>be me
>just came out of prison (6 years in)
>discovered bitcoin is now a huge thing
>have 1157 of them
Be me
>inb4 dozens of pajeets start spamming this thread with their wallets
pls sir, one butcoin, yes??
Nah, life fucked me and now im fucking life
larpers like you deserve to die irl
i wish you go to prison for real your larping moron
What is a larp?
Gibs one BTC pls.
How stretched is your anus? How many btc would you trade for your anus to be tight again?
Dear sir, could you give me 1btc please. I will thank you whole life sir. My wife is very sick. Please sir only 1 BTc could save her.
was she bit by a snake while shitting on the street?
Timestamp screenshot or larp
Fuck off Vizard you pajeet retard
show wallet
you shut up you neet retard
Welcome to 2017. We have our first Meme president, bitcoin is popular now (but that might change soon), and also LARPers are a big problem now so I don't believe you.
Hmm I only have 13 btc but my asshole virginity is intact.
If you were in comfy Norwegian prison then well done
plz plz plz oh god plzzz
LARPers are such a problem that, especially on here, they lead people to making serious money losses using the "insider information" meme Hence why:
can help me pay my rent?
live action role play
hey op assuming you are not shitposting can you greentext your story? why did you go to prison?