Its that time again gentlemen. Time to trade Copper futures
10 minutes until candle is formed
Its that time again gentlemen. Time to trade Copper futures
10 minutes until candle is formed
Where to trade senpaitachi?
1broker for bitcoin holders
first candlestick formed its pretty wide
still no breakout
none right now. im waiting for it to break out my lines
Short in about 10 minutes
what price are we waiting for
depends on what future you are using for price.. on 1 broker Id say put a short in now with a tight stop loss above 3.0995
sweet. lets ride
could you go over how you set up for this short
the strategy? it was the 90% working technical strat from yesterday thread
based on the opening gmt candle at midnight
lol its working
now hold
ok cheers. i missed that thread. whats your target
3.07 or around that, maybe earlier because I just take 5%, but thats assuming this isnt a fake breakout... there was one yesterday, but then it recrossed the line down and the strat would have made all your money back
how much leverage do you use? did you make much money yesterday?
I came out to +3% with a test amount
today Im going in with more confidence in the strat so Im hoping to make real money by tonight
do you trade on 1broker
yeah, but id rather use a bigboy exchange
fair enough, i just like copy trade cos im only a little fella
I have suspicious the popular traders are plants by the 1broker site to make the users lose money
welp here we go, copper dropping like a rock
the strat works again
should have listened biz. shorted at blue line
currently +1.5%
still going
Hello good sir, I saw this thread earlier but didn't participate because I didn't realise you could use crypto. Your TA seems spot on, can you please use a tripcode for future threads so I can follow them? Thanks :)
no thats faggottry just look for the pictures of rukia for future reference
let it be known, today OP was not a faggot
so yeah if anyone follow to be safe just take your profits here or if youre man enough hold through a possible small bounce