>study history
>become catholic
did this happen to anyone else?
>study history
>become catholic
did this happen to anyone else?
Other urls found in this thread:
>study history
>become Anglican
This is what happened to me
I'm a fedora with an interest in theological history.
If I were to adopt any version of Christianity it would be the Eastern Rite.
Of the large, established sects, it seems to have the most in common with the early, Nicene Christianity of the Romans.
>study history
>become LARPer
Fixed that for you.
No, but I did become fascinated with the Jesuits. Also, if you get with a Catholic girl, she'll be great in the sack. Little sex addicts, not sure why.
>did this happen to anyone else?
A few people probably. Kind of a dumb reason to convert to a religion though.
I hope you’re ironically larping here.
The Catholic Church was founded in 33 AD. Lutheranism was founded in 1517. Baptist 1609. Methodist 1729. Mormon 1830. Jehovah's Witnesses 1874. Your local "non-denominatonal" church was founded in 1990. I think I'm gonna believe in the older church.
>The Catholic Church was founded in 33 AD
>unironically believing this
I'm trying, but I honestly can't think of any possible way studying history could add to Anglicanism's legitimacy rather than detract from it.
Read "A History of the Church in England" by John Moorman
Even if you disagree with that continuity, the Catholic Church has indisputably existed independently since 1054. They have five centuries on every Protestant movement.
I gained a great appreciation for the church but I can't make myself believe in the dogma itself.
>muh divorce
Anglicans are prots larping as catholic
>study history
>Become Orthodox Christian
Im not the only one, right?
makes more sense than becoming anglican
>hold on giant mom I got this
>study history
>remain Mormon
fuck romans 2bh
How do you even convince yourself to be a Mormon?
Not that user, but growing up in Utah. Shits crazy here. You have transgender fox-tail wearing weeaboos hanging out with conservative mormons and fat tongans rolling down the sidewalks eating everyones groceries.
Every option is a bad option.
I can OC a gun in any McDonalds I want.
Of course your not my Bro.
>study history
>become muslim
>study history
>become pagan
Where did I go wrong
>Go to university
>Study history
>read some history
>become a gorbachevist neoliberal
Who else?
Yeah, blood letting has been working just fine for like twenty five hundred years and Ibuprofen is only about a hundred. I'll chose the proven method, thank you very much.
>Study history
>Become deist
>not Orthodox
>Study history
>I'm washed up in work that I don't know if I'll get done before I graduate pls help I want to die
I wish it were easier to get a gun. Then I'd just end it all now. How bad is hanging?
>study history
>realize catholics persecuted pagans and heretics relentlessly and cruelly for centuries
>study history
>become a reclusive pagan counter-Semite
>study history
>become muslim
did this happen to anyone else?
>study Veeky Forums
>become suicidal
This but unironically.
>Study Economics
>become AnMon
Everything went better than expected.
>study ethics
>realize there is literally nothing wrong with persecuting pagans and heretics relentlessly and cruelly
I love the smell of burnt Cathars in the morning.
Winston Churchill. Almost. His family persuaded him not to. Read that somewhere. It was in his youth.
I find that incredibly hard to believe.
Hitler and Wilhelm II were also muslimboos
great minds think alike
What the fuck does this mean?
Go check Winston Churchill Wikipedia page.
the original church died with paul, you can argue all you want about your church being the "original" or closest thereof, but literally every church past the ones that paul setup are varying degrees of wrong
Anarcho monarchism
I mean, how is it supposed to function?
>study history
>become ardent agnostic atheist
I still don't understand this meme
Catholicism preaches chastity, extramarital sex and non-procreative sex are both sin, yet catholic women being sluts is a popular meme.
Just how true is it? Are these sluts practicing catholics? Are they merely 'culturally catholics'? How seriously catholic are they? Why do they do it? How do they cope with it? Do they justify it? Do they feel regret afterwards? Do they do it in full knowledge of its sinfulness or are they oblivious?
What you've been told is all backwards. (((Sluts))) are boring in bed; virgin(al) girls have pent up sexual energy that is just unreal when it's released.
>Why do they do it?
Because women gonna whim
>How do they cope with it?
By justifying it
>Do they justify it?
>Do they feel regret afterwards?
yes. all women feel regret after sex unless they feel fully reassured of the males commitment.
>Do they do it in full knowledge of its sinfulness or are they oblivious?
Everyone knows right and wrong, just some people repress or rationalize it.
>study economics
>become Calvinist
No, not really
all women are sluts, the fact that they are catholic just makes their slutery more surprising and noteworthy
>The Catholic Church was founded in 33 AD
Anarchists with a Monarch, I guess.
How can you possibly become a Catholic after learning how they hijacked and ruined Christianity, made it illegal to read the Bible, burned millions of Christians on the stake, and introduced all sorts of heretical and unbiblical doctrines?
>The Catholic Church was founded in 33 AD
Is this what catholicucks actually believe? holy shit
go watch "A Tale of Two Churches" on youtube. it has like 50+ episodes, and it'll teach you how the catholic church actually came to be, and how the protestants are more in line with the original churches set up by Paul
Does life after death exist though?
Who /Holy Alliance/ here
It's called history.
Read a book.
>study history
>wind up reading about the ottomans and all the other islamic empires
>become muslim
So you've got nothing
What are you doing on Veeky Forums if you're that historically illiterate?
he was right when he said the only good things about catholicism were its pagan influences (in the aesthetic and ritual)
>won't provide sources
>he's the historically illiterate one
kek not even that guy
>tfw after reading Christian philosophy, theology, and ideals I am starting to turn towards Protestantism over Catholicism in my roman catholic Italian family.
am i betraying my ancestors /pol/?
bro whats up with the tape recordings are you retarded?
No me too man. Come into the tiber everybody, the water is fine
goddam furry fascist faggots. my faith liek armor shields me.
Wait until you read about the Council of Trente and the jesuits.
how do i un /r/atheism myself?
Should i read augustine and captain kierk?
>Study history
>Become constitutional Christian conservative
I've lived too long as an atheist to get myself to become religious but I absolutely believe religion is needed for a society where people are kept in check
This is what happened with me.
>Churchill was very interested in Islam and the culture of the Orient, to the point that relatives feared he might convert. In 1907, Churchill received a letter from his future sister-in-law, Lady Gwendoline Bertie, in which she pleaded: "Please don't become converted to Islam; I have noticed in your disposition a tendency to orientalise [fascination with the Orient and Islam], Pasha-like tendencies, I really have
please don't perpetuate the atheist hat meme
>protestants are more in line with the original churches
>study history
>become a christian
>study theology
>become a muslim
>study philosophy
>become a buddhist
>study economics
>become a jew
>study physics
>become an atheist
>study history
>become a fucking retard
Yeah, because there is no homosexuality in the Catholic church.
Anglicanism is just Catholicism with the sovereign as pope lmao
when did the catholic church marry homosexuals?
They don't, but that doesn't change the fact that it's full of gay pedophiles.
the absolute state of protestants lmfao
gay pedophiles are not part of catholic doctrine
gay marriage is a part of protestant doctrine
yeah. Are you shi'a?
Quite natural for anyone well read to become Catholic.
Yes ,the exiscitence of God can be said "proved" by the scholars. The church of God is real in the fisic world ,he send his son in flesh and blood to save humanity for ours sins if God wanted to spreed his words to the world he would've send a vision to everyone and in the next day everybody would become jewsish.But no he sened his son in a physic form not in a idea form.He son oderded the criation of His church by the sacraments we are saved by the the eaucaristia we eat his flesh and through the wine we drink his blood .All forms of herisy must be destroyed in the theological and phillosofical sphere and in the camp of battle if need for we must die for christ and His One Holy Catholic Apostolic Chruch
>stolen water is sweet
My man, literally the undisputed best option
You're on the internet, too, you know. Why should anyone listen to you?
>study religion
>decide to become Catholic
>have an actual spiritual experience and go Orthodox in the last moment with 100% convinction, no regrets