Support Austria-Hungary

>support Austria-Hungary

Did the Germans not realise that it was bound to fall? Why didn't Wilhelm and Nicholas just make a pact to dissolute it?It could've saved Europe WW1

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Germany wanted the war. Germany's goal was always to take down Russia so it doesn't become the big boy of europe when they fully industrialize.

>partition Austria Hungary
>Russia still on the path to industrialising outpacing Germany
>both Germany and Russia are even more overextended and prone to collapsing
>Britain and France realise how good machine guns are so never bother with the assault tactics of before, instead investing in machine guns
Would you see the combined arms of the Brusilov offensive or not because AH would be such a pushover
Also what does Italy do, just take the Adriatic

why Russia though?
why not go after Britain/France by being more economically powerful than them?
Russia doesn't even have any bad blood against Germans as far as I can remember

because russia's potential was scarier, also they germany could expand eastward

Because Russia was yet to reach its peak whilst Britain and France were at their peak
Prussia won the Franco-Prussian war because of railways, now imagine a Prussian-Russian war where the steppe is half a day apart from Berlin, Russia would be unstoppable

I feel that people treating A-H like some bizarre, artificial Frankenstein's state similar to Yugoslavia really lack historical perspective and the ability to see things as the people back then would have conceived of them. The Habsburg empire had survived through various incarnations for centuries, it had been a constant major player since essentially forever as far as the other players have been concerned (indeed it's Germany which was a potentially unstable johnny-come-lately).

One does not just get up one morning and decide to just dissolve something like that any more than one decides to just up and dissolve France or Russia. It would take a pretty big war to do it. Perhaps a War to end all Wars.

>tfw no greater Catalonia

>tfw catalonian genocide when neo-francoist take over

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I remember reading that even Wilhelm didn't think that A-H would declare war after Serbia accepted almost all of the ultimatum.

>Be country that comprises of many different people
>give a compromise to Hungary and declare dual-monarchy
>Hungary always gets to uppity when you try to pass reforms to give other races acceptance points
>this ends in dissolution

Also why is the crown missing from that flag, don’t tell me you’re a fucking republican
What did he mean by this
>give ally unconditional offer
>surprised when he takes you up on it
Willy was /OurGuy/

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>support Austria-Hungary

More like
>incitate A-H to declare war on Serbia so you can turn it into a major war by attack everyone around

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yeah man the Russian mobilization was just a prank bro

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but didn't Serbia had Russia's back?
Why did Germany had to declare on Russia instead of just letting Russia steamrolling the A-H

Because Wilhelm was autistic. Bismarck spent a great deal of time and effort trying to maintain the pact with Russia

How about AH not attack Russia and Germany says they’ll hold the conference rather than unilaterally help their ally

>give ally unconditional offer
>surprised when he takes you up on it
France did the very same thing. Poincaré assured Russia that they would honour their agreement even if it came to war.

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Love how you conveniently ignored everything incriminating Germany

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AH was their only remaining ally on the continent. Russia meddling in the imperial sphere of AH was an affront - in particular after their heir to the throne had been murdered by terrorists that were allowed to operate in Serbia. Pretty much the whole world held the opinion that AH was in the right. If anything Russia should have declared herself neutral, then Germany and France would have been neutral too, AH would have been humiliated by the Balkan nation Serbia in a hapless attempt to invade them and everything would have been fine.
Russia was in the wrong here. They attempted to extend their imperial influence, into the realm of AH under the guise of Pan-Slavic solidarity.

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Still looks like Russia is the evildoer there though.

>Pretty much the whole world held the opinion that AH was in the right.

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Really makes you think, doesn't it?

The main issue is that Germany was afraid of Russia. The German plans said that by 1917, war with Russia would surely lead to German defeat, and Russia was allied with France, which was still fucking mad about Alsace.

>AH would have been humiliated by the Balkan nation Serbia
Keep dreaming.

They were. Serbia had fought and won the Balkan Wars recently and while it had lost most of its population, it had better training, better tactics, and better everything, really. Besides, considering how a victory by Serbia in the early stages of the war might prompt huge international support, you might end up with, say, Czech revolts and possibly Romania joining the war.

The Austrian soldiers were at home for harvest duty. They would have embarrassed themselves first by not even being able to mobilise. And this is WWI tech we're talking about. Serbia would have well been capable of dealing a sufficient amount of losses to AH to the point where the punitive action they had planned would get too expensive for them. They too were dealing with inner-political turmoil and their own men wouldn't be too eager to lose their lives for the Empire to safe face. While you wouldn't have seen Serbia march on Vienna, it is not unlikely for them to bring back AH to the diplomatic table and make some concessions that both sides can live with.

Why is it that France's anxiety about Germany is always framed as simply being butthurt about the last war and never as a perfectly legitimate national-security concern? Compared to France, Germany was larger in terms of total area, larger in terms of population, with a higher GDP, and a much larger navy. France knew that if there were another war with Germany, France would be crushed UNLESS France could get other countries to support them. This is why France was willing to ally with Russia despite their radically different values, and why France spent so much time trying to woo Great Britain during the first decade of the 20th century.

I think it's a twofold issue. France was fucking scared about Germany possibly invading France, especially given how France's birthrates plummeted harder than anyone since the Napoleonic era, but France also was very motivated to take back Alsace because they viewed it as an integrally French region, and as you said they definitely didn't want to get caught fighting Germany on their own which comparatively was much, much bigger.

So you end up with this sort of... mixed situation where France was really scared about Germany declaring war on them, but also wanted to get Alsace back, especially since there were discoveries of more than a few important mines in the region. It's a complex, interweaving mess.

France said that if Russia had war declared on them
Not to mention how the French moved their army a mile from the german border, only for some german light hussars to shoot an innocent kid

And GB had been humiliated by an African nation TWICE yet still chugged on ahead
>only ally
BECAUSE WILHELM ALIENATED EVERYONE ELSE and Bismarck kept the absolutism of Prussia rather than being constitutional like Hannover briefly was

>in my alt his this happened so it totally would have happened
Czech’s only joined Russia ONCE THEY HAD BEEN CAPTURED
you’re just like Enver Pasha blaming the Armenians for his suicidal march through the mountains
Anyway AH was humiliated by MARCHING INTO A TRAINING ARTILLERY GROUND so you have no high ground

Well they did in the First World War

That's completly wrong
Revanchism had been big in France in the 1880s, but by the 1910s it was long gone
The French government did all it could to avoid war with Germany (including withdrawing their troops kms away from the border to "avoid provoking Germany" and not reacting when German cavalry raided a French village)

Despite that, Germany still declared war, and it's from that point that Revanchism about Alsace-Lorraine was resurrected to motivate the population

AH was humiliated by a small nation that managed to kick them out

French revanchism was not a significant factor in the outbreak of WW1. The only thing that you can really pin on the French is that the French ambassador to Russia helped convince Nicholas II to mobilize the Russian army.

the Compromise was a mistake. Franz Ferdinand knew this.
his death meant more than war with Serbia, or any larger war, it meant that nobody with a serious commitment to reform would take the throne any time soon
(I think Otto would switch things up had the Habsburg Empire survived that long, but that's in the 1920s at the earliest)

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Karl. But same result, Karl cared more about the people in his empire than maintaining Austrian hegemony.

Relations were never too close until France had managed to repair it's relations with Russia. Once Britain settled it's gripes with France in Northern Africa and the Asia-Pacific, Germany had to hold A-H as tightly as possible, since they were the last true ally they had in Europe

on paper they looked like great allies. big empire, big army, right next door. didn't like the Russians.

and I don't think Germany expected them to spent the first few months of the war retreating from inferior foes, going back and forth over and over between Poland and Serbia on trains, and taking scenic tours through artillery training fields.

German general staff predicted that Russia would be unstoppable in a few decades so they thought it should be priority

If Germany was so worried about Russia why didn't they just attack in 1905 instead of 1914?

The performance of Austria in the Franco-Austrian War of 1859 and in the Austro-Prussian War of 1866 could have given them a clue

>German general staff predicted that Russia would be unstoppable in a few decades
More like 3 years.