>It took the British up to the 17th century to conquer all of Ireland
Why did it take them so long? They're right next to each other.
It took the British up to the 17th century to conquer all of Ireland
The english may have had more guns, they may have had more money, they may have had more brutality, less morals and the jews on their side but the Irish had something they never had. The Irish had the spirit, the soul and right of blood to their country,
>The Defenders of this Realm have worked well in secret and in the open. They think that they have pacified Ireland. They think that they have purchased half of us and intimidated the other half. They think that they have foreseen everything, think that they have provided against everything; but the fools, the fools, the fools! — they have left us our Fenian dead, and while Ireland holds these graves, Ireland unfree shall never be at peace.
Great Britain didn't exist until the 18th century.
Robert the Bruce fucked up Ireland forever.
Very cool quote. Shame the Irish lost the Nine Year War. Would've lead to a whole different world.
How so?
>ask pope to invade to make ireland catholic
>make a bit of a mess of it, control over ireland basically nonexistant outside of a small area
>wait a bit
>try again
>do much better but again, influence soon reduced to a tiny area
>try again with extra spirit
>disperse catholics and cause the deaths of countless innocents but give Veeky Forums plentiful meme potential for the future
>doesn't really matter though because in the end Ireland just does its own thin gmostly
>even the protestants you put there are getting sick of you being such an autistic ruler
>after 8 gorillion failed rebellions, they fail another one but this time with FEELING
>shoot everyone involved for some reason
>turn a nation which hated the rebels into a nation which loves and reveres them forever
>lose almost all of the island
>have to prop up a cultural and industrial backwater for years so that the british protestants there don't cause an armed conflict
>the british protestants there cause an armed conflict
>it's today
>government propped up by that tiny chunk of the island
>fucking up current policy with europe for you so they can get gibs
>got literally nothing from ireland, wasn't worth the effort or the stolen potatos
3/10 shoulda just ignored them lad
If they had left Ireland alone the two would probably be like Canada and America today, instead of more like the Balkans
Ireland has one of the highest per capita GDP in the world, higher than Norway or Switzerland.
Why do the Irish love that kiddie fiddler so much?
I forgive you, child
Of the soft red mouth:
I will not condemn anyone
For a sin not understood.
Raise your comely head
Till I kiss your mouth:
If either of us is the better of that
I am the better of it.
There is a fragrance in your kiss
That I have not found yet
In the kisses of women
Or in the honey of their bodies.
Lad of the grey eyes,
That flush in thy cheek
Would be white with dread of me
Could you read my secrets
It's a "why didn't X country just pointlessly blob all over their neighbours for no reason?" episode.
Larping mutts are the worst
What the fuck are you talking about? Ireland is better of than the UK right now, the brits actually left industry and infrastructure
so retarded
>using a poem that's about Pearse losing his innocence and his reluctance to say goodbye to it is now proof of him being a pedo
top brainlet
That dude was hiding his poer level.
That's about him changing from an innocent young man to a bitter/cynical nationalist ya dingus
Wouldn't say Pearse was bitter or cynical. He was peak idealist.
>t. Aiden O'Connor
>Why did it take them so long?
irish dont fight fair
>3/10 shoulda just ignored them lad
if only geraldus cambrensis hadn't forged that bogus papal bull
Ireland was poor as shit until the ameribucks and the eurobucks poor in. The UK left Ireland a shithole
No you fucking idiot. Dublin was briefly the second largest city in the empire and has heavy industry and infrastructure from those times to this day. They only recently spruced their victorian underground pipes. Yes they weren't an economic powerhouse when they broke away but that's expected as they didn't get Belfast, another huge industrial city, and the civil war had crippled them. The only issues Ireland has now is distribution and it's being rapidly corrected. Even the old monuments, town halls, stately homes and factories of Ireland are a testament to this. It is in no way comparable to the neglected Balkan despotate flop of the Ottoman """"empire""""
>old monuments
I'm afraid you are wrong and there was pretty much no infrastructure or industry in Ireland until the 1990's, hence the massive emigration
>there was pretty much no infrastructure or industry in Ireland until the 1990's, hence the massive emigration
As a person who took leaving cert history and studied in Ireland, kindly fuck off
That’s because so many companies are based their for tax reasons
They could invade India and use it to grow opium to sell to China at massive profit. They could invade Africa to get access to gold and diamonds. They could invade Australia / NZ to get unoccupied and rich farmland to settle people on.
They could of invaded Ireland ended up with a couple of million inbreds that multiplied like flies and had access to the potato.
>this retarded meme again
Companies generally pay the required EU tax, it's literally good for the economy to have them settle here and they provide jobs. A lot of them also don't settle due to any miraculous tax system, which they can find anywhere else in Europe, but due to the favourable business environment that provides the right settlements, work force and climate. If you think being somewhat of a tax haven will do everything for your GDP then you have a very limited knowledge, Ireland still has a higher GDP then proper, full on tax havens. If you're still not convinced, Irish HDI is one of the highest in europe.
What's good about Ireland climate?
Tech companies store their large computers here because they don't need to pay for heating or air conditioning
Well some irish priest were bad but by far no match for the BBC and the British government! I wonder if BBC stands for British Bang Children... Makes since now!
>t. 1/16 irish
>this really bad thing isn’t *that* bad because of this other unrelated bad thing
Fuck you, apologist cunt.
Wow someone touchy when it comes to the British pedos! Maybe you're like the BBC n like to cover it up?
And what a surprise, you completely missed my point. Learn to read and comprehend you fucking retard.
Is this another one of those threads where there's an opportunity to talk about pre-modern Irish history which is genuinely really interesting but then some autists ruin it by getting into an argument about very recent Irish history which is the most boring fucking thing ever?
No i understand your point. Just the thread was boring and i was having a shit so thought i be an asshole!
But it is interesting that you tend to really get upset like name calling and you do take it to heart about British pedos.. How come?
>irish history at any point
How much do you know about Irish history
What is your first language?
Itailan. Though i do think my English is good or maybe you just wanna attack my grammar because you have nothing else
>A corporation has it's external operations entirely counted in the nation it is headquartered in
Uhh, no sweetie. Ireland is much wealthier than the UK on average, but it remains much smaller.
Pre-1848 is still their highest population.
And the UK is poorer than Mississippi.
Just lol.
I'm not the person you were arguing with
Saying "yeah these guys fucked kids but THESE guys also fucked kids" is a piss poor excuse.
The Catholic Church in Ireland in particular has a long history of paedophilia and sex abuse; my father went to a Catholic grammar school in the '70s and there were priests there who were known abusers. Even now stories are still coming out.
The BBC are a pack of child raping bastards no doubt but by no means should you use that as an excuse to to diminish the pain caused by the Catholic Church in Ireland
First thing i'm not a catholic, Second thing i didn't make an excuse or truthfully care about anything anyone was talking about. I was bored and seen what i believe a british person talking shit about irish loving pedos or something? So thought i be a dick! Thats all. Like to me a brit sayin irish love pedos is kinda like askin a rapist for love advice!
Scared off the Normans
Well they weren't actually "The British" until the beginning of the 18th century. That and they were worth less the effort than Scotland was.
>The spirit and soul
Nah they had both of those alright, it's what let them stomp your ancestors into the ground in between rounds of going at it with actually worthwhile opponents in Spain and France.
That waifu seems very unhappy with her pizza.
>leaving cert history
You say that as if it means anything.
Learn to greentext newfags.