These are the two most important individuals of 21st century philosophy and history respectively, you may not like it but its a fact.
These are the two most important individuals of 21st century philosophy and history respectively...
I had to look up the guy on the left. You think some rapper is important? rotflocopter
Fuck off /pol/
Who is the guy on the left?
don't cry wolf dumbass
Kanye is an irrelevant delusional egoistic fag and the last good album he has was late arrival
>21st century philosophy
Replace Kanye by Carl Benjamin or Jordan Peterson, and I might agree.
Name 1 (one) contribution to philosophy made by famed jive nigger Kanye West.
OP here
real talk, Kanye is Meta-Modernity incarnate
He is a reconciliation of modernism with post modernism
His rap is both sincere in that he is the most important rapper of the 21st century, and yet a parody of himself
He lives his life on a stage yet hates his publicity and craves privacy
He is super ironic like the rest of his generation yet his sincerity is ever present
But most importantly, Kanye represents the 21st century mans struggle with a higher power and death. On the one hand he is scared of death and so praises God, but on the other hand hes scared that God isn't real so he believes he can achieve immortality through his great works, like what Pericles said, but deep down he knows that all great works are finite liking back to his belief in God. He is mans decline in faith and its renaissance.
Watching Kanye West is watching humanity play out within a single person. He reminds me of Achilles in the last book of the Odyssey, he will strive to beat death only to comprehend the gravity his own mortality too late and realize he wasted his life in pursuit of something impossible.
Kanye is not a great Philosopher as there is no such thing, philosophers are just dudes who think, Kanye is great Philosophy.
Kanye West established the foundation of the alt-right, the most revolutionary political movement of the 21st century.
The Republic, The Rights of Man, Meditations, Common Sense, Atlas Shrugged, Das Kapital
>Carl Benjamin
What's so important about some fat english bloke making longwinded, boring diatribes against stupid people on the internet?
you negros are pathetic
The College Dropout, Late Registration, Graduation, 808s & Heartbreak, My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy, Yeezus and The Life of Pablo
we will really discuss the contributions of a nigger who sing rap that literally no one outside america knows?
Established the modern view that "no one man should have all that power", bringing back the separation of powers and checks and balances from political theory to the public eye.
So it's pretty much guarntee that Xi's going to be Prez for life then?
>What's so important about some fat english bloke making longwinded, boring diatribes for stupid people on the internet?
at last I truly see
This right here is why nobody ever takes humanities seriously. I mean, you could probably say such bullshit about almost anyone and still make sense. Nonetheless, I am impressed and like your idea.
we need to drown this world in blood.
The hilarious irony of this statement
is that it's both true and utterly absurd and ridiculous
That is the beauty of it. Kanye is so egotistical (or pretends to be) he is capable of being what other celebrity are, a walking oxymoron. He isn't concerned by contradicting himself as he views that as a lesser of the problems at hand.
For example "When someone comes up and says something like 'I am a God' everybody says 'who does he think he is?' I just told you who I thought I was, a God" and calling himself Yeezus is said in tandem with him stating explicitly 'I believe in God'
Whats more he then goes on to state: 'so let me set up this insurance plan and just do this (Talking about believing in God to not go to hell)... I don’t feel the responsibility to put my life on Jesus. I feel I need to take responsibility for my own successes and failures.'
For Kanye the belief in God and the idolization of himself as God are not contradictory, this is because when he states 'I need to take responsibility for my own successes and failures' hes talking about successes and failures not as in life, but salvation. For Kanye the concept of faith is impossible, not due to the "everything can be explained by science and the universe can be reduced to an excel spreadsheet" meme by like what mong anti-theists Tyson state, but rather because faith means that he has no control over the most important aspect of life; death.
Kanye then has this as his driving force. He's obsessed by death (like we all are) but wants to defeat it, not in the literal sense, but through his works. Kanye believes that he can achieve immortality by becoming the greatest man in existence. He believes he is a main character of life, the embodiment of the great man thesis, and thus through doing this he becomes God, granting his own eternal salvation and immortality.
Now this is all well and good but its too in the realm of modern/post modern thought. It is the key word "believes" that brings about the second part of Kanye Wests contradiction.
Kanye does not believe he will gain immortality through his works. In fact he knows its a forlorn endeavour. Even of he is remembered it will only be for a time, even if he is remembered forever, forever is finite, one day the universe will end and it will all be for naught. So his belief in God is a requirement for salvation because despite all of Mr Wests genius (I think he is very clever in a left of field sort of way) he lacks the ability to control the one think that trumps all others, his immortality.
But as aforementioned this is a problem as to do this he needs to have faith, and to have faith is to relinquish all control over the aspect in which you have faith and for Mr West this is a problem as the self made man that he is who wishes to 'take responsibility for [his] own successes and failures' will hardly let up his determinism for salvation over faith. So this then leads to the first point of great works for immortality all over again.
The irony is that he holds the two conflicting views together, striving to save himself through God and make himself his own God will ultimately make both void.
And that is why Kanye is the most important individual of 21st century philosophy. He is humanity in motion, a battle and reconciliation of positivism and post positivism, faith and science, transcendence and nonexistence. As mans ego grows so too will our insecurities, instead of falling onto one side of a debate, we will attempt to cover all bases, but in the process fail to cover any at all.
None of this is in any way true, though