I’m not an American and don’t know much about him
Tell me about him
I’m not an American and don’t know much about him
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1930s Bernie Sanders/ Jeremy Corbyn
He's a short-sighted socialist retard who gets praised because "he desbroys de rich ppl and he liges blagg ppl"
He wanted to elevate every male representative of the human race to the living standards typical of a monarch.
He managed to keep his state's banking network pretty solvent, at a time when banks were crashing like house of cards.
he was an all pro defensive lineman for the Raiders and now is a long tenured analyst on FOX
Ah yes, I too play Kasierreich my fellow autists. Savinkov best boi.
Huey Long is a really interesting and often forgotten character in American history, would be interesting to have seen what he would have done were he elected president under the America First ticket.
An actual nationalist socialist without the retardation from fascism.
>mfw we'll never see a uniquely American take on socialism rise
Quick rundown:
>born in 1893 in rural northern Louisiana, raised by conservative but well-educated Baptists
>despite never taking twelfth grade and a cumulative three semesters of law school, passed the Louisiana Bar exam and became a lawyer
>got gypped out of an investment in an oil well by Standard Oil (founded by John D. Rockefeller), hated them ever since
>claimed he never took a case against a poor man, loved taking cases against major corporations (especially Standard Oil)
>ran for his first political office (a Louisiana Railroad Commissioner) in 1918; claimed that he would fight for the disadvantaged poor against Wall Street and corruption
>as Railroad Commissioner, pushed for lower utility rates, railroads in rural areas, and companies like Standard Oil to use Louisiana-mined oil (while also increasing his own authority)
>took a case against a telecom company for unfair rate increases to the US Supreme Court and won; Chief Justice (& former president) William Howard Taft said Long was one of the smartest lawyers he'd ever met
>ran for governor in 1924 and came in third; said his loss was because he refused to support the KKK and muddy roads made it hard for rural voters to get to the polls
>ran again in 1928, first used the slogan "Every man a king, but no man wears a crown" then; also started building ties with Louisiana Catholics
>promised more roads, bridges, free textbooks to rural illiterate children, and limiting corporate influence, and was one of the first to use radio campaigning
>won by a massive margin in 1928
>proceeded to fire nearly every state worker who disagreed with him that he could and replaced them with supporters
>pushed his public works programs through the state house & senate, mostly paid by a proposed tax on Standard Oil shipments
>opponents attempted to impeach him in 1929, he got 15 state senators to agree to support him no matter the evidence; most of them got cushy government jobs after their terms
>started a personal newspaper to oppose critical press; people who bought ads in his paper got political favors
>built a really tall capital building in Baton Rouge
>ran for US Senate while still governor in 1930, won
>left the Senate seat vacant for 2 years until the end of his gubernatorial term since he didn't want his former-friend-turned-political-rival Lt. Governor Paul Cyr to succeed him
>brokered an agreement with old political rivals led by New Orleans mayor Thomas Walmesley to support his legislation if he funded new airports and roads in New Orleans
>poured shitloads of money into Louisiana State University
>in 1931, Lt. Gov. Paul Cyr claimed that Huey being Governor and Senator was illegal and declared himself the legitimate governor
>Huey sent in the Louisiana National Guard to arrest him and drag him out of the State Capital
>argued in the State Supreme Court that by declaring himself governor, Cyr had effectively resigned from his post as Lt. Governor
>he won the case and appointed his supporter Olly King as Lt. Gov.
>after his term ended in 1932, he endorsed his friend Oscar Allen's gubernatorial campaign, and he easily won
>as a Senator, Huey blamed the depression on big business being too greedy and influencing politics
>initially supported FDR and the New Deal, but thought that it didn't go far enough and later broke with him
>opposed the National Recovery Act as a "sellout to big business" and filibustered the Glass-Steagall Bill until it offered protection for state banks
>FDR appointed Long's rivals to cover Louisiana's funding and had the IRS investigate his allies
>oddly enough, took a hardline stance on the Chaco War and supported Paraguay, saying that the US favored Bolivia because of Standard Oil contracts
>put forward his own national reconstruction plan, the Share Our Wealth Program, in 1934
>called for progressive taxation, income caps, universal income, free college, pensions, guaranteed vacation, aid for farmers, (cont'd.)
a nobody that got turned into a meme for not fucking reason
I agree with half of this
t. oil company executive
Louisiana was poor as fuck and still technologically in the 1800s. At this time as well, the oil industries were moving in to take it all for themselves
Huey Long was a populist who rose to power by taxing the fuck out of the oil industry which he used to build up Louisiana. From our roads, to schools, to bridges and basically modernized the state. People like my poor as fuck cajun mawmaw loved him, while some rich people hated him for taxing them so much.
He wasnt a socialist though, he just knew that a giant portion of the population being poor and with no way out would lead to socialism though, so he put out that fire. He was also corrupt as fuck, but the thing no one realizes is that NO ONE in Louisiana gives a fuck about this since all of our politicians are corrupt as fuck. At least this corrupt asshole actually did something
Shit, I'm running low on Huey memes. Enjoy a Kaiserreich meme.
>...public works programs, federal regulations on the economy, a month of federally guaranteed vacation, and a 30-hour workweek
>most economists say that a program with the numbers he gave wouldn't be economically viable, but fuck those guys, right?
>organized the Share Our Wealth Society, which soon gained 7.5 million members in two years
>he was cited as motivation for FDR's 'push to the left' with his Second New Deal laws, and FDR privately admitted to try and "steal Long's thunder" with many of them
>despite being Senator, Long was still effectively governor
>frequently traveled to Louisiana to help draft and argue for laws in the State House & Senate
>decreased the power of local governments in Baton Rouge and New Orleans (both of which hated him), taxed newspapers that just happened to be the ones he hated, and formed a FUCKING SECRET POLICE BUREAU that only answered to him and his supporters
>threatened another tax on Standard Oil until they agreed that 80% of their domestically refined oil would come from Louisiana
>started making overtures about running for the 1936 Presidential election
>began aligning himself with various progressives around the nation, most famously Father Charles Coughlin
>supposedly planned to run someone else on an independent ticket, split the 1936 vote with FDR, hand the election to the Republicans, and then run and win by a landslide in 1940
>in 1935, 200 armed anti-Longists took over the Baton Rouge courthouse and got in a firefight
>the National Guard were called in, and Gov. Allen imposed martial law in the city and banned public criticism of state officials (i.e., Huey)
>later passed a series of bills that essentially made him the sole authority on municipal loans and press censorship in Louisiana
>assassinated in September of 1935 by Carl Weiss, the son-in-law of a judge he'd fired
>his last words were "God, don't let me die, I have so much to do"
From what I've read he was a pretty cool dude. Shame about the whole nepotism and corruption thing.
Thank God
how does one man get away with all of this god damn
Yes and no. He hated commies. He was more or less the American equivalent of a NatSoc.
Corruption isn't a bad thing if you do good things with it
>Not playing MacArthur as the American Cincinnatus
He was economically a Social Democrat like those two and I don't think he had any particular opinion on race or Jews like the Nazis and Fascists did.
Why not at that point just stick with Gardner?
This is by far the most retarded way to describe him
Was he an American nationalist?
Wait, does that mean Bernie Sanders might get assassinated too?
He was a populist in the purest sense of the word. Which isn't necessarily a bad thing.
Here, a summary of his proposals
One can only hope
>He was more or less the American equivalent of a NatSoc.
>He was more or less the American equivalent of a NatSoc.
When did he advocate for invading Poland?
he promoted education among a largely illiterate people, developed infrastructure, schools hospitals etc. in his state, you call all that 'short-sighted'?
> I don't think he had any particular opinion on race or Jews like the Nazis and Fascists did.
Not openly like his buddies did
There's a reason why orthodox socialists and communists fucking hated Huey Long and a jew killed him.
>Yonder goes father Coughlin, wearin a silver chain with gas in his stomach and Hitler on the brain
To be fair, Coughlin didn't really go off the deep end until after Huey died.