Where are my arkbros at? You guys comfy?
I just bought some more, you won't have long to get sub $4 ARK.
Where are my arkbros at? You guys comfy?
I just bought some more, you won't have long to get sub $4 ARK.
Other urls found in this thread:
Absolutely degenerate.
tits for 1 ltc
I can't tell if your chest is flat or you have massive tits, but I know it's one or the other.
feet for .05 BCT.
I'm feeling generous lol.
I do. I'm incredibly comfy.
Do you have snapchat?
Pussy pic for 1 XVG?
Ark nigger reporting in, its pretty confy
Euro slag.
Ill send 1 of my butt
Kill yourself you fucking thot. This made me sell all my ark
Guys, I'm not doing requests. This is just an ARK thread and I needed a picture so I took one.
So yea guys, anyone bought on this dip?
Just tell us if your tits are non-existent or massive please.
They're big for my frame.
why you lie your a faggot that paid a girl to make that picture pathetic piece of shit
the absolute state of arkies
hot boi
ARK looks ok but the team is trying to do too much at once which means lots of delays.
yes if you are asian.
if ark makes 8 i get my first 6 figure payday
show dick
tits or gtfo
You and me both
I'm holding until $50/coin minimum though
I expect that by Q2 2018
Uh, get the fuck out of here you entitled roastie piece of shit?
Don't want attention due to your sex? Then don't garner attention for your thread with your frumpy whore body, stupid.
Post feet and legs wearing stockings for 5 ARK
Bitch stop whoring out your slut girlfriend for crypto gains. It's embarrassing.
>tattoo on tit
1/10 wouldn't bang
Post your tits whore
I'm sorry, I didn't know you guys would get so mad. Literally discovered this site 4 days ago.
We aren't mad, it is just that you do not exist.
show us you're shit hole bitch.
Tits or gtfo
exactly 100$ by Q4 2018
Your posts are boring posts some tits
Must be pajeet.. open bobs pls. Bitch lasagne.
post your tits & ARK address for free ARK
Well now you know. So post your tits or fuck off.
And get banned..
getting banned on Veeky Forums
good meme
post those titties
This is democracy, never change /pol
> /pol
fucking hang from a tree
OP the way you drew that question mark makes me suspect that you have fetal alcohol syndrome.
pls show bob ur vagene bitch
There's 50 Ark in it for you.
For some reason, I don't trust you.
25 ARK for your feet
Should be a smart contract that release funds into wallet as soon as a verified unique and recent tit pic has been delivered
henlo sexc american white woman i wan get cumfy wit u. i hab ark too very good coin much handsome profits for us
femanon here. will post feet pics for ark srs
oh shit, wait she wrote the day before the month, she is not American, she is a degen EU whore, abort abort, Pajeet no want bad EU gril ahhhhh, how do i delet poast !?!
Please send vagina
tfw get free shit for having a vagina.
"males" on Veeky Forums truly are beta bitches
Okay, I give. How much Ark or btc would I get to show my face?
depends how sexy
Lots of underage fucks ITT, fucking hell
Standard blonde I guess, average at best
don't show your face unless you wanna become a Veeky Forums meme
Serious question, what brings you to Veeky Forums? Or this site at all?
she will be forgotten before the end of the week even if she shows face lol
A fellow whale told me about it. I'm into crypto, so why not?
My ID keeps changing as I switch from wifi to data and back to wifi. Does this normally happen?
Anonymous (ID: QYOFZ6rF) 11/10/17(Fri)00:15:32 No.4274534▶
why is everyone so fucking cancerous, jesus...
most of you should be fucking thrown up against a wall and culled......
are you trying to reply to someone? lol
what a dumb cunt
I'm going to bed. I don't really care anymore, here's my face. Feel free to roast me.
In not gonna put up my ARK wallet cuz I'm not a beggar. Good night.
hold up your end and there could be more where that came from
>shitty nails
>fingers covered
>no tits
>non-amurrigan date format
yes that's right, i'm calling OP a faggot
See this? This is it, it's over the normies are flooding into crypto, stacies and chads will finally burst the bubble.
What did you do your eyebrows with? Shoe polish? Hahahahaha. You're one ugly British dood.
>I will not fall
Nice way to say you're going to moon
so weird when guys paint their nails
I was in since 2012. Pls.
dude your feet are disgusting
>Chipped right big toe toe nail
>Literally discovered this site 4 days ago.
>I was in since 2012
Dumbfuck. You will lose your 100 bucks in some p&d i can already tell.
are you a guy? ^-^
>female (male)
i would have to agree, luckily i'm not a guy. maybe i'll take some of these juicy alt gains i've made today and get a pedi this weekend, my feet are looking trailer park tier lately
you wish, i swear the meme about Veeky Forums and cripplechan being full of homos and virgins is true
desu that guy isnt wrong, your feet look like you're a manlet who painted his nails.
show your pussy (boipucci)
thats it, just sold all my arkies
they feel upset because having any sort of identity is frowned upon on Veeky Forums. they feel you are using your gender to garner attention and think it's kinda bullshit you're denying it. That's just how this place works.
you guys are such dicks wtf
shut the fuck up cringy redditor beta white knight
Hay butiful open bobs an lasagna for me.
not sure tranny or not, good blowjob lipstho
Those are manly feet, what is your testerone value?
Why are you posting an image from two months ago?
they're slightly below average for a dude
senpai with those veins i dont think so, prolly injects roids in his dick or something.
this is some 4D ARK fud
Also 3k Arkie here