Account closed money gone. Website crashig!!! Run niggaz run!!!

China gov is closing the shop down. Cant take out your money. All fucked!

What happened?

Withdrawals are suspended. No one can get past authentication.

>no one

yea okay


I’m logged in now. What gives.

They are in Hong Kong and the servers are in Japan and SK, China gov doesn't affect them.

>keeping coins on the exchange
Don't do this, it's like rule #1 of biz

You have to, if you’re trading.

They're migrating some servers


I can't log into my fucking account...what do Veeky Forums?

So uh all these altcoins, what wallet do I need to hold them, I realized I put 100 dollars in alt coins and can't remove them from exchanges

Is this real or is /biz fucking with us once more?

Some guy has making similar Binance FUD threads all day about China shutting them down even though they aren't in China's jurisdiction. That being said, I don't know if they are really having tech problems where people can't log in or not. I know some people have been having trouble with glitchy 2FA logins.

I've been using it for the past 10 hours to liquify

i just login and transferred some NEO from Bittrex to Binance without any problem.

OP is a random faggot

>not china
someones not reading the news

Having no prob with binance currently.

Fuck off faggot OP.

Signed in now problem you fuking SPAZZ

1 Country 2 Systems policy
Look it up m88

Ive had no problems with Binance tonight. At Kucoin i had a 2FA problem that disappeared on relogin