So, we know the jews have suffered greatly through their history due to prejudice and racism towards their people, but what about the followers of the other two Abrahamic religions? Have the Christians and the Muslims also been victims of unfair persecutions and mindless genocides?
So, we know the jews have suffered greatly through their history due to prejudice and racism towards their people...
Yes, both groups have. However Veeky Forums atheists and neo-pagan faggots will deny and justify any crime comminted against these groups because of their hate boner for anything Abrahamic.
I think a Christian stubbed their toe once, it was a great tragedy.
Spanish treatment of Muslims
Tokugawan treatment of Christians
Ottoman treatment of Balkan Christians
Ottoman treatment of Armenian Christians
Egyptian treatment of Copts
Basically anytime Muslims rule over Christians
Also Soviet treatment of Muslims
Didn't copts fare much better under Muslims than under Byzantines? Byzantines considered them heretics.
>due to prejudice and racism towards their people
good goy
Actually only about half the time Muslims rule of Christians.
>Unfair persecution
Only "victims" of fair persecution
fuck off, /pol/ the thread isn't about your autistic antisemitism. if you can't contribute go back to your containment board.
Depends. Islamic rule has been pretty long Copts have been treated differently by different governments. But a through-line is they have been treated as 2nd class citizens. Under Islamic rule of Egypt they were initially allowed to be serve in the military, but for much of the later periods they were not, and I'm pretty sure they were always forbidden from holding any office.
Under Justinian I Monophysite sects in the empire were originally heavily persecuted but then borderline promoted. The main reason why many Copts didn't resist Muslim rule was because they originally promised to straight up stay out of their religion, if they paid their taxes.
I guess, but really Soviet treatment of practicing Muslims was a lot better than their treatment toward Christians. You can often see Muslims wearing religious garb in front of mosques in early Soviet propaganda, you'll never see a cross though.
that doesn't mean anything
nice meme fag
go back to pol
Ok reddit, why were they kicked out of each of these countries then if it wasn't their fault?
you're begging the question
Some Christians were killed during the very early years of Christianity but that was because they were Jews and it was as part of a general crackdown by the Romans against Jewish revolts.
After Christianity spread to the gentiles there was virtually no suppression by the Roman state, however due to the fame of the early Jewish "martyrs" many Christians went out of their way to try and force the authorities to kill them. There were even Christian cults that would attack travelers on the road with clubs in the hope they would be "martyred" by the innocent travelers defending themselves.
Not really. Christians were persecuted by the Romans more when they separated themselves from Judaism. Romans had a hardon for anything considered ancient, and Judaism was seen as an old religion. Christianity on the other hand was new.
This is correct.
Go back to pol.
This is a discussion for grownups.
Well the balkan christians did genocide the balkan muslims after gaining their freedom.
There were some balkan nationalities who valued nationality over religion but honestly after living together for centuries the balkan christians and muslims weren't that different so christianity was important for the balkanite identity.
>being this buttblasted
that memeball is a fallacy
WOW look at all these NON-ARGUEMENTS!
1. the discussion here isn't "why jews were persecuted"
2. posting a list of times jews were persecuted and claiming it was their fault without proving anything isn't an argument either
3. if you weren't such a retard you would realize people like you, who have no reason to hate jews at all but are still antisemitic, were the reason for jews to be persecuted
Nobody wants to argue with you because nobody cares anymore. Every single thread that even mentions Jews gets a retard from pol coming in with no intention of actual debate but simply using it to spread their propaganda. Every single thread ends with the Stormfag either sperging out once they run out of infographics or ignoring anyone who counters his points. If you genuinely consider an unsourced infographic like a reasonable contribution to the thread then you need to lurk more. If you actually believe it then you are genuinely as stupid and foolish as Poltards are reputed to be.
(If you're a troll then congrats.)
>OP claims the persecution was unfair
>Show that this has occurred around 100 times since 200 AD
>Redditors bitch that they couldn't 't possibly have brought onto themselves.