it just seems unnecessary.
Imagine if there were only 4 states like the timezones, Eastern State, Central State, Mountain State and Pacific State, imagine how cool was that.
Enlighten me as a non American why is your country , I am talking about the continental US here, why not just have like 4 huge states.
More similar to Australia or Canada.
Why have so many small divisions.
Why is the US divided into so many states?
because the idea is 50 different states each doing their own thing under the federal government, not the federal government dictating its laws upon efficient territories.
I can't imagine a block that included Tennessee, Kentucky, Georgia, West Virginia and Indiana coming to any sort of agreement with New York, Vermont, Connecticut and Massachusetts.
Why would that be cool? Pakistan is a country of 140 million people that is made up of 4 states. That's just silly. The states essentially become their own nations with how expansive of a government they need.
Ok , so forget about the timezones boyo.
Let's say it will be divided to Northeast, South, Midwest and West.
Theyed be to large to effectivley govern. Your aware the whole country of germany can basically fit in texas right?
>bigger nations are easier to govern
The state of California has more people than Canada or Australia. Moreover these wouldn't even be nations, these would be states inside of nations. So the level of autonomy would be diminished. The reason why Canada or Australia have large provinces is because most of those countries is uninhabitable. Almost everyone in Canada lives on the US border, and almost everyone in Australia lives on the coast.
Germany is right between Montana and New Mexico in terms of size. Texas is almost two times as large. Germany only has one time zone, but it is divided into sixteen different states anyway.
The US originated as a federation of the ol' thirteen colonies, which were highly autonomous compared to today's states. Centralization vs. federalization is a huge issue in the US, in Spain, in India, and many other countries.
I personally believe federations should form from the bottom up and people should have a vote on with whom they form a commune.
I can't imagine a jurisdiction including Arizona and California working well.
Consider this, what you're basically doing is drawing arbitrary borders irrespective of culture, like Europeans did in Africa. You're trying to force people who don't get along to live under the same laws.
Fuck off
New Hampshire
Nah, look at their populations. Most german states are
I'd prefer if the states were based on geographic regions and not arbitrary lines drawn on a map.
Pacific coast states straight up dominate the smaller republican states through sheer population differences.
>He thinks the US 50 states has anything on the late 15th century HRE.
The cumulative amount of Reps would outweigh the concentration of Dems in the big cities.
yes, gib coastline
articles of confederation is best constitution, i agree
Why does Germany have any regions, it all fits into one time zone.
If Republicans are supposed to be harder workers why is all blue Massachusetts number one in HDI and education and always a top 3 richest state?
Looks good but it ruins Ohio's super cute borders.
If anything the U.S.A should have more smaller states.
Because there are a ton of corprate headquarters here that skew everything. Connecticut is the same.
Civil war occurs
oh baby...
Not in the West it wouldn't.
Still wouldn't work cultures are way to different plus you have to take into account the populous would never agree to something this absurd just based on principal of the restructuring cost of the districts schools and new state lines
You mean the Rhein-Ruhr area, right?
Three main reasons.
>H>R>E - hundreds of smol kingdoms, duchies, free cities etc.
>lots of cultural, linguistic and religious borders (at least historically)
>Allies needed to divide Germany up into governable occupation zones after WWII
For example, the state Lower Saxony was created from the previous states of Hanover, Oldenburg, Brunswick, and Schaumburg. Except for the old Oldenburg area, it is mostly protestant. And its southernmost border runs along the historic isogloss line between High and Low German.