I have XMR, lil BTC, QTUM, ZEC, ETH, LTC, OMG. What to buy!? WHAT TO SELLLLL!?
Okay. what do I buy on bittrex?
Not sure either right now. Take a small amount out of lower performers and lets wait for the next move. Been riding XMR, LTC and ZEN. XMR is still really strong. They all seem to be consolidating right now.
Buy all the things, at least one of them will moon in no time.
XMR is gutter trash
Yes, buy link and sell all monero
Can pajeets detect sarcasm or do they just not look at IDs?
Can panjeet use sarcasm as an excuse or continue to not poo in the loo
My lifestyle is very clean. I know nothing of your street shitting past. You user are the darkest nigger on this entire board. People spit after walking past.
Stop projecting your niggerhood on me. I'm 56% white.
Go get some more blood diamonds for goyim.
maybe SALT?
Now trying to larp as a Jew. Nice try half breed.
You should probably sell everything and move your money to Binance so you can actually buy good coins.
You're retarded if you couldn't see that he was joking.
>I'm 56% white
Lolz good bantz.
Jokes on you if you think the white race will exist in 100 years.
The eternal /pol meme for Americans...
He names link and bittrex with no bantz. He was serious as white people thinking they will be still white 100 years.
No delusion there. I have very little faith in the near future.
Buy EPY on etherdelta faggot
>Still no POSW
Why even bother trading, seriously.
100% Zec/BCH until BTC settles
buy all neo
Why does coinbase charge me $5 for a network fee while blockchain only charges $1.50?
more qtum