How the fuck did a tiny country like Wallachia stop the entire Ottoman empire
How the fuck did Austuria stop the Umayyads from taking all of Iberia
How the fuck did Vietnam stop the American empire from taking SEA
Small countries > Big empires
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you could add Finland
the answer is patriotism and balls
How the fuck did that tiny ass French swamp conquer the whole British isles and change their culture/language forever?
This but unironically
what is this
but patriotism is evil (only when europeans/westerners/whites do it)
This fucking gif
>In the name of the duchy off Normandy, you're under arrest Harold.
>Are you threatening me duke William
>The witan will decide your fate
>I AM the witan
>not yet
>tis treason then
How the fuck did a small, desert, towel-head country stop the full might of the British empire?
>How the fuck did Austuria stop the Umayyads from taking all of Iberia
They did? Wow, thats news!
said no one ever
All active separatist movements
It's regions you brainlet
imagine going to fight the infidel wallachians with you jannisarie bros.
every night someone in camp is killed by guerillas. every single well you find is poisoned. all the grain is burned. you march back and forth trying to find their damn hideouts all the while your supply caravans get attacked so you have no water and no food.
then you have to march through the forest of stakes. 90000 turks staked alive. with plenty of stakes left free to remind you what fate awaits you.
then your commander is assassinated and the lesser officers bicker about command, and some fuck you dont even respect tries to order you to press on to fight the demon wallachians
>How the fuck did Vietnam stop the American empire from taking SEA
Outside of the fact that America wasn't trying to literally take SEA;
>US fought as if it were fighting a conventional war, when it was actually fighting an insurgency
>Conventional war tactics don't work well against insurgencies
>US attempts and destroying supply routes and civilian centers both didn't work and actually galvanized the population against them
>US command thinking that they'd be treated as liberators instead of foreign aggressor x
>Backlash back home caused massive unrest and put pressure on the government to withdraw
Vietnam was less of a story of Vietnamese success and more of a story of the US royally misunderstanding what it was getting itself into
Guerilla warfare meant less could go/possible mutinies
>entire Ottoman Empire
This isn’t the classical era you don’t use your whole empire to defeat another state simply because it costs too much now and the population is lower
The enemy routed after a few casualties/wasn’t prepared for battle, that’s how the duke of Aquitaine won against the umayyads, but lost to them the second time because they were already on their horses. Also why conquer when you can just keep on raiding them
Because China and Russia was funding the Vietcong, north Vietnam couldn’t be attacked so the Ho Chi Minh trail stayed alive, also guerilla warfare
Smaller forces beating large forces comes down to
>small force doesn’t rout
>small force has beneficial terrain
>enemy either over or underestimates you
>large force routs
>guerilla warfare makes attrition too high
Siege of Vienna was Ottoman army being flanked and then steppenigs fleeing causing the rest of the army to rout
some of these areas. especially in northern europe literally have no arable land.
>implying every region doesn’t have at least one separatist
I wish Catalonia had called to unite with southern France
Yes yes faggot every person in Slovenia and FYROM is a rampant separatist and even the North African sand wants out
It’s a shit name but still a separatist land
It's regions, mate. Take my word for it.
Normans were fuckin' crazy man
>It ain't me starts playing
Why does literally every single irrelevant small shithole balkan country think they "stopped the ottoman empire"?
Seriously I've heard every single one of them claim they "stopped" them because they put up some resistance before finally accepting Ottoman cock up their ass.