What was the core difference between the Bolsheviks and the Menchoviks?
What is the core of Leninisim?
What was the core difference between the Bolsheviks and the Menchoviks?
What is the core of Leninisim?
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One was the reformist and moderate approach, the other was non-compromising and revolutionary approach, of course. The difference is tactical, you could say.
Elaborate please.
My understanding atm is pretty incoherent. Basically the the Reds favoured terrorism and then Trotsky turned up and was able to lead a war so they staged a coup. No real idea what the ideological differences were
What? Social Democrats practised no terrorism, it was the liberal revolutionaries (which was more of political assassinations anyway, since they only targeted individual prominent figures, not crowds or buildings or something like that)
Mensheviks (Martov) favoured:
- Unification with the liberals
- No land redistribution
- No self-determination for the nations
- Lax party organisation.
Bolsheviks (Lenin) favoured
- Strictly pro-workers and peasants orientation
- Redistribution of land to the peasants
- Self-determination
- Strict discipline.
You're a kike.
Nice try porky
The circumcised parasite has been summoned
>capitalists calling anyone else parasites
Truly the height of delusion.
>if you hate kikes you must be a capitalist
>when you see a strasser thread pop up on stormweenies but then all the stormweenies get upset because it's too close to "judeobolshevism" marxism, and they're actually just ultra-conservative amerimutts who hate anything vaguely left rather than actual nazis and white supremacists who don't actually believe in white american exceptionalism and also think slavs are white
Fascism is alte stage of capitalism.
You are a fool for thinking that you are free
The core of Leninism is the vanguard party.
Love how the Bolsheviks/Lenin in the end:
-Confiscated the workers wealth and property
-Took away all the peasants land and never gave it back
-Did not allow nations self-determination and invaded anyone who did not want to become slaves of Russia
-can't really argue, they loved discipline so much they created a totalitarian state!
People try to lame all the blame on Stalin but Lenin was a piece of filth even without him. If Full Socialism/Communism is to ever be a legitimate ideology it has to fully expunge the taint of the Bolsheviks and Lenin's cabal.
Bolsheviks = hardcore
Menchoviks = Berniecrat tier faggotry
I used to think Lenin was the good guy and Stalin was the evil one because of western propaganda, but then I realized Stalin only happened because Lenin paved the way and Bolshevism is awful.
I think it's that classic mistake of thinking because one guy was worse the other guy wasn't still bad.
he probably is think of the SR's
Lenin did everything he outlined, as a matter of fact.
Land redistribution (the most important reform in that cases) was in abolishing landowner class and factually giving it to the peasants. while dividing it among the people who worked the fields.
the gulag bluebrint was already forming under him
corrective labour, justified terrorism dude was a real piece of work
>What is the core of Leninisim?
Based on Lenin's actions, tsarist autocracy under a different name.
Communism sounds good in theory but in practice is just plumb doesn't work.
Making excuses now vs making excuses in the future
Why do you retards even exist? How much of a parasite do you have to be to try to destroy the greatest economic system ever devised simply because you’re a talentless loser
Mensheviks were what we would call social democrats nowadays, people that advocated reform but would endorse strikes if they had legitimate reason to
Bolsheviks thought we would never gradually go communist so must revolt now, giving powers to the peasant so they can urbanise and become workers
>marxist parasites leeching off of the working class whilst living lives of relative luxury in countries that they’ve turned to shit calling people who voluntarily provide goods and services to those who voluntarily provide them parasites
Now that’s the height of delusion
Late stage capitalism seems to be lasting quite a while, it’s almost as if Marx had no idea what he was talking about, which would explain why all of his theories end in failure meanwhile the capitalist world keeps plowing forward with new technology and higher living standards
Some were allowed self determination unless they were strategically useful, like Ukraine for the food and the Caucasus for their oil
Don’t forget he also implemented capitalism for the first time in Russia to stop the peasants killing him off
Socialism =/= communism
Socialism was until the October revolution seen as a legitimate reformist movement
I used to think Stalin was right wing because he killed more people than hitler
Then thought he was a necessary evil to fight the Nazis
Then realised without him Germany wouldn’t elect hitler but a more moderate candidate
It’s never been practiced because we’ve never lived in a one state world
>tfw half the arguments with your commie friend are how they drink coffee which won’t be avalible in a communist world due to inefficiency
>people who think in this other economic model are losers
Why not just say man is naturally mean and brutish
>members of a communist party were corrupt in their intermediary state
>higher living standards
But in GB income inequality is rising with people increasingly using loans to pay for goods?
>Late stage capitalism
The rate of profit hasn't fallen that low yet though
>Then realised without him Germany wouldn’t elect Hitler but a more moderate candidate
I would argue he would have still gotten in. What drove the Germans to put him in power wasn't so much perceived foreign threats to Germany, but the turmoil of internal German society at the time, you chaos in the streets between various political movements, the rampant debauchery of the Wiemar period, economic collapse.
Didn't see Fordisim.
why exactly did the Bolsheviks invade literally everyone around them? and how did they keep winning if they were so obviously evil?
>The first peoples commisariat was the governing force
The first central commite had 15 members, atleast 5 were jewish, and if you wanna count Lenin it makes it 6
>Nikolai Bukharin (gentile)
>Felix Dzerzhinsky (gentile)
>Nikolay Krestinsky (either Jewish, Russian or Ukranian)
>Mikhail Lashevich (jewish)
>Vladimir Lenin (partly jewish)
>Vasily Schmidt (unknown but judging by name either German or jewish)
>Fyodor Sergeyev (gentile)
>Ivar Smilga (gentile)
>Grigori Sokolnikov (jewish)
>Joseph Stalin (gentile)
>Elena Stasova (gentile)
>Yakov Sverdlov (jewish)
>Leon Trotsky (jewish)
>Mikhail Vladimirsky (unknown)
>Grigory Zinoviev (jewish)
Lenin was a mutt. probably more Mordvin than anything else.
Nvm Vladimirsky was defenently a gentile
Also where is Litvinov, Steinberg, Uritsky, Simeon Dimanstein, Sokolnikov,
I'm not an expert but the core of Lenin's major "contribution" to radical socialism is vanguardism.
The belief that an elite group of "professional" revolutionaries is needed to direct any revolution that's going to get off the ground.
As such the Bolshevik party was semi-closed in membership, at least in leadership, and acted more like a secret society. You had to be vetted and selected by the core members of the leadership to get in to the inner circle. Party policy and philosophy was also directed by the core leadership. Pretty similar to how the politburo later functioned.
Mensheviks were more of a standard political party. They were willing to work with a parliament. Anyone could join. Their leaders weren't usually getting arrested by the secret police and being sent into exile for robbing banks.
Oh and i forgot Isidore Gukovsky
>Bolsheviks (Lenin) favoured
>- Strictly pro-workers and peasants orientation
>- Redistribution of land to the peasants
>- Self-determination
>- Strict discipline.
And; No self-determination for the nations.