Betrays you and assassinates you on a whim

>Betrays you and assassinates you on a whim

Nothing personelle ceasar

Attached: 14-praetorian-guard.jpg (500x659, 57K)

>disbands you

Attached: 1200px-Rome-Capitole-StatueConstantin.jpg (1200x1600, 377K)

>Do the EXACT OPPOSITE of what you're required to do


Attached: In Hoc Signo Vinces.jpg (2000x1328, 1M)

>be a good boi
>dindu nuffin
>some shitheels smear you
>2000 years later you are the poster boy for cruelty and perversion

Attached: Gaius_Caesar_Caligula.jpg (850x1164, 638K)

Larpagans still butthurt to this day

He apparently confused worshipping the Sun even after becoming a Christian. Sol appears on his arch three times, and he continued to mint coins with Sol on them until 318 in Rome, and until 324 elsewhere in the Empire.

>>still butthurt to this day
About what? The christian faith is dead or dying in the developed world and the old roman faith has a growing number of practitioners.

>the old roman faith has a growing number of practitioners.

Attached: kek.jpg (640x460, 68K)

Those pesky Christians soon will learn!

Attached: 1361570583514.jpg (558x744, 213K)

There is only one true faith and it is Islam.

So the Praetorians were a bunch of greedy traitors


Their replacements, the Schola Palatina, even though they started off well, became a bunch of shiftless cowards later on

Which is worse?

Attached: 001_by_pfpictor-d9apvpz(2).png (1000x730, 974K)

Just some virgins jealous of the chad of the era

Those eyes make him look like a fucking anime character.


both were corrupted by power

Must've been so weird to fight your own knowing everyone is killing each other for benefit of a small group of praetorian elites.

why didn't mr. marcus disband the guard

Attached: gr.png (183x275, 59K)

dude just like do nothing its all beyond ur control anyway

imagine turning someone into your slave just by teaching them stoicism

It does actually.

Irrelevant insult.

OHHH SHIT. This picture proofs that roman soldiers carried only one type of javelin and the different types where for different positions in the formation