What would have happened if Hitler listened to Goring and Hess, and avoided conflict with Poland?
Would he have successfully defeated the Soviets eventually? Would the Allies have came to war anyway?
What would have happened if Hitler listened to Goring and Hess, and avoided conflict with Poland?
Would he have successfully defeated the Soviets eventually? Would the Allies have came to war anyway?
Poland never gets invaded, the German economy collapses, Japan goes to war with America anyways and and loses at about the same time as they did originally.
>no war with Poland, UK, France, etc
>Japan still attacks Pearl Harbor
>likely the US would have still developed the nuclear bomb although later since all the German refugee scientists have already fled years ago
>decisive US victory over Japan no later than the original 1945 victory
>assuming the Germans still built up their military during this time
The German economy would have eventually collapsed, although I have no idea when exactly. However, it would have been propelled whenever Germany went to war. The real question is does either Germany and/or the USSR try to start shit when the US has beefed up its military and doctrine during its war with Japan and assuming the US would come to the aid of any Allied or neutral country being attacked by either side.
I wish someone would make an alternate history spy show set in the 50's or 60's where WW2 didn't happen and instead we get a three way cold war between the Axis, Allies, and Soviets
Cold war would have fucked Germany hard, unless they made huge changes
There best bet would have been subversive techniques. They had some success in getting a segment (albeit a small one that was quickly extinguished once open war broke out) of Americans, Brits, South Americans, and others to buy into their ideology. Maybe set it in the Civil Rights era were they try to sow division in America around the time the Civil Rights Act was passed. Although, I have no idea how they'd be able to survive until the 60's.
>the German economy collapses
this wouldn't happen
The Nazi's German economy relied on war to survive
There is absolutely no way he could have avoided conflict with Poland
It went just fine for 6 years before going to war, and no, it wasn't on the "verge of collapse" or pushed to war because of debt, especially considering that Britain's debt burden was far higher.
I reply and render your sage useless
The vast majority of the German economic buildup was more or less reliant on rearmament. If there wasn't a constant demand from the military, then the economy would lag.
No war with France, and Japan doesn't walk into Vichy Indochina, the event that triggered the US to sanction Japan and led to their choice to go to war. Declaring war on the US doomed both Germany and Japan. Had Germany stuck to the East they would have been alright.
>It went just fine for 6 years before going to war
That's what you call "military buildup" user, and it can't go on indefinitely.
The more i read about Goring, the more i realise he was one the most sanes nazis in the bunch and he was a meth addict...
>Dude please just don't annex Bohemia, we already got what we wanted with Sudetenland, don't piss off Munich Agreement
>Dude please just don't invade Poland, we don't need more enemies with the west, it's just a fucking corridor, we can take Free City of Danzig and call it a day
>Dude please just don't invade Russia, we got bigger fish to fry in the west
>Dude please just give conquered nations autonomy and treat them like your legit liberator instead subjugator
>Dude please just ignore Stalingrad and go straight to Baku
>Dude please just make a peace treaty with soviets while you still have a chance
Dude please just... ah fuck it, gonna go get high to forget this autism.
Yes it would.
The German rearmament process was paid by promises of future investments. In effect, if Germany had not gone to war and reaped the spoils of conquests, it would have defaulted on it's loans. The debts owed would have collapsed the german economy.
It would happen eventually. The economy was geared for going into war. No war, economy collapses - not unless Nazis implement radical changes, although it could be argued 1939 was too late for that.
> What would have happened if
>Roosevelt's economy relied on war to survive
Yes theyed have still invaded if it was really about fighting agressive repressive regimes theyed have invaded soviet unioun after winter war. It wasnt though it was anti german sentiment and jew bs that led to invasion
Did Goering really give all this good advice? Source?
>squanders Luftwaffe in battle of Britain
Some of it is bullshit and some have merit of truth.
Goering initially recomended Hitler to stop at Sudetenland but after Hitler made it clear that it was to be fully annexed, he embraced it and supported it.
He insisted with other officers that Germany wasn't ready for war and recomended for a time to simply size Danzig and rest of coridor later.
Goering was absolutelly against invasion of Russia and begged Hitler to defeat England first at least. (famously Hitler called him stupid for thinking this)
Literally everyone at the military even the fucking SS was against war with US, it was specially Hitler's blunder.
Goering was more supportive of Rosenbergs calls for better treatment of occupied people and supported foreign volunteer to Luftwaffe.
Stalingrad advice i didn't find any truth to this, except that Goering was pissed at commanding Luftwaffe in that region.
Peace offer with Soviets is complete bullshit, it's only known that some Nazi higher ups did have plans for peace talks but nothing came out with it, no mention of Goering.
If Hitler would have timed things right he could have go in the aid of Finland and get a legitimate chance of getting all the allies support against the soviets to the point of them accepting Germany's control over Poland. Hitler was just not good at diplomacy
> German economy collapses
If Germany isn't going to war, there is no need to keep spending tons of money on the military.
Germany would not be able to expand any more as all the German territories and land claims where satisfied, and the Danzig was the last former German territory they wanted before England intervened.
Danzig was their only and last "legitimate" claim, so either Nazi Germany would of had to stop expanding, making Hitler look weak and having him be removed, or Nazi Germany would have functioned until it collapsed like the USSR or with civil war when the people figure out liberty is more important than nationalism.
Keep in mind it was the 3rd Reich after all and Reich is German for Empire, so its kinda pointless to have an empire if your not going to try to rule over someone else.
His thing would have still bounced around in his pants.
>reich means empire
Only in a technical sense. The Germans had been referring to their territories as a Reich for so many centuries that the word lost its Imperial connotations. The Weimar Republic, for fucks sake, was still legally the German Reich because nobody could agree on a new name.
What if he had a bigger penis than the Japanese emperor???
Not even Hitler listening to Göring would save one of the dullest regimes in the history of totalitarian states. Seriously, each piece of history surrounding the failed painter and his pals from the National Socialist German Workers' Party as they fight what they call the „international Jewry“ has been indistinguishable from the others. Aside from the monumental imagery, the regimes‘ only consistency has been it’s lack of excitement and ineffective use of it’s military, all to make anti-semitism seem tactically Jewish, to make it’s misinterpreted Nietzschean inspiration seem inert.
Perhaps the die was cast when Hitler ordered the Night of the Long Knives: he made sure his regime would never be taken seriously by anyone besides the world’s most ignorant, moronic extremists. Just a ridiculously profitable cross-promotion for his book.
The Third Reich might have been anti-Christian (or not), but it’s certainly anti-adventurous in it’s refusal of wonder, beauty and excitement. No one wants to face that fact. Now, thankfully, they no longer have to.
>a-at least their military was good though
„No!“ The Wehrmacht was dreadful, their campaigns ultimately a disaster. As I studied, I noticed that everytime they went to war, the Germans conducted one or another atrocity. I began marking on the back of an envelope every time that the Wehrmacht conducted an atrocity or conducted some form of „Jewish“ act, such as false-flag attacks. I stopped only after I marked the envelope several dozen times. I was incredulous. The mind of a National Socialist is so governed by autistic fantasies of romantism that they have no other way of acting. Later I read a lavish, Holocaust-denying paper on Adolf Hitler by David Irving. He wrote something to the effect of, „If these kids are reading /pol/, they will go on to read David Irving.“ And he was quite right. He was not being ironic. When you read /pol/, you are, in fact, trained to read David Irving.
Debt amount means nothing. Credit counts.
If Pilsudzki would be still alive, germans and poles would steamroll commies hard together.
Aww man, just thinking about it makes me hard.
>It can't go on indefinently
look at america.
Military spending is good for the economy.
I love this meme.
Having a bigger dick than a jap isnt really an achievement.
It got me a few times before I realized it was bait.
No No they actually believe it. those retards.
lmao say it ain't so
Youre an idiot
Lmao the ENTIRE war the government officials were begging Hitler to switch to a war economy and britian and the US and Russia all had done so.
How brainlet do you have to believe this meme? Another Shirer myth by the way.
A bit over simplified and easy to call given hind site.
Did Hitler stretch his legs?
Will this meme ever end? It's on par with people burning for saying the Earth is round at this point