OK listen up you faggots. I'm going to teach you how to make money just sitting on your ass. Are you ready?
Other urls found in this thread:
Do I need money to be ready?
>plz dont be scam
>definitely scam
Buy Dividend stocks.
tell me senpai
I'm not a one poster either btw.
First Step:
Accumulate some money. Collect cans, raid your piggy bank, and dig through the cushions. Do this until you have 1 Thousand Dollars.
pic not related, but with money all things are possible,
step 2???
this is literally trash, kys OP
Buy RCN ;)
Step Two.
Get a Calculator. Use a computer or a physical calculator or even a pencil and paper.
jump off the nearest ledge. This is easy way to make easy money with little risk. Stick around, or don't.
i have obtained the monies sah
What next, friend?
waiting faggot.
I have obtained pencil and papah sah
Keep going OP i need money k
What then?
if you tell us to invest in an altcoin I will shove my cock down your throat.
nice just bought 100k
Step Three: stick wallet up your ass and shit out money when needed
Step Three:
there is no step three
why is everyone so fucking cancerous, jesus...
most of you should be fucking thrown up against a wall and culled
Kill yourself you fucking cuck.
Step 3 is coming bruh
Step 3.
Lean what the statistical phenomena of mean, median and standard deviation. Pay particular attention to standard deviation, since most HS and Colleges don't cover this properly, if at all.
Now some Democrats and some Republicans have talked about the bell curve and the SD, and that the use of the bell curve and the SD is racist, even NAZI/. Can you imagine numbers and math being racists? even Nazi? Gas those that think that numbers and facts are racist or Nazi.
This is about the 14 words. You Must Secure the Future of Your Financial Freedom by being Smart with money.
step 4 tomorrow¿?
Just get right in this PnD group
Dubs get the remaining steps. Too much negative feedback in this thread.
L Roll
so close to trips.
just don't pay attention to the salty kids trading lunch money on shitcoins bro
OK dubs. Op will deliver. Delivery incoming.
I have completed all 3 steps sir.
This is the gayest thread I've seen in a long time
Bravo OP you fucking faggot
Use the SD formula to identify the dividend stocks with the lowest SD. Buy the stock at the lowest price SD. Then after buy, quickly sell, even for a slight loss- the net gain of the dividend. This will give you easy money for two clicks.
Example. BP went ex dividend today. I took 15k of money I had accumulated, and picked up 320 shared of BP. I sold the stock at a net gain of 2 pennies per stock. I gained. 320 * .02 + 320 * .66. That equals, 218 dollars for 15 minutes of work.
Thats how you make money sitting on your ass. A lot of salt in this thread, but I must say, I am currently sitting on my ass, 217 dollars richer. Apply the above formula, and with a little luck you can get some Malaysian organic activated salt.
And he was never seen again. Some say he still roams this earth shitposting on other boards...
Wow. Just wow. Damn OP, thanks for telling me something I already know.
Fucking kys you smug faggot.
Thread went better than I expected. I've had some 300 + on /pol, though. Was expecting more input.
The ideas on this post shall not appear on some click-bait bloomberg article or similar.. I'll know since I work in the industry. Remember, MATH is not racists. Its is clarifying.
here is salt. Probably gibs paid salt, though.
stupid cunt
stupid fucking cunt
Interesting thread, op. I'm not gonna fuck around with stocks, but I can dig it.
Here's some real info you could use to make yourself a billionaire.
This is plain English, matter of fact, common sense investing. I have simplified stock picking to these four steps:
Find out WHO the smartest, most influential and best investors in the world are …
Find out WHAT they are buying…
It’s that simple. These billionaire investors like warren buffett and george soros are buying, at times, as much as 60% of the company’s total outstanding stock.
They cannot afford to be wrong.
Doesn't the drop in stock price that results from dividend payout negate your gain?
That's why that's a horrible idea. They go after really stable, but low upside investments because they have enormous amounts of capital they can no longer risk.
When you're young you are supposed to take risks otherwise you are limiting your upside and your gains. Bad idea.
Seems like you forgot rule 1 of investing, never lose money.
1.- born in palo alto
2.- find some good nerd
3.- start in a garage
4.- do nothing
5.- let the nerd do thw work
6.- take the nerd profit
You moron, prices always tumble prior to dividend release just to thwart bottom feeders like you OP.
You're forgetting the part about getting 50,000 dollars credit from the local computer retailer to buy the parts, all the conferences he went to with a man-sized blowup of that butt ugly scroll Ron Wayne made.
It's just like Ub Iwerks and Walt Disney. Iwerks did all the drawings and built the camera rig, Disney ponied up the money and found distribution.
It's like Gavin McInnes and Shane Smith. McInnes was hired by Suroosh or whatever the guy's name is, and while high on Aderall he shot all the photos and wrote all the articles under pseudonyms for Vice. McInnes then brough in Smith who made it profitable (by selling advertising, Vice was paid for by some company committing welfare fraud)
Don't under estimate the hustler, the nerd/workhorse and the hustler need one-another man.
Pick the lowest standard deviation..
Pick the lowest deviation standard. Don't sell until its up.