*blocks your path*
*blocks your path*
>gets partitioned
>gets turked
>gets gypped
Nothing personnel, tatars
*kills most of your steppenigger horde and blinds the rest*
Were those Aegean islands Bulgarian too? It seems a bit arbitrary.
best allies.
only in the early 1940s
>tfw the 1941 borders Hungary didn't survive
god fucking damn this looks aesthetic as fuck.
true tbqh, the commies should've kept hitlers borders of the balkans, they were the most fair
Aryan people, mongoloid language.
Srs the language is an abomination.
Mace is dat you?
Why are Bulgarians so superior to other slavs? Is it the steppe genes?
dogspinner masterrace
>a kikes nose
Even macedonians are superior to you, and they are amnezic bulgarians
>you must be 18 to post on this site
laughs in szlachta
More like BURGLARia amirite
>chimps out against Byzantium
>gets blinded and annexed
>chimps out against Byzantium again
>gets TURK'D
>is last to get independance from Ottomans
>chimps out against Balkan league
>gets betrayed, borders shrunk, their undisputed clay stolen
>chimps out against allies because butthurt about Serbia and Greece
>gets BTFO even harder, more clay lost, Vardar is now in Yugoslavia so Serbia can't give it back
>chimps out again in WWII
>loses again
Vulgars blocking anyone's path is hilarious, they're OK now, but their Pomak trash is stirring up shit between other Orthodox countries again.
shieet is it that bad?
Quad Moreta/10
>In old french, there is the word « bougre », english « bugger », (originally meaning heretic, then sodomists) coming from latin Bulgarus, Bulgarian. Its origin is the heresy of Bogomils in Balkans who rejected sacrements and mariage.
Booggar off
how are macedonians(bulgarian) superior to bulgarians(bulgarian)?
fucking heretics, what can you do
Macedonians are filthy Serbo-mongrel animals that have close to zero relations to Bulgarians.
I said amnezic bulgarians,you illiterate turk. They're better because they forgot how to act bulgarian.
Top fucking kek, based froggers
WE WUZ tier. But this is expected in retarded, turkic cultures where dog spinning is the closest thing to put a satellite in orbit.
hey watch your tone when you're talking to your superiors, i am Bulgarian
you're a fyromite
Who are these gypsies?
the buttpain in here is real
Top fucking kek, a turk just got uppity with me on a kazaksthani goat trading forum.
Are bulgarians niggers in disguise? That surely would explain a lot.
Bulgarian Aeronautical Research Kit.
*dog not included in kit.
why are you dumb fucking fyromites such selfhating bulgarians?
Kek, im not even a macecuck
macedonian = bulgarian
bulgarian = shit
balkans = cancer
Just because I can't stand your Pomaks
More like chimps out and switches sides, gets iron curtain'd
pomaks > any type of subhuman monkeydonians
t. Pomak shitlamist crypto-turk. I'm not even fyromian but you cunts are jews that stir up shit because you think you're Bulgarian.
not even bulgarian
not even turkish
not even in balkans
Macedonians are annoying, I see youve never met one irl, they try to brainwash you into orthodoxy and you cant have a normal convo with them, one monkeydonian ruined my life he hit me with a car because he doesnt know how to drive, I've known a lot of monkeydonians becasue they come for money either to steal or work in counstruction here and all of them have subhuman iq.
>pays tribute
>survives against mongols
Good on you, Pomaks are worse
Paprika is an Amerindian spice though.
Brought to Hungary by the Turks and popularized by them though.
>popularized by them though.
Nigga,what? We had chilli / paprika long before your shithole of a country even existed. Do you think hungarians were the first to dry peppers and grind them?
Half chinese, half hungarian
Direct descendants of genghis
>*gets SLAVED*
Why do Macedonians and Bulgarians call themselves that when they aren't?
>an oriental kick to the brains
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
is there a difference?
>your face when you don't have any accomplishments than WE WUZ niggery .
what are your accomplishments?
>europe in 900
>source : my ass
I ruled the waves faggot
>muh """tri""" pizdeta banana empire
Scots are alright, why do you bully Bulgaria?
Serbs are inferior, you can't talk shit
I'm a byzaboo
>Bulgars = Bulgaria
>t. not the Bulgarian
I am also a byzaboo and a roman and greek boo as well
>tfw my ancestors were barbarians who attacked the glorious greco-roman civilization
just fuck my shit up
Buggar off Pomak
>says pizdeta
what are you then? ashamed to reveal your subhuman nation? And why do you think pomak is an insult? Pomaks are just muslim Bulgarians
Is this just leftover from the original meme or do all these apply to Hungary as well?
I am GREEK you subhuman
oh iki it's just you
what are you doing on Veeky Forums? i thought /pol/ was your containment board?
I'm just memeing, voulgar. You're alright, just stop being a filthy turkoboo and be nice.