Just a girl whoring herself out for shekels

hey biz (:
snapchat: biirdyj

here to shill my snapchat, add me and you can purchase a weeks worth of personalized pictures and videos via bitcoin. i'm thin, brunette, with a pretty face and round ass ( small tits, low b cup ), no tattoos or piercings. if you are interested, just add my snap so i can chat with you to get to know you a little better and what you like, and we can take it from there! (: pic related is me. i'm asking for .02 btc per 1 week of chatting/video/pics.

i'm not sure if i haven't seen a thread like this because this is not a thing people just would be interested in, or if there's just no girls on biz. but if i find no one is interested i'll just leave this thread alone and go back to primarily lurking and posting pink wojaks.

show ass bitch then we talk how much your worth

You are filth and should be executed

back to /soc/ with you roastie

why would I pay some worthless hole for pictures when I can have the finest porn one free mouse click away?

Be honest, how much btc for sex? Asking for a friend

$143 for a weeks of shit I can see on the internet for free?
Are you fucking insane?


how do we know you aren’t a prepubescent boy?

> Endless pictures of naked bitches on the internet
> Limited number of bitcoins

I'll stick with the bitcoins

Spread your cheeks and wink.

not even good image quality

feet/legs in stockings and you may get some ARK

Fuck off

Roastie with inflated sense of worth

Get some betabux or pajeet to throw some fiat at you, but never bitcoin

is this fucking 2007?

Do people still do this?


To be fair that is a pretty nice pair of buttocks

You can have 5 link for full frontal

Essentially I'll make you a millionaire by 2022


Why would I spend my precious Bitcoin on pics and videos of some random whore?

woman are retarded and always 10 years behind.

donb't bother, cunts can't plan ahead. especially not financially.

>low res quality

i can make you much more money with less effort i can fix you with man who willing to pay you, i did it for other girls but 140 a week is to much are you interested?

Just talking sent pics to them some like some orders that kind of shit

t i g h t

0.1 Btc if can we do a tulip mania roleplay where i dress up as a nigger and you scream Sell Sell Sell

^ you're right she would probably lose her mew private key in a day.

If you pay this slut to send you cottage cheeze ass pics you deserve to be a poor virgin.


what the fuck did i just read

thanks senapi

if it's not worth it then no worries. i'll go back to lurking and losing money day trading shit coins with the rest of you. just thought i'd try.

look on the bright side, guys

if roasties are starting to flock to us, that means we've made ourselves a name of cool dudes who make money (or desperate virgins with money)

we're doing something right

not that i want this board to be flooded with chaturbate cryptosluts

saged and reported


Also tits or gtfo op

i'll give you .02 btc for a fuck

>no adorable feminine penis


Tfw 16 year old virgin kid trying to stack up btc to buy drugs on darknet

step up your game whore. your blurry shit is just not in demand. you don't offer service that anyone really wants or needs.
maybe try getting a better camera and fuck yourself with a chainlink plushie with attached dildo.

this is a fucking trap lads

oo look female basic defense mechanism, attempting to get ur pity.

Yeah well you should know how precious our coins are, but at least you showed ass which is more than most begging pajeets do.


Anons, take a look at any used up whore you see. Think of any used up whore you see.

This is what this cunt is in a few years. You could send this hole shekels now, or you could invest wisely and pay far hotter girls to toss your salad in a few years time. Choose wisely.

Worst trade deal?

Her bf probably put her up to it. .02 for nudes every week of the same whore though LMAO

I can just buy a hooker for .02 btc

fuck off

u stupid slut, post yer feet now!

How much btc for a fuck?
Answer we you whore I need to know this is important


Looks like we found the guy that hates women

Post feet and maybe we'll talk :)

The desperate roasties are crawling out of the woodwork now.

How much BTC to see your penis?

Post pics of your legs.

no I just hate shitty deals made by retarded woman and shit advertisement. like this thread.

I suppose on the really positive side of this thread, we can see that bitcoins and prostitution have a bright future together. Which is good, because whores have NEVER lost a job!

fucking cucks

lol its sad becus this must have worked for her in the past

hey op we fuck 10/10 hookers in vegas now

step it up little girl



fuck off whore, 0.02 BTC? I rather give that to my hand.

great, this is what this board has become


Muh man

>dumb whore comes to Veeky Forums - the land of jews, and thinks she can trick them into giving her their shekels


I’d give you .02 link per week instead. How about it whore?

Hi cryptonick

Hey faggots back off she is my girlfriend. It took me 1 hour to learn this website but I can finally tell you to fuck off. She is mine. Go back to hacking.

I wonder if she wonders why she never made the cut in STEM, has no marketable values and is a cancer on society (patriarchy prolly)

if i had snap, i would.

>Feb. 2018

The future looks brighter by the day.

I feel like someone is buying this service right now. Poor user.

are you serious, you even said it yourself you have no boob or ass, and you defo look like shit without make up

show your face and put on an anal plug and then you may start begging for 100sat. jesus christ, this is what 'equality' becomes in 2017

probably only pajeets who try to negotiate a lower price.

I jerked off to you for free. Who's winning now bitch?

post your dick
think of it like a sample to lure in more buyers

i'm ded

>will u b making the opening of the bob for 10 espers?

10 ark for bent over

OP you fucking fool, you are talking to a bunch of retards who dont have a throwaway snapchat account

Seriously though this girl needs a man to take this girl under their wing, nurture her and set her boundaries that she is free to test in order to feel like she is in control, and put her in the right path of producing 3-5 white well cared for children.

State of modern females.

sharpie up pooper with a note that says "I fucking love dick" with the date and time and I'll send 0.5 BTC.

>whore accepts pajeet shitcoin payments
>wants to turn it into BTC
>turns out she lost money in the process

nope she is on her way to be BLACKED

>not "i fucking love money"

lol nah bitch thanks for the pics

Please send vagina

>.02 bitcoins for 1 week of chatting/videos/pics


WIll you do nudes? Kinky shit? $140 is a lot.

Unless this cunt has enough commitment to go full Dirty Garden Girl/Hot Kinky Jo (regarldess of whether you find that hot, I find them puke worthy) she's not earning her money.

If you send me a video of you putting some gooey substance between your vagina, and slowly peeling it open so the goo spreads into strands, then you let your vag lips slap together, and do this repeatedly while moaning, I'll send way more than 140.

nah it should be "I fucking love dick".

Also OP you're a fucking idiot. I could get a hooker to suck the skin off of my dick and fuck her in the ass for 100 off of backpage and you're asking for 140 for some fucking pics? Dumb whore. These retards might fall for it though

nice just bough 100k snap shares


Also it's funny because there's no way she hasn't gotten multiple people to sign on yet. Even rich Veeky Forumstards are 30% recluses who are deathly afraid of any sort of social interaction, let alone talking with a chick irl.

Price is honestly not that bad.

That aside
>start thinking about OP's body
>realize that OP has partially digested food in her stomach and intestines right now, moving toward her anus
>realize OP has chunks of shit strewn throughout her digestive tract waiting for an opportune moment to be ejected
>imagine OP partially dissassembling her perfectly composed outfit to take a shit, breaking the illusion of angelic perfection out of necessity
>imagine OP's perineum and the area around her anus bulging as a log of shit enters her colon
>imagine it passing out unevenly and smearing her outer sphincter with a streak of feces, an imperfect turd from a flawed creature
>imaging the sputtering of trapped gas and partially liquified shit that follows
>imagine the hairs growing in Daisy's armpits
>imagine tiny beads of sweat seeping from her innumerable pores
>imagine an elongated bead of salty, milky sweat squeezing through a pore, sticking to a nearby hair, and snaking around until it reaches the tip, where it evaporates into the air moisture to be inhaled by some stranger
>imagine the fine buildup of surface oil and sweat under her petite breasts
>imagine it rolling into little black balls of epithelial detritus as she moves, impercepible to the naked eye even if someone were looking
>imagine the interior of her vagina, squishy, mucous-lines walls, unevenly compressed in her seated posture
>imagine the thick, chalky cervical mucous collecting
>imagine the errant drops of piss in her panties, speckled with torn tissue paper

oh fuck I left in a daisy

so much for newfags thinking that's OC.

not bad to be honest

ye it's a tight ass, even with low res that much is clear.

OP how old are you


Sorry OP. I appreciate the offer and your ass is nice but I do well enough with women without spending as much as you charge.

I'm honestly very impressed with the ass. I've been on this god forsaken site since third grade, and literally every camwhore had a mediocre to terrible ass.

That is straight up quality.

>$140 bucks to get a couple nudes from a roastie

damn being a women is fucking life on ez mode

i can smell the pajeet through my screen

Holy shit you fucking retards this is clearly a guy. He has 0 tits.
And btw OP I sincerely hope you kill yourself.

yeah until they run into the wall

then they just get gibs and welfare from the government or take half a guys shit in divorce