My bank just flagged me

I tried to send 1000 euros from Kraken to a european bank and got marked from the central bank of my country.

Apparently the intermediary banks used sometimes from companies like Kraken are flagged from Deutsche Bank (Central European Bank).

This applies to all european countries. Recently another friend tried to send 15000 euro and got flagged but in the previous 4 times he tried, he didn't. Apparently it is random depending on the corresponding banks.

Can't risk it to get flagged twice because this might result in heavy fines. What do you guys do for cashing out in Europe?

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what do you mean by "flagged" by a bank?

can you translate your retard talk?

Sent money over 10 times and haven't got a problem

Where are you from?

We won't need to. Just hodl.

Which country is "my country"?

I'm from the Netherlands and only use Kraken. And I did notice my withdrawals came with the description: "Meldepflicht beachten" which I assume is German for "follow the obligation to report" or something. But I've done it many times so far, with small amounts, and I never had any issue with it.

marked for suspicious behaviour

Cyprus but my bank teller told me that this applies to all European Banks. The scans are random. It is illegal to transact with bank that are "intermediaries of bitcoin".

>Meldepflicht beachten
Automated message apparently.

I wouldn't withdraw any sum I'm not willing to lose to jews. So I'd keep my withdrawals at 100€.

100 euro? dude each time the fees are 60.

€60 fee just to cash out?? are you for fucking real?
it's like they always say i guess, jews always win.

For sepa withdrawals the fees are 9 cents.

You get fined for being suspicious? Just report it on your taxes and what's the problem? Either that or the bank denies the transfer and you still keep your coin. Why would fines occur? What's the violation?

fml. did not notice that. what is the difference and why is it so cheap?

>what is the difference and why is it so cheap?

EUR SEPA Withdrawal - EEA countries only (€0.09)
EUR SWIFT (SMBC): available in most countries (€60)

You're using SWIFT instead of SEPA, maybe SEPA isn't available in your country

An intermediary bank of Kraken has been involved in money laundering.

Also, in Cyprus bitcoin is not taxable. Whatever is not taxable is illegal. (in a way)

No idea. But considering the height of the fee my guess is that the swift one requires manual action, for example to register something, and the sepa one is fully automated.

You can transfer it into bitcoin then use localbitcoin or one of those sites to trade with someone in real life or for someone else to transfer the money into ur account

>Whatever is not taxable is illegal.
That's ridiculous. Move out of your shithole. There are no taxes on crypto in Denmark (ironically so).

yeah. been trying to move to either Denmark or Netherlands.

It couldn't be any easier. Do you need any tips? I moved here last year to study.

After sending a wire , I had a call from Citi from a call center where a person gave me a speech about CryptoCurrency and its risks.
Brave New World

>Please bare in mind that using cryptocurrency puts you at risk of receiving unwanted harassment calls from banks

I'm from Italy and i use Uphold with no problem, this is what i do:
Send crypto from exchange to Uphold(they have btc,eth,xrp,dash...), convert from crypto to euros INSIDE uphold and then send those euros to my bank account (this takes 3-4 days). No problem whatsoever

yes please. any tips would be great/

Does Netherlands not have taxes on Crypto gains?
never cashed out any large amounts so I never bothered to check

We have capital gains taxes, but not on your actual gains, but on an imaginary gains of 4% a year. Then it's 30% of that or something, so in the end you pay 1.8% of your entire capital if you cash out.
I hear they want to change this though, since it's unfair to stock people who make less than 4%/year...

It are standard box 3 savings tax. No further taxes on transactions or gains/profit.

You report your savings on everything you own on 31 december just like regular euros and stocks. You subtract 25k euros from that amount if your single or 50k if your married. And then you pay box 3 taxes over the remaining total value. Which was around 1,2% tax in 2016. The calculation became more complicated in 2017 but the net result is comparable.

Best way to move is to enroll to a college. You'll also get about 800€ a month from the state if you have a part time job. You can also come for work, but keep in mind that your option if you don't speak Danish is mostly limited to nighttime newspaper distribution (I started there last night, very tough job, but the pay is worth it). If you already made it and can make a living off crypto you'll just need to prove (iirc declaration should be enough) that you have enough cash (~1500€ I think?) to sustain yourself. Keep in mind that Denmark is quite an expensive country, but you can make it on ~500€/month if you don't mind living off frozen pizza and pasta (I don't!).

Anything else you'd be interested in?

I had to call my bank and have then unlock the ability to send money internationally.
And they asked me a bunch of questions, what I was going to do with the money, how often I was going to send money, and so on.

Fucking Jews, the taxing body probably have me in their sights the moment I cash out

thanks anons

I sent 11k Euro to Coinbase a few days ago with no problems. Fuck Kraken.

30% from 4% is 1,2% effective taxes.

And yeah, since 2017 you first substract the 25k (or 50k if you have a partner).
Then you pay 30% taxes over 2,8% of 0k to 75k euros.
30% taxes over 4,6% from 75k to 975k euros.
And 30% taxes over 5,4% over everything you own above 975k euros.

So effectively the taxes for poor people is now something like 0,84%. While multimillionairs have to pay more taxes.

This doesn't exclude your house and such. Just your savings.

This doesn't include your main house and such. Just your savings like euros, stocks and bitcoins.

Thanks man. What is an iirc declaration? Do I get assisted living is I enroll in a university there?

Maybe Bitpanda? They’re based in Vienna, so I’d assume they use unsuspicious EU banking.
You can send BTC there and convert them to €. Though ofc. they pay a few % below market.

If I make a lot on crypto I'm seriously going to arrange a sort of VISA marriage for Denmark/Netherlands, even though I'm already an EU citizen.

use local trades or local exchanges
whats so difficult about that?

iirc = if I remember correctly

You'll just sign a paper that you can afford to live here before you find job. They'll help you with paperwork if you enroll.

Just go with SEPA via Coinbase, only to cash out.


Kanker kraken. Welke bank?

thank you. researching for schools.

What's the most chill major to enroll if you reckon?

never had a problem with, and I send 4-5k a month for the past 3 years

also I live in Greece :P

I'm studying Tourism & Hospitality management. Literal meme, but it's easy as fuck. Few projects and maybe 2 exams per semester.