was it good for society
Was it good for society
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doesn't matter
Way too broad of a question. Narrow it down to certain aspects of society if you want a more in-depth answer.
The major monotheistic religions, Judaism but mostly Christianism and Islam destroyed the practical and empirical search for spiritual truths the mystics and the shammans always did for dogmas and easy answers. The "people of the book" ruined everything that was noble in the world.
Well that question all comes down to one thing. Is it true?
>is the cause for modern science
>was it good for society
arguments in pic related
>the cause for modern science
What? In andalusia there was quite a great deal of science, the catholic church sponsored a lot of scientific ventures and jews are some of the best thinkers and scientists nowadays.
All three have contributed a great deal to the thing you said they destroyed.
It helped reunify mankind by spreading and saving Roman knowledge so yes
Which one?
Brought billions out of pagan darkness and superstition into the light of the Gospel and truth of God.
im not talking about science. Im talking about empiric spirituality.
Not religious but unironically yes in the long term
No. It shattered the religious pluralism of the old roman state and did jack and shit to arrest the decline of that state. All the good things people say it caused would likely have happened anyway.
>empirical search for spiritual truth
pretty good money sink imo
hell no
>was it good for society
"There's a god, but nothing is sacred to it except destroying everything that is sacred and murdering everyone who disagrees." - Abrahamics
I don’t know what you’re talking about. Some days I don’t read much, but I DO read primary scientific/mathematics texts and men like Ibn Al-Haytham and Avicenna and to be completely honest these men, ESPECIALLY Alhazen, were Isaac Newton-levels of genius, absolutely astounding. Have you never heard of the Islamic Golden age? Alhazen’s Optics was extremely influential on European thought
Did it encourage rationalism, independent thought and inquiry?
Jesus fulfilled all the messianic prophecies in the OT.
The "messiah" that the Christ-rejecting Jews are waiting for is the Antichrist from Revelation, who will claim be the universal savior (Jesus, Mahdi, Buddha, Alien, Maitreya, Ascended Master, etc).
>The "messiah" that the Christ-rejecting Jews are waiting for is the Antichrist from Revelation, who will claim be the universal savior (Jesus, Mahdi, Buddha, Alien, Maitreya, Ascended Master, etc).
This. it's so set up that they will fall for it so eaily.
Jews are so funny
Guess he will spend eternity in damnation, his choice.
Still no worldwide peace, no mass resurrection, no universal Judaism.
Stay mad, heretics.
Responses to OP:
1. Atheist type I: religion is irrational and oppressive. It enables violence and motivates people to act in irrational ways. It squashes research and progress. Therefore the arrival of Christianity was a generally bad development.
2. Atheist type II: Given that the general intellectual climate of antiquity was deeply religious and unscientific, the arrival of Christianity hardly changed the facts of the epoch. It is not possible for us to really understand how the emergence of science would have played out had Christianity never spread to Europe. It's not an answerable question.
3. Neo-nationalism, internet subtype: Christianity provided a foundation for family life, tradition and morally robust individuals. This made for a strong and stable society. Even though I like having premarital sex and haven't been to Church in 7 years, I consider myself a Christian as part of my (American/White/European) identity. I "support the family" even though I buy hookers and watch freaky porn. I am "pro life" because it makes feminists angry, and couldn't possibly be bothered to raise a child.
4. Christian: Jesus came to the earth to guide mankind towards God. The "good" denotes the spiritual progress of an individual towards God. A society cannot be "good" because it refers to an unstable association of men, usually characterized by nation/language/class etc. I reject the idea that Jesus came to Earth to redeem society as being essentially idolatrous. It is confusing the real predicament of man (individuals faced with choices attempting to move coherently) with a bizarre post-enlightenment ideal about man's condition being improved by "society." (As Beethoven blasphemously put it, "Art and science can only raise man to the level of Gods.")
Christianity, of course, is Protestantism - and Protestantism is Christianity.
Whether protestantism was good or bad for society is for you to judge - as protestantism, as an anti-religion, ultimately resulted in the death of religion.
Jesus literally saved Humanity from itself
Without the teachings of Christ the world would have burned in nuclear hellfire long ago
You are a sad little heretic. Humanity survived for thousands of years without the false god Jesus of the Cross.
ya it survived
but under Christ humanity thrived
The people of Europe where united under one true God, all classes shared a common love and devotion for Christ, and the evil wicked nature of man was condemned to hell, separating the light form the darkness. All great things happen in the name of God.
If anything Allah is the false god