Did he do it?
>No German plans were ever found mentioning any plans to exterminate Jews.
>No mass graves were ever found.
>No piles of human ashes were ever found.
Did he do it?
>No German plans were ever found mentioning any plans to exterminate Jews.
>No mass graves were ever found.
>No piles of human ashes were ever found.
Other urls found in this thread:
>what is the Wannsee conference transcript
>what is literally the soil around Treblinka
Who knew, /pol/fags make shit up
Why do you think saying things makes them true?
>No German plans were ever found mentioning any plans to exterminate Jews.
Maybe a written order, but the spoken orders given to commanders and various speeches conflating Jews with partisans made a good portion of the motivators for extermination (or at least during the early stage of the war)
Has been debunked.
>Maybe a written order, but the spoken orders given to commanders and various speeches conflating Jews with partisans made a good portion of the motivators for extermination (or at least during the early stage of the war)
>Implying a large number of Jews weren't partisans.
>what is literally the soil around Treblinka
>The CODOH Revisionist Forum is the world’s largest and liveliest revisionist-moderated on-line discussion of the Holocaust.
[Citation fucking needed]
No wonder there are laws against holocaust denial. Deniers are so ignorant and annoying I would gladly jail all of them myself.
>General Holocaust Denial debunking
>Index of Published Evidence on Mass Extermination in Auschwitz and Auschwitz-Birkenau
>Contemporary German Documents on Homicidal Gas Vans
>Contemporary German Documents on Carbon Monoxide Gas and Bottles Employed for the Nazi Euthanasia
>Cremation process
>The Holocaust is the most documented genocide in history.
>No German plans were ever found mentioning any plans to exterminate Jews.
Seriously which is it?
>No mass graves were ever found.
>InB4 that's because the Nazis dug them up and burned the corpses.
>Where are the ashes?
>The Nazis spread them out.
>No piles of human ashes were ever found.
>Death camps were liberated by Soviets who have been proven to falsify records.
Holocaust denial laws really weren't a thing anyway until the late 80s/90s. They had 40 years to debunk the holocaust in these countries and couldn't.
Rly makes me think....
It's not even debunked. Just more idiotic claims showing they have no idea what they are talking about. Every time the Nazis fuck up something and aren't 100% correct in their predictions the retarded deniers claim forgery. Like here with the numbers of Jews living in Europe. How does it prove it's a forgery? I don't know.
Or for example this:
>- Auschwitz commandant Hoess allegedly "confessed" that in August, 1941, Himmler told him to start gassing at Auschwitz and that it was already being done at Majdanek. So, we allegedly have mass extermination already in progress at Majdanek in Aug. '41, improved and underway at Auschwitz by October, 1941 and then in January 1942 we have Wannsee supposedly creating plans that have no bearing upon the current accepted timeline of mass extermination. Why hold a conference months after the alleged 'extermination plan' was already in progress?
Maybe because mentally ill were killed that way before they decided to exterminate the Jews? The first victims of Auschwitz I gas chamber were 600 Soviet POWs. The contradiction exists only in deniers mind.
The existence of death camps was mentioned by anti-Soviet Poles and many other people in no way related to Soviets as early as 1943.
Many mass graves were found. We literally have photos from Ponary showing some 80 bodies being excavated.
Just stop. This is embarrassing.
This map is all wrong.
This is a comfy thread. Nothing better than btfoing /pol/ brainlets and stormniggers.
Nobody ever has claimed bottom pic was real, it's photoshoped by you neckbeards
>no sources
It's interesting, because I have yet to come across a (Soviet?) publication that showed merely the images on the left and tried to pass them off as authentic. In fact, various search tools only yielded me denier websites who had already "uncovered this hoax" with the fake/original comparison shots as shown above. Chances are, deniers photoshopped the left images themselves, only to discredit them with the originals on the right and then say "woah guys, look what we uncovered!"
This doesn't seem to be the work of "professional" holocaust deniers like Udo Walendy or anyone at CODOH, which is why you wont find this plastered over there, as those folks usually seize any opportunity they get to try and prove photo faking.
Note how these foolish hoaxers even had the audacity to keep the ARC website watermark on one of the images they grabbed from the net and doctored.
you faggots lie a lot
But it is. See: It's debunked here. Some camps on your "Allied" list were actually liberated by the Soviets. For example Sachsenhausen and Gross-Rosen.
>it's THE JEWS fault that we lost millions of men in the invasion of Russia, not my fault for invading it in the first place!
truly Hitler's autism knew no bounds
this thread was filled with holocaust propaganda in under 5 minutes and now some shill is just saying debunked. saying debunked doesnt make something debunked. this thread is probably being monitored. no useful discussion is being carried on. idjf is watching
Same shitty images in every thread. Even those crappy stormfag photoshops. This is boring.
counter the arguments then. They directly contradict your claims.
>posts pics
>someone else posts pics directly debunking yours
>cry JIDF
I actually went off and looked into this a few years ago. Came back with a ridiculously mundane answer.
The gas chamber pictured (number 1 or something) was first converted into an office, then used as a bunker during air raids. The original big steel gas chamber door was put on the outside of the building for that reason, as shown in plenty of tourist photos on Google Images.
I went through a "research and debate" phase, and I kept coming to these types of completely sensible answers. So I stopped.
Is this for or against stormfaggotry?
Such a pretty nurse too.. Germans truly are savage beasts.
Did literally nothing wrong
i didnt post any pics, and you all quickly replied to my one post, such a quick reaction calls into question the legitimacy of your personhoods.
i am not crying.
how did people not figure out that these are obviously doctored images?
It's probably the stormweenies doctoring the pictures themselves, so nobody ever needed to figure it out.
you posted the pics and are crying. No go fap to BBC porn you subhuman vermin
you don't find the "doctored version" of the pics in any publication or source that isn't related to holocaust denial.
Pretty clear they themselves photoshopped it in order to "debunk" it. Inventing myths to debunk is a big part of holocaust denial, as they can't debunk the actual events.
which pictures ill prove you wrong you faggot
>this thread was filled with holocaust propaganda in under 5 minutes and now some shill is just saying debunked. saying debunked doesnt make something debunked. this thread is probably being monitored. no useful discussion is being carried on. idjf is watching
It is, when they started spamming shit I was like fuck it might as well also. This shit is the reason why I starting going towards denial in the first place. A lot of the shit about the holocaust just doesn't add up and when you ask people instantly take offense and start shilling hard. Half this shit that they are spamming has already been debunked and when it gets debunked they start whining that it's a fake source.
>Don't trust this denier.
>Here this link from this Jewish lobbying site.
I've already found that you're damned if you do damned if you don't. If you say that the holocaust did happen, you get attacked by stormfront if you say that it didn't happen you get attacked by leftist and Jewish lobbyist.
>Did he do it?
>yea of course he dindu it
at least say what you think instead of starting with a false neutral question
Is this the only place you posted that?
bump of my poll
it's essentially just a sociopolitical meme, he technically wasn't stupid
is there any plans found for the camps? if not that would be pretty shady from either the nazi side or the allies'.
Also fun fact that soviets didn't want to take care of any jews while in war so they exterminated the rest from the camps while usa took care of them and labelled all their camps work camps. Easy when you can just kill everyone and say germans did it. i guess Stalin wasn't fond of jews either.
Stop samefagging you turbo nigger
Also, no ones JIDF. Here we all like history and it likely triggers a lot of anons autism to put bad history like Holocaust denial on her le all the time. I bet one autist had the pictures saved just to save your denialist bullshit to oblivion and I thank him for it.
>all Jew sources
>”here don’t trust this source from an acreditted historian” trust this blog 1488thruths.com”
I seriously hope you find a tall building to fly off of nigger.
Okay, so lets do it like this so I can get a little less biased of an answer.
According to the posters who think that they holocaust did happen, what are some things wrong with the mainstream narrative that have been lied about.
Acording to the posters who think the holocaust didn't happen, what are some undeniable things about the holocaust that not even other deniers can debunk.
korherr report never mentions the words gassing or killed, or anything to suggest that these people were killed at these camps. All these documents show is that 1,274,166 people were transported to these camps. if anything it shows how desperate these people are with this demonstrable lie
they are stuck with numbers that can't be backed up as a result of this fictitious for instance they claimed that seven hundred thousand are buried at treblinka in a very small space which is ludicrous
>hates jews so much
>'but why would he ever kill them??'
After the war Korherr attempted to diminish the importance of the report that bore his name. As a potential witness or defendant in court proceedings, he claimed that the data in his report were false because of inflated claims contained in the Einsatzgruppen reports. He also claimed that he did not understand the figures in his report, nor did he realize that the Einsatzgruppen killed people.
>hates Jews
>let’s put them in nice camps with dental care and sports till this really resource intensive war is over
>Haha, I was just memeing when I posted those BS holocaust denial pics guys. Don't you hate those FUCKING JEWS though?
>Ignore these accredited and accomplished historians, please take a look at this unsourced pic I found on /pol/
makes sense
>hates jews
>gives them plenty of resources coz there are little resources
you aren't very bright
The term Sonderbehandlung was used numerous times in German documents regarding the treatment of Jews.
>It will be possible to conclude the action of special treatment of about 100,000 Jews in the area of my Gau, authorized by yourself with the agreement of the head of the Reichssicherheitshauptamt, SS-Obergruppenführer Heydrich, within the next 2-3 months. I hereby ask for authorization to use the existing and trained special detachment after the Jewish action in order to free the Gau of a danger that takes a more catastrophic shape every week.
There are 230,000 identified ethnic Poles with tuberculosis in the Gau area. The number of Poles with open tuberculosis is estimated at ca. 35 000. […]
Though it is not possible to tackle this popular plague in the Old Reich with corresponding draconian measures, I think I can take the responsibility of proposing to you that here in the Warthegau the cases of open tuberculosis among the Polish people are extirpated.
From Gauleiter Arthur Greiser.
What did he mean by this? What were his plans regarding the 35,000 Poles with tuberculosis? Because he wanted to use people responsible for the special treatment of Jews to take care of those Poles.
i personally believe that at this moment in time 5.2 million jews died instead of 6 million, i have looked at treblinka and researched and have come to the conclusion that it is not a death camp. the problem with the mainstream narrative is that ANY question of the numbers of the holocaust is pariah or unallowable, the truth should ALWAYS be up for debate, nobody should ever be mocked or silenced for their search for truth, if i went on national tv today and said that treblinka specifically was a hoax i would probably be called a jew hater. thats the problem.
>Stop samefagging you turbo nigger
I'm not samefagging you kike worshipper.
>Also, no ones JIDF.
No shit, it's a meme just like me not being from stormfront.
>Here we all like history and it likely triggers a lot of anons autism to put bad history like Holocaust denial on her le all the time.
First time posting here and I came here to have an actual argument instead of getting the same feedback from /pol/. I expected people to disagree with me, I didn't expect for this board to be just as fucking autistic as /pol/. Also, if you've actually looked into the holocaust you would recognize that a lot of shit just doesn't add up.
>I bet one autist had the pictures saved just to save your denialist bullshit to oblivion and I thank him for it.
Nope, went and fetched them after you started spamming a bunch of bullshit (which is why they're labeled numerically).
>acreditted historian
>Jewish lobbyist.
Choose one.
>I seriously hope you find a tall building to fly off of nigger.
I hope you have a long a fulfilling laugh raising your wife's half nigger son.
come on lad