Is an honor culture or a moral code of conduct essential to creating a truly effective elite military force?
Is an honor culture or a moral code of conduct essential to creating a truly effective elite military force?
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I mean they lost and the Russians and Americans won so obviously not.
Pragmatism wins over honor every time.
honor means shit when you're dead in the dirt and some soviet is fucking your wife brains out
Both the Russians and Americans had their own units with their own honor cultures and codes of conduct.
Yeah the Roman legions were a deadly force.
Most Fallschirmjager units weren't even trained to fallschirm, so I don't know how many except the former 7. Fleiger would give a shit
Stand in the ashes of a million dead souls and ask the ghosts if honor matters.
t. Ghandi
no but esprit de corps is. and it can help create that.
Gandhi was a cunt and he can suck my balls.
Wow user, such a convincing argument. Thank you for enlightening us with such words of wisdom.
Poo in Loo
money>culture or moral code
It seemed honor mattered a damn great deal to the Ghost of Hamlet's Father.
Mercenaries < Professional Volunteer Force
seems to me money still won in that conflict user
Money as logistics yeah, but not money as motivation, which is what this conversation is about.
>implying us soldiers are not motivated by profits and benifits
>Want to see profits and benefits
>Volunteer for the MOS with the highest death rate
>want to earn a free ride on college
>join the armed forces
>want a fast track to your citizenship
>join the armed forces
I mean thats what most of the recruiters are saying nowadays since they realize most of the people dont believe in the muh fighting for freedom anyomore
Of course, everyone does everything just for themselves. Even if they were doing it for "duty", it was to make themselves feel good for doing it for "duty" as much as it was the "duty" itself.
What I'm trying to say is that in response to that money is by no means more capable of motivating a soldier than his culture or moral code is.
huh kinda makes me want to do an anonymous survey on the different military's in the world to see how many fight for duty or profits first
A lot of European countries still have conscription.