name one thing he did wrong besides invading russia of course
Name one thing he did wrong besides invading russia of course
>putting his autistic and incompetent siblings on the thrones of countries
>betraying spain
>not executing talleyrand
>refusing to accept the allies' peace terms in 1813/1814
Being in love with Josephine
This ended right quick in 1799 though, before his rise to power.
Selling Louisiana to the Yanks. Reinstating slavery, and losing Haiti in the process.
>Selling Louisiana to the Yanks
If he didn't the Brits would have taken it anyway, and there would have been nothing he could do about it. At least this way he denied the Brits the right of having it for themselves by giving it to the US.
Trusting the French
Invading Egypt.
His only wrong was to turn on Spain. For the rest, his hand was forced.
Listening to his shitty advisor and allowing prussia and austria to still exist for some reason
Spain turned on him
why didn't he just march through spain and occupy portugal? Would have been easy as piss with such a small country
Trying to recapure Ha*ti
Showing Austria was not invincible
>execute the guy who would preserve peace
If Talleyrand succeeded then ww1 would have never happened
Well there was something called the Torre Verdes line
>selling land to the yanks who rely on British trade
>selling land to the yanks in order to fund a war with Russia despite how retarded this is
Talleyrand had the right idea being content after the 4th coalition
there wasn't even British there in 1807
Yes but the capital was coastal so good luck assaulting it when they can just shoot at you all day
>tfw no eu4 mechanic for ships firing at besiegers
I think the whole grand armee would have managed against a paltry portugese force even with a kickass fort line
>when you get your own nephew and every Frenchman on the island killed by trying to reinstate slavery
>but it’s ok, because you demand so much money from the colony of former slaves as reparations for the war you started and lost that you permanently cripple their economy
the continental system had no realistic chance for success
you had no chance of success
He's been dead centuries and his dream of imperial France with it, who cares? It had no chance of realistic success.
you had no chace of success
Shouldn't have genocided the French population there if they didn't want a harsh punishment
The french people shouldn't exist tbqh.
>posts siege of vienna
>the Parisian population shouldn’t exist
Calling off his planned aerial invasion of England
Well, in 1807 Napoleon (or rather the nobody he sent) did conquer Portugal, and in 11 days with that
But then a year later he attacked Spain, which diverted most of his army out of Portugal and the Brits liberated it
Became Emperor.
Louis Napoleon was adored by his subjects as king of Holland.
That whole Spain thing.
>Junot occupied Lisbon on 30 November 1807 to find that John and many of the leading families had left for Brazil aboard the Portuguese fleet.
If the French hadn't chimp out against Spain Portugal would have succesfully being conquered. Nappy was just too greedy
Then again Louis Napoleon was a nice guy overall, helping with disasters and whatnot.
Not taking shit from big bro Napoleon and putting Dutch interests above French interests.
Dutch user here btw
Invading Spain?
>betraying spain
Biggest fuck up he did.
Not allying and supporting Toussaint Louverture
They didn't genocide the French population until after Napoleon's attempted reconquest. Could've been avoided entirely of they just let Papa Toussaint control the island. Instead he winds up in a French prison to rot and mad men like Dessalines get to run around genociding the French.
Free the jews, luckly he changed that.
Spain wasn't an ally but a subdued former enemy
Saying he "betrayed" it is like saying Hitler "betrayed" Vichy France with Case Anton
Thinking he could go against the wishes of the Anglo and get away with it.
It may take a year, it may take five years or it may even take 50 years. In the end, the Anglo always wins. Even when you're winning against the Anglo, they find a way to make you lose even harder.
Why the fuck do Anglos have to get in the way of continental unity? Every single FUCKING TIME
>but a subdued former enemy
The French never conquered Spain. The war of the Pyrennes was pretty even with the Spanish winning the Catalan front and the French winning the Basque front. Godoy just decided that fighting France didn't make much sense and an alliance with Napoleon was a better option. The French army never subdued Spain and that's why Spain was ruled by the Bourbons until 1808
If the continent unifies, then somebody can finally cross the English channel and conquer England.
England has been very deliberately trying to prevent any one power from dominating Europe since the beginning of time.
mosley had the right idea
>The war of the Pyrennes was pretty even
Top kek
And you don't need to conquer an enemy to subdue it, just to beat it decisively into submission
Like Germany in WW1 or Japan in WW2
>Wikipedia articles
The Spanish army had conquered the Roussillon while the French army had taken Guipuzcoa. Godoy just chose to change his alliance as he believed that Spain would benefit from an alliance with France at the expense of cutting the naval progress of Britian. France was nowhere near to subdue Spain as they did with Holland or Prussia later on.
Napoleon deposed the Bourbons precissely because he believed that they will change alligiance soon as Trafalgar had frustrated their policy of cutting down the British fleet
caring about the poles
>Wikipedia articles
Yeah, this sourced encyclopedia website isn't reliable, but your random opinion is
>The Spanish army had conquered the Roussillon
The Spanish were kicked out of Roussillon mid-war, and the French then invaded Catalonia
After the decisive French victory at the Battle of the Black Mountain, the Spanish forces retreated to Roses where they hid and got besieged until Spain sued for peace
Acting like Spain wasn't defeated is dumb
They were forced into alliance with France and were forced to give back the huge Louisiana territiry to the French
the continental system
invading Spain
putting dumbass siblings on the thrones
putting his hand in his shirt
he never stopped loving her
>literal Reddit spacing
Their own site says they are not reliable. Go read a book on the subject, you're not an expert bc you read a Wikipedia page.
>literal Reddit spacing
So just because someone seperates different paragraphs with one blank line (and not two like on Reddit), they are reddit?
>Their own site says they are not reliable. Go read a book on the subject, you're not an expert bc you read a Wikipedia page
Still more reliable than a random opinion thrown on this board without any back up
I think the nepotism with the people he put on the throne was a pretty bad idea, but he obviously thought it was a good idea at the time so he must have had a pretty good reason.
inb4 napoleon was literally hitler