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>German military """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""intelligence"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""
What am I looking at here?
Prior to the invasion of the USSR, German High Command believed the Russians had 100 divisions on their eastern border, which was accurate. The Germans believed that after defeating the 100 standing divisions, the Soviets could only raise 50 replacement divisions and even then they would not be able to properly equip these divisions.
In reality, the Soviets raised and equipped 821 divisions worth of soldiers. In Moscow alone at December of 1941, the Soviets had brought 10 armies totaling over 100 divisions for the defense of Moscow which were then used to launch the Winter Counter-Offensive when the Germans stopped advancing.
Why are you so fucking retard? holy shit. This board is a fucking joke with so many "allieboos" and anti-german stupidism.
German intelligence was sabotaged from within. It was not simply "bad calculations".
Care to expand upon that? Who was sabotaging it?
oh nonononono
Or maybe German military intelligence was just plain shit?
They really underestimated everything about the Soviets
What the fuck, how did the USSR have so much fucking equipment?
After the humilation in the Winter War with Finland, the Soviets started reorganizing and modernizing their equipment.
Also, KV-1, KV-2, and early versions of the T-34 were present in the tail end of the Winter War. However, the Germans ignored this so when they invaded the USSR, they came up against Soviet tanks with armor their anti-tank guns had trouble penetrating. Luckily for the Germans, the USSR didn't yet have combined arms doctrine, so their tanks were sent in small numbers without infantry support until the Soviets got their shit together.
>During the Second World War he was among the military officers involved in the clandestine opposition to the Nazi regime.
The boss of the German intelligence was a literal traitor.
Traitor, or German hero. All depends on where you stand.
Exactly how is a "hero" for sabotaging the war effort of his country? He did not do much to stop the holocaust, he simply shucked the war effort of the country. Which caused the death of thousands of hundreds of civilians.
>Exactly how is a "hero" for sabotaging the war effort of his country?
>Every single german was on board with Hitler's insanity spree.
> Canaris wanted to know the terms for peace if Germany got rid of Hitler. Churchill's reply, sent to him two weeks later, was simple: "Unconditional surrender".
Because he saw the writing on the wall and tried to spare the German people from suffering for Hitler's lunacy.
So the Soviet army asked before committing killings if they were Nazis or not? Stop being so stupid.
Hitler was on coke fueled rampage when he ordered Barbarossa
>smug as fuck Slav above the camera man.
Canaris' actions were pretty much convincing Hitler invading Switzerland was stupid and possibly telling Franco not to join the war, there's no evidence him or anyone else in the Abwehr intentionally misled the OKW about Soviet strength. Besides the fucking SD-Ausland agreed with their assessment and I hardly think you can call them "disloyal"
How the fuck do you underestimate the enemy strength by a fucking magnitude of 16 fucking times?
Is this all it takes to have a successful thread on Veeky Forums?
A greentexted year and a coy image?
Absolutely ridiculous, a thread died for this stupid bullshit. Shame on you all.
feels good man
It was probably a /pol/bait thread like this one anyway
Saw a video explaining that Hitler had to order Barbarossa or else he'd run out of oil and lose the war. It's 45 minutes, though, doubt it's worth linking because of that. Was good regardless
Weren't the germans much better equipped though?
The germans had better small arms but the russians still had adequate firepower and greater numbers
Much of the success in the Eastern front could be attributed to the Red army still reeling in from the purges,in the middle of reforms which means that 20k tankd are stuck in barely ready combat state and restructuring
They also are fucked by s**lin being autistic and not trusting inteligence because h**ler was such a trustworthy chal i guess
German technology and disciplinemfw we owe the allied victory to a commie
Hitler was a lunatic, can't see how much of a tard your average /pol/fag is to worship this faggot.
It's not like they were very good at hiding their nazism user, they wore fucking armbands