do when you're wealthy
Provide for my children, fuck everyone rlse
Be free
To be enslaved is to be demon possessed.
eat pasta with ketchup
Going to make big donations to the drop-in centers I used to go to when I was homeless.
Fuck tipping nigger, take cooking classes in the Mediterranean countries and fuck euro hos
i'm going to pave my favorite shitting street gold and not allow anyone else to shit on it. my very own golden shitting street...the very thought brings tears to my eyeball.
What happened to your other eye?
Severe pinkeye
That's a good one.
I also would want to set up some kind of grant fund for poor Americans, where if you're poor to working class, can lay out your business plan to me, and it's solid, then I will give you $10,000 straight up to fund it. It could double as a tax write-off
I'm going to track down all the porn stars I wanked to as a youngster and pay them so I can cum on their faces while I laugh.
>smash guitars like pete townshend
is that considered devilish? it's kind of wasteful but not hurting anybody
10% tithe to church for good boy god points
20% tithe to capital gains for good goy points
39.6% tithe to tax bracket for good boy goy points
remaining 30.4% back into crypto to get out of poverty again
pretty much this, my parents and family only
fuck the world
>intricate music boxes
stay away from lemarchand's box
It's easy to feel like that, but the world would be a much better place if people actually tried to help each other
We were forced into a cruel and unforgiving planet, so why not try to make it a little nicer instead of following in the footsteps of every other rich asshole who got his.
it's called investing. there's a show on tv called shark tank that shows people doing this
Fuck off millenial, earth doesn't care about hippie joy. It'll end us whenever it feels like it so live it up
>build a ship that patrols the mediterranean sea and intercepts refugees and sends them back to Africa (equipped with powerful laser systems that can set other ships on fire from a distance) + helipad with scout heli
>create my own ICO called BorderCoin that funds my anti immigration operations
>build a room dedicated to breeding moths (my hobby) and conduct my own research on them without being cucked by paywalls
>build a laboratory in a lawless country like Iran and start a human cloning program
>buy an African village and let them perform memes for my pleasure (but pay them generously)
>market crypto to normies to make it go mainstream (and make more money in the process)
I know, but I'm not in it to profit. They just get $10k.
Earth doesn't give a shit, no. Nature is a whore. That's why it's up to us to fight our nature
>>buy an African village and let them perform memes for my pleasure (but pay them generously)
>perform memes
oh, so just giving away money to anyone with a solid business plan without requiring them to pay it back?
you're not going to make it
it's not really hippie shit but more of a reciprocal attitude towards everyone that is steered towards general goodness, if people treat you like shit you fuck em up but assume that they won't
it's lofty and maybe a bit hippie but if it works then everyone benefits include you and I
> TONIGHT on Shart Tank!
> Cephus is offering user $10,000 for a 15% stake in his toilet paper glove company
> "Great for deep cleaning!"
No niqqa this is after I make it. It would be a tax write-off anyway.
Moth Army... is that you ? You fucking freak.
Whoever that is, it's not me
oh, i gotcha
>tax write-off
Fund music education. And smash guitars like pete townshend
spend more time raising my daughter so she doesn't turn into trashcan like so many others today
> Big extravagant vacations for my parents
> Home gym + personal trainer
> A maid/chef for all the cleaning and cooking
> Buy a Self Driving Tesla
> Create a fetish porn site for free content for people to enjoy
Are you 15?