the heroes who saved their Fatherland from communism...
The heroes who saved their Fatherland from communism
It loses its romanticism once you realize they were attack dogs for SocDems
>literally mercenaries who slaughtered a bunch of untrained and barely armed workers and then tortured and murdered their unarmed leaders
How heroic.
>Kill Germans
I don't care what cause they were fighting for, they were clearly heroes
>Waaaah muh poor defenseless Communist bandits, who dindu niffin because they all got their little throats slit before they could throw everyone into the gulag!
Better dead than Red.
they weren't mercenaries
What would you call fighting for the SPD government's money? They certainly weren't fighting for democracy, they turned around and participated in the Kapp Putsch, and later many of their volunteers went on to form the SA. Noske made sure they were rewarded for their services.
>Luxemburg and Liebknecht
nice burgerposting/10
>This time it would have been different!
Nice redposting/10
>Better dead than Red.
I never liked this saying, it implies that I'd rather die and not that I'd rather the Red die
>communists were unarmed in a civil war they started
Yeah, the woman who trashed Lenin and the Bolsheviks for being undemocratic and argued that the KPD should've participated in the elections the next fall but was outvoted by her fellow party members would've totally 180'd and started slaughtering people by the millions. Flawless logic.
The workers were lightly armed, the spartacist revolt gets meme'd loads because it had a lot of jews in it but in truth it was a pretty minor affair. Most of the dead were the insurgents themselves and not that many people died.
They were barely armed, the mostly just 'siezed' buildings in Berlin by occupying them and went on strike. Violent conflict was initiated by the Freikorps.
Commies and fascist shouldve wiped each other out and take Germany with them
>imagine being so obsessed with Germany and cuckoldry you post the same image over an over again even in threads completely unrelated to WWII
seek help
Communism is the future. Save us a spot taken in the gulags and hang yourself.
XD comrade join us over on r/dankcommunistmemes where we also love to make epic maymays about le gulags XD the kulaks deserved it XDDDDDDDDD!!!!
Germany would've been better off under communism than fascism
You can always spot the reddit communists because instead of actually arguing they just post epin stalinist memes.
There's nothing to argue. Capitalism will end one day and equality will take its place. If capitalists and the cuckolds that support them don't destroy the earth first.
You have to be over eighteen to post here.
t. Plebbit
>skull and cross-bones on the their armored car
What is it with Germans and just self-identifying as the bad guys?
It’s a power move.
Make no mistake I'm a commie, I just despise authoritarian reddit trash like you. You're the reason everyone assumes that when I say 'communist' I mean 'LARPing bootlicking edgelord'.
This, communists aren't people
Traitors deserve death
fascist aren't people too
why cant they kill eachother fast enough so centrism could really flourish
They're just the national equivalent of the edgy kid in school always doodling dead bodies in his notebook
Communist revolutionaries are Communist revolutionaries user. Just because you "democratically" vote to steal the property of the bourgeoisie at gunpoint doesn't somehow make you a saint.
Centrism is just Communism deferred. Any movement or organization that is not explicitly right-wing will inevitably be subverted in the name of compromise, by leftists who do not compromise.
But user, fascism compromises with the left...
>this is what retards actually believe
sweetie,you dont have to post if you have nothing intelligent to say
>sweetie posting
Not an argument honey.
He’s right though.
Actual fascism and not the meme "everyone that is not antifa is fa" fascism is not right wing.
Not heroes, just dudes who had to do things no one had the guts to do.
Shame nazis ruined their entire image with their racial delusions.
not an argument too sweetheart
right in what way,only a dumbass who charges up a zealous ideology thinks that centrism automatically kowtow to lefty
> thinks that centrism automatically kowtow to lefty
Literally all you have to do is look at history user.
It was actually symbol of suicide fighters who fought to the death, literally all of europeans used it especially the slavs.
which shows that most right wing nations falling apart due to their autism,and same with left wing commies too
now go shoo away
>Literally all you have to do is look at history user.
How about some examples?
>which shows that most right wing nations falling apart due to their autism
That's a funny way of saying compromising and adopting "centrist" positions that inevitably get pushed left.
So by your own admission all explicitly right-wing nations end up compromising with the left as well.
Do your own homework.
No they wind up compromising with "centrists", learn to read.
Which then wind up compromising with leftists. Ergo all right-wing nations end up becoming left-wing.
So you can't provide even a single example?
Commies STILL butthurt 100 years later thay their autistic spergout didn't turn into their prophetic world wide revolution
The US military.
The Anglican church.
The Catholic church.
The Democratic party of the United States.
The university system of multiple countries.
People come here for discussion, faggot, not communist pontification.
>Which then wind up compromising with leftists. Ergo all right-wing nations end up becoming left-wing.
>Communist apologist STILL can't read
How did we go from your original premise that MOST right wing nations fall apart due to their autism to your new statement that ALL right-wing nations end up becoming left-wing?
Now you're just being silly.
Makes you feel grand.
Gave the nigger a chance to feel good about himself
Being centrist is aint about comprimising,we dont need to compromise nothing because our core tenance is balance itself
Right wingers have to gulp shit because its inherent ‘right wing ideology’
The greatest heros of all time.
Care to provide an example of a right-wing nation that didn't compromise?
Until they got corrupted by h**ler
>on history board
>asked for historical examples
>just look it up lmao
The absolute state of /leftyhis/.
Schützt Eure Heimat!
>we dont need to compromise nothing because our core tenance is balance itself
>doesn't understand that balance is by definition an act of compromise
Typical "centrist".
Why should I?
You have yet to provide any evidence to justify your claim that centrism is capable of standing as a bulwark against leftism.
they worked for the masked man.
Russian peasants welcomed them
>“No dumb bastard ever won a war by going out and dying for his country. He won it by making some other dumb bastard die for his country.”
Better to have bread, than be red.
We balance on both sides
With both right wing and lefty
You cant pigeonhole us into a square or a specific ideology
Right wing tend to drive off into the extremes and have to accomodate dumb beliefs because of their inherent position
Centrism doesnt have to do that because we dont have to cry about a position in belief to be ‘left’ or ‘right’ leaning
Both were best under Monarchism.
>Right wing tend to drive off into the extremes
Yes that's the point.
If you're not actively moving right you will inevitably begin to drift left.
>Centrism doesnt have to do that because we dont have to cry about a position in belief to be ‘left’ or ‘right’ leaning
The only thing centrism does is provide cover for social democrats and other forms of "not real communism".
I always took it as a statement that killing communists is an act of mercy killing.
Nice projection there
Youre assuming that there will be no shift in the centre wing position itself to accomdate themselves and that centrist will allow themselves to pulled out in a shift
If you'd literally rather die than live in a communist country, you're an ISIS-tier fanatic who must never be allowed near the levers of power.
Best part is that statistically you would probably benefit from a forcible distribution of wealth. I doubt many millionaires post on Veeky Forums.
Was the Freikorps antisemitic? Anti Jewish attitudes were surely very normal at this time, but on the other hand there were so many Jews in Berlin that I'm sure some of them joined anticommunist gangs
You're the one making the claim user, yet you refuse to back it up.
Communism is semitism so yes they were countersemitic
just delated ...
Luckily it collapsed on its own
Communism and Judaism aren't comparable or very related. There are communist Jews and capitalist Jews. Hell in Israel there's fascist Jews
Unironically this!
Freikorps didn't have ideology or agendas in general except putting down revolts.
They were united front of bunch of people like veterans, mercenaries, freed military prisoners, deserters, pows, colonial recruits, other nationalities etc. even some patriotic jews served in freikorps ffs.
Only thing united them was right-wing conservatism, nationalistic tendency, money and hatred for marxists.
There were ofcourse many anti-semites in the ranks and even popular nazis served in freikorps, but in general they didn't care as long as you kill far-leftist rebels.
Well people accosiated communism with jews (since they were very promminent among high ranking communists)
They preferred a "temporary" social democrat government over a socialist dictatorship. The enemy of your enemy is your friend... until that common enemy is gone.
Just this.
And to be fair, the majority tolerated the democratic government, even if they didn't like it. The Kapp-Putsch was abandoned after a general strike with little violence.
Leftists will always be portrayed as victims because they've infiltrated the media and academics.
However history shows every time they get into power they chimp out.
This is why I have 0 sympathy for the Spanish Republicans. Franco killing 200 thousand reds after the war ended was completely justified