Thoughts on this guy's channel? He does a lot of Anglo Saxon history and ethnographical vids
Survive the Jive
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His content is great and the videos where he actually visits sites are top /comfy/ material, but he could really do with doing multiple takes since he isn't very clear at times.
One of the best history channels on You Tube.
Youtube is where pseuds get their information. Stay away from it. Stop sucking Google's dick and stop encouraging half-wits to open their mouths.
By far the best intro song I've ever heard on youtube.
Good info, too bad about the shit ideolgy, he's basically an anglo Varg Vikernes.
Theres literally no ideology in any of his videos.
Is he primitivist? I thought he is more of an Evolaboo or something.
I love his channel, but he should, like other anons said, do multiple takes. Once you notice he says uh between every two words it's really hard to stay focused.
He personally read Evola and likes him but there isn't ideology in most of his videos.
he constantly makes “alt-right” type of comments on various videos and is a blatant stormfag. He’s a typical esoteric nazi magic primitivism like varg
Also, he goes to a strong man contest to talk with the golden one in one of his videos lol
What ideology?
I subscribe to him. He's alright. I'm more of a Fascists of The Third Millennium kind of guy.
>Not being a brainwashed sjw = shit ideology
The sad state of Veeky Forums
Isn't he like the less autistic version of Varg?
Also I saw him Baneposting in some other video
Only afrocentrists and jews dislike Survive the Jive.
>Nazi reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!
>He's clearly a nazi!
I want /pol/ and /leftypol/ off my goddamn board
He's not a nazi but he's still pretty autistic, not all that historically accurate/can be dishonest.
The jews fear Survive the Jive
seen a few of his videos, something about his voice is so calming
It's hate speech though.
thats your opinion friend
No, it's not. He's Varg-tier but it's not "hate speech".
To talk about the Indo-Europen culture is hate speech acording to the SJW establishment.
That's good for the SJWs, nobody here cares.
So Indo-European history should only be discussed on /pol/, right?
What? The fuck are you on about m8.
Jews hate anything related to Indo European cultures and history. I will not be surprised if they shut down his channel.
He is not Varg-tier
Varg speaks some unsupported bullshit and defend it like a lunatic, and his video are just a masturbation dream of a 100% Nordic "Native European" primitivist society which will never happen.
STJ makes serious genetic and historical research and does not force any retarded views.
See the difference?
SJWs get triggered just for reading this word.
His content is great. But guy stutters too much and goes all over place.
I love this video, even started to drink ceylon tea
Jewsih Tribes are basically zodiac signs. So anyone belongs to some jewish tribe.
>Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image
pagan faggot shit
>31 posts
>17 posters
Stop replying to yourself, you only made this thread as bait only. Typical white, first you kill Jesus than you blame /all/ your problems on everybody else. It's /you/ who tries to start all the fights in this world.
Disgusting. Only worse race than you are niggers.
die shitskin subhuman
I watched 2 minutes of this.
Garbage video, just another one of those race idolizers that think he's better than everyone else because he's white, no soul in his eyes. Childish, evil.
>I can't be Christian, islamic, or jewish BECAUSE I'M TO MANLY for those religions, HOW DARE you believe in any of those religiosn?!? You should believe in SKYRIM like me, and if you don't, I WILL TAKE OVER THE GOVERNMENT and remove you and my entire country's history so WE CAN LEGALIZE GAY MARRIAGE LIKE REAL EUROPEANS.
These people have made me lose any sympathy for Europeans. Enjoy your alcoholism and lack of God Nigel.
A low IQ negro is triggered.
He is probably a spic or other mutt.
>He’s a typical esoteric nazi magic
I am, but Varg and STJ do not know anything about esotericism.
God will phase you out, queerbait.
That's the only reason why you think like this anyway, cause you're homosexual. I've had several homosexual Steam friends who never had respect for religion, and were Leftist, become alt-right over the past two years in response to Islam, because they FEAR Levticus.and everything else in the OT, NT, and Quran that calls them out for what they are. They are nothing short of vain, materalistic, assholes that corrupt everything around them.
This is why there's such a gay presence among the alt-right, or whatever you want to call these pagan larpers. They are evil people who only care about their skin color, they care about nothing else. They don't care about morals, they don't care about religion, they don't care about anything, they will destroy all of the art, culture, and wisdom that Christian, Islam, and Judaism produced. They will destroy works like the Book of Kells and relish at the enjoyment of it, because they are only a step above niggers. They are the manifestation of nihilism. They have all kinds of problems, but instead of looking at themselves to correct it, they blame it all on everyone else.
I am a Christian, they want to destroy my religion and laugh while doing it, so they can expand and hog all the resources from everyone else like the selfish bastards they are, they want to take everything, destroy the world, and laugh at everyone's faces.
Can you actually point out the value in these kind of videos besides " I am better than you, and life is about larping like a character from Skyrim, if you disagree with me, than you are an alien"?
>I've had several homosexual Steam friends
It's Steam dude, it's filled with all sorts of degeneracy that you find while playing games like L4D2.
But you do realize this one line spoiled your entire post? Now no one will treat you seriously...
Life of a low IQ spic like you must be sad...
Well how are you supposed to call out the gays if you don't any of them?
I'm brti-native mix
>I'm brti-native mix
So still a mutt. Only the mutts love christianity and hate racial science...
Why are spics so religious?
Is it the low IQ?
Yes. Low IQ is highly correlated with religion.
Blacks have lower IQs than Spics. Are they more religious?
Yes. Look again at the map and Africa
>skin color
Skin color and race are different things. Stop using this strawman.
He's basically Varg if varg wasn't retarded