Lets talk about actual stocks

All I see on here anymore is crypto, crypto, crypto. I want to talk about investing in real stocks. I want to know where you guys trade, where are the go to locations for information, where to begin for a beginner, an also what stocks would you recommend. I'm not against crypto currency, but I want to invest in traditional stocks as of right now.

Get out boomer we need room for more crypto

Fb. Going to 225. I partake in both crypto and stocks

>I don't want to make more than 5% on my money as of right now
Stocks are the right place for you, gramps!

Unlike you, I don't care where the profits come from as long as I'm making money. I have money in crypto already. I'm looking to put more money elsewhere.

>i want to buy a lottery ticket by buying online memetokens made by a company that doesnt utilize them in any way.

>the future scares me!!!
Stay poor fag

Crypto has itss benefits, but also its cons. Uncle Sam will get his cut but if he doenst he will make it difficult to operate and then when you pull out any profits as well. They did it with online poker and also with fantasy betting like draft kings and fan duel.

"real stocks" area jew run scam, go play in their field with their rules if you want

Stock market has a proven track record of generating wealth. Crypto is still new and very rarely do you ever see anyone on here actually cash out their "massive gains".

Average people can't participate in stocks in a meaningful way. You can do crypto with a couple hundred dollars and see it grow, stocks either take years, or you'll already need a ton of money to see relatively quick gains from short actions.

You think this will be a thing in 50 years? With the state of the world right now? Europe and noeth america are falling but u think memecoins are going to be viable in a place run by achmeds and tyrones?
>beinf this delusonal

You already play buy their rules. You use their fiat to buy crypto, you use their banks to hold your money and probably use their credit cards to pay for your bills.

>what are penny stocks..

I'm looking to invest 3-7K, so it wouldn't be a huge amount, but enough to get started I think.

Depends on risk factor. Railroads and utililities are safe bets. Railroads are growing always. But slowly.

Oil and gas would be risky right now but potentially high payout. If SA goes into civil war over the recent turmoil u bet your ass oil is shooting to 100 bucks a barrell

overnight-no-announcement-reverse-split ...fuck "real stocks"

You realize a split and reverse split do absolutely nothing for the valuation of tour portfolio right?

Fees can still kill you. With crypto your fees can just be pennies or dimes per transaction, whereas you could be paying dollars to brokers for stock trades. You could be 5% in the hole right at the start of your trade, and then you have to exit it. So you can't just pull some little 2% trade and look for something else that has a little bump, you may need to pull 10% just to break even.

Fees are 10 dollars a trade. If ur trading 100 dollars worth of stocks in tour day trades youre an absolute imbecile and deserve to be stripped of your money

I'm saying that is literally what some people are doing in crypto, so it isn't easily replaced by doing stocks. Just look at some order books, people are trading with amounts like 100 bucks all the time.

Stocks are for kikes who already have it made, or boomer wagies looking for safe, 5% annual returns.

>Israel Finkelstein puts $6 gorillion into various low risk stocks
>makes $300,000 in a year because he was already rich


>user invests $1,000 NEETbux into stocks
>makes $50 a year later

Or you can invest $1,000 into a solid crypto and make $100,000 on it.

I get that but crypto is so unregulated that insider trading is prevalant and as are fake news. Segwit2x futures for example whos to say they didnt short that shit and cancel it?

Its a crapshoot, potential high rewards but far more volatile than stocks.

>Or you can invest $1,000 into a solid crypto and make $100,000 on it.

If it was that easy youd be a multi millionaire right now.

I agree with that, it's all very scammy. Given the board's "get rich quick" mentality, no surprise the thrill is enjoyed. If Veeky Forums wanted to get serious about becoming wealthy, it'd probably be a very boring and conventional board about getting a decent education and trying to get a high paying job, mixed in with more speculative stuff like playing with stocks or starting small businesses.

There are mms on this board and they didnt get there by playing this normie wagecuck game, you need to be smart as fuck or rig shit to win that, but enjoy handing your hard earned money to mr Goldman

>there are lottery winners here, that means everyone will win the lottery

Same logic

It used to be mostly about stocks before the crypto craze. I dont have any crypto because rule number one of investing is invest in what you know. Im trying to learn abut crypto though. Just be careful with it and dont put in a penny more than you want to lose.

Youre right except with
And many more

Buy options. E trade— Dd from wall street bets. There you’re educated faggot. Go lose yourself some money.

That's why we have the zencash platform

This guy figured out. Stocks are designed not to moon. All the 100x upside occurs pre-IPO, which only the elite can trade. Boomers think 5% annual is premier, while the elite rake in billions leveraging their 401ks. You need a sucker to get rich off though.

Because why the fuck would people post proof they've cashed out? You cash out discretely and slowly. I've cashed out about 30% of my gains, and that's over 100k.

DRYS: the patrician's choice


I just sold off the last of stocks on E*TRADE. AMD, GoPro, SONS all shit on me and only a few winners.
In the same timeframe I turned a few hundred in crypto in 5 figures.
This is why nobody cares about stocks anymore. Crypto will crash the market in a year

the crypto world is full of volatility and i dont know if i could get rid of consistent gains, eventually the government is going to step in and take their cut.

The USGov has the largest BTC wallet in the world (seized BTC) and is trading, let that sink in mate

>If Veeky Forums wanted to get serious about becoming wealthy, it'd probably be a very boring and conventional board about getting a decent education and trying to get a high paying job, mixed in with more speculative stuff like playing with stocks or starting small businesses.

Jesus fucking christ


TDAmeritrade for stocks and options. Vanguard for mutual funds. If you need cheap fees, go to Interactive Brokers for your stocks/options. TDA gives you access to Thinkorswim, which is nice.

Do not fuck with Stocktwits. It's a bit like reading the crypto posts on Veeky Forums.

Read The Intelligent Investor. It's a little technical but necessary. Not everything still applies but it's the must-read book of finance (pronounced fin-ANS).

As a beginner (if you're young), you want to stack up on good stocks that you want to hold for 30 years. Think JNJ, NVDA, FB, GOOG, etc. in a variety of sectors. You will have the tendency to lean towards tech, but make sure you balance it out with large cap pharma, consumer goods, etc.

I think that's good to start.

Stocks are definitely not designed to moon, but their risk profiles reflect this. Crypto is designed to moon, and its risk profile also reflects this.

Buy some fucking satancoin from satancoin.info and stop with this stock bullshit

Private Equity and VC have far too much money. They have monopolized all of the interesting new companies. We, the general public only get the dregs. At least with crypto, everything is open to anyone.

This is the truth. Unfortunately (or fortunately) most of crypto is fucking garbage and the market lacks rationality, which leads to pump and dumps or shitcoins hitting the top 50.

well to win you need to buy a ticket

Should I buy DRYS?

You should short DRYS every single time they reverse split.

That all sounds so boring and slow


>There are mms on this board
prove it

If you guys are willing to wait, AUPH will be a strong performer.

Conversative stocks are, yes. It's all about risk profile.

Options, on the other hand, are not boring or slow.

What's in the pipeline? Currently riding IDRA upwards from 1.30.

I own shares and Crypto, Mut Crypto is more versatile in that it lets you trade in and out almost instantly at the cost of pennies. Brokerage fees kind of ruin that in the Stockmarket.

Totally, but if you trade big enough or often enough, you can just call your broker and threaten to leave and they'll just lower your fees.

I just trade shares online, so its basically an "online brokerage fee". Not sure if there is even a human involved to talk to in that regard?

Yes, same. Online only. I'm not sure what broker you use but if you call their customer service or whatever, they'll likely lower your fees if you threaten to move to a different brokerage.

Thanks user I will keep that in mind. I don't really trade often enough on the share market to warrant worrying about it to much (Mostly just in them for the long haul) but if I ever get more involved I will give that a shot.