>Left Coast Discussion
Main points
>Strength in technology
>Weakness in economics
The Left Coast is where I grew up, I've also spent time in the Tidewater, Yankeedom, El Norte and the Far West.
Questions and Comments
>Left Coast Discussion
Main points
>Strength in technology
>Weakness in economics
The Left Coast is where I grew up, I've also spent time in the Tidewater, Yankeedom, El Norte and the Far West.
Questions and Comments
>this shit again
It doen't matter if you repost months after, the map is shit and will forever be shit
Everywhere there is a whataburger is part of the Texoklahoma reich
Just read the book. I think you'll like it
We Texans can be pretty autistic about our border and its iconic shape but the OP map does a bretty good job of defining cultural and physical geographic regions in the state. And Greater Appalachia corresponds to what I know of my senpai's geneaology and their paths across 3 centuries from the east coast to Texas.
kek, fucking wordfilters still active
>posting the meme map from buzzfeed
Everyone that joins the reich gets a Whataburger
Since we're posting meme maps
This map gave me brain cancer
r8 my map
It's not labelled
North America year 2099 after the 2033 pension crisis, india-pakistan nuclear exchange and 2040's water wars
President Huey Long would be the best.
every man isn't a king yet, 2/10
Alberta lel
Who else /leftcoast/
>Haiti annexes the whole island
I love you user
West Florida is best Florida