>won his civil war and created a country during the golden age of fascism
>didn’t join fuckhead natsoc hitler and lose the war
>continued to rule his country worth an iron fist for another 30 years
Who /truefascist/ here?
>won his civil war and created a country during the golden age of fascism
>didn’t join fuckhead natsoc hitler and lose the war
>continued to rule his country worth an iron fist for another 30 years
Who /truefascist/ here?
Other urls found in this thread:
>Fail to understand fascist economics are built on militarisation
>Economic failure
>End up having to open your market completely to your ideological enemies
>When you die this leads to your country just becoming another one of those
Falangism =/= Fascism
Is national socialism also not fascism?
>makes constant compromises between various right-wing factions instead of just siding with the falangists
>fails to instill a lasting system, leading to the nation's liberalization after his death
Even he wasn't a /truefascist/.
>Kept Spain backwards and undeveloped
franco wasn't a fascist
These anons are on point, listen to them
At least do some wikipedia level research before calling him a "true fascist"
I would love to see your faces if you ever meet Franco irl
>Veeky Forums travels back in time to meet his idol Francisco Franco
>faggy voice
>not very smart
>prefers to spend his nights watching Gilda and playing mus (badly) with his "friends" who have to let him win everytime
Who actually was /truefascist/?
Mussolini literally invented it, Hitler as well. theres a set of criteria you need to fufill, one of which is wanting to go back to the good old days but the other is wanting radical change which franco didn't
>hitler as well
Mussolini was pretty racist as well
Spaniard here. This fucking retard took power, probably letting true fascist/falangist Primo de Rivera die in hands of the commies, and then betrayed the principles of Falangism. He did some things right, but he is not a true fascist at all, not even a fascist.
nah he just hated different cultures
When dealing with such a race as Slavic – inferior and barbarian – we must not pursue the carrot, but the stick policy ... We should not be afraid of new victims ... The Italian border should run across the Brenner Pass, Monte Nevoso and the Dinaric Alps ... I would say we can easily sacrifice 500,000 barbaric Slavs for 50,000 Italians ...
—Benito Mussolini, speech held in Pula, 20 September 1920
I dunno, it sounds just as much like he hated their barbarian national culture and much preferred his own Italian culture.
Franco's 1960s free market reforms, at the tail end of his rule, are the only reason he is remembered somewhat positively, and they go against everything fascism teaches.
Actual fascist economics: Autarky, ultra-protectionism, the State leading industrialization efforts partnered with private industry, absolutely failed in Spain as they did elsewhere. Franco was just sensible enough to acknowledge this and change course.
Franco was the worst possible person to lead Spain, from right or left except maybe the communist party. He was a great field commander, he was cunning and cold-blooded and knew how to play people off against each other in order to get and then keep power. But he understood nothing of economics and fucked Spain over for a decade after ww2 by sticking with the Axis for too long, his people lived in grinding poverty well into the 50s, and in his mind what was good for Spain and what was good for Franco were one and the same.