What is truth?

> What is truth?

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That which is right

a proper question

Depends on the topic

>there one sees in Pontius Pilate a Roman racially and intellectually so superior, that he stands out like a firm, clean rock in the middle of the whole muck and mire of Jewry.

Why was hitler so right sometimes?

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A lie

>Omnes qui veritatem audiunt, vocem meam audiunt

Was he right?

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It wasn't due to his racial and intellectual superiority. The Romans had bent society towards the orderly payment of taxes, the goal was laid out for them and beyond question, how to get back to "business as usual" with minimal disturbance. So Pontius's and indeed any ruler's task in the same situation would have been ay practical one giving them an air of justice and reason.

Were Pontius's right to rule being questioned he would start with the conniving and sophistry like the Rabbis.

Was it a rhetorical question? He didn't even give Jesus a chance to respond

not versed in latin, is it worth learning? (honest question)

It's worth learning if you have a good reason to, else it probably is not.

i'm going to need it for uni later. i'm also going to need ancient greek, which i reckon is going to be quite tough

It certainly is. I studied Ancient Greek and it's harder than Latin in my opinion.

>What is truth?
la illaha illa 'Llah, Muhammadur rasul'Allah

A function of power


Nothing but a miserable little pile of secrets

That Christ is our Lord who, in flesh, came down among us, was crucified and then rose from the dead is, the only Truth that we can be certain of. Everything else is questionable.

It seems thattruthdoes not reside only in theintellect, but rather in things. ForAugustine(Soliloq. ii, 5) condemns this definition oftruth, "That istruewhich is seen"; since it would follow that stones hidden in the bosom of the earth would not betruestones, as they are not seen. He also condemns the following, "That istruewhich is as it appears to the knower, who is willing and able toknow," for hence it would follow that nothing would betrue, unless someone couldknowit. Therefore he definestruththus: "That istrue which is." It seems, then, thattruthresides in things, and not in theintellect.


Put some WD40 onto your spacebar key, m8.

Anything nobody else is able or willing to challenge you on. Not all truths are facts.