Who was in the wrong here?
Bosnian War 1992-1995
The edgelords will say "le based Serbs remove kebab" but by any measure it was the Serbs who chimped out
All Bosnian Serbs did was fight for their independence.
Like they fought in Croatia, right ?
Clinton and Allbright.
Croatia is rightfully Serbian clay and Croats are just Catholic Serbs in denial.
The way we see it, your Turks in denial xD
When the first post is the best post.
What most people won't tell you is that the war was actually fought over the filling of a kind of pastry popular in the Balkans, inherited from the Ottomans - the most revered burek. The main point of contention being whether it should exclusively be filled with meat, or whether other kinds of fillings are also acceptable. Two decades later it's still a dangerous topic to bring up in casual conversation, more so than religion or political preferences.
Parts of Croatia.
>Croats are sick of all of the Serbs Serbing things up in Croatia
>put large numbers of Serbs in death camps
>cut to 90s
>communism is failing everywhere, none of the constituent nations of Yugoslavia want to be part of Yugoslavia
>Serbs are worried that Serbs living in parts of Yugoslavia that aren't Serbia will be killed if the Yugoslavian central government can no longer protect them
>proceed to invade Croatia and Bosnia to prevent any ethnic Serbs from being under governments other than the Yugoslavian one
>proceed to massacre civilians by the thousands, shoot down NATO jets, and storm UN compounds to kill the refugees hiding within
>eventually piss off so many people that even Clinton decides to bomb Bosnian Serbs (Serbia's proxy force)
>Albanian mafia realizes that they can have their own country too, and starts attacking Serbian security forces in Kosovo, a majority Albanian part of Serbia
>Serbs react predictably by massacring a shitload of civilians
>Clinton is so exasperated that he begins bombing Serbia proper because he's sick of seeing all these fucking massacres on CNN
t.butthurt "Croat" who can't take the truth
No, the whole of it.
After watching the Death of Yugoslavia I’d say the Serbs.
As much as I want to side with fellow Christians, you simply cannot deny that Serb forces were inherently vile and borderline autistic.
Serbs had a number of very legitimate and reasonable goals/interests to accomplish in Yugoslavia. They also had control and sway of the central government, majority populace, global sympathy following massacres by Croat and Nazi scum during WW2. Even a genuine autismo would struggle to fuck up a situation like this. Logic dictated that Serbs would control all of Yugoslavia and sideline all the sketchy croat, bosnian and albanian scum.
Rather than approaching their interests rationally and strategically, Serb forces managed to chimpout repeatedly at potential allies and rather than attacking any one of their legitimate internal targets, they repeatedly massacred civilians, mostly women, children and goat herders of no fucking strategic significance whatsoever.
They only have themselves to blame for losing everything. Kosovo was literally lost to a local Mafia group that wanted their own country.
Cliffs> Serbs are fucking retarded
You people are fucking retarded and you spout shit just to be contrarian to /pol/ retards.
How the fuck are Serbs at fault?
They are at fault for their crimes during the war, no doubt, but they are not at fault for the war itself.
Muslim leadership did everything it could to escalate the situation.
They were offered a very good deal to stay in Yugoslavia, and they refused.
They were offered partitions and autonomy for ethnic groups (very similar to what happened in the end), they refused.
Once that fell through, they declared a referendum, and just outvoted the Serbs, because Croats and Muslims (Bosniaks) combined are more numerous.
Yet, within the legal framework of Bosnia, Serbs were ''constituent nation'', which implied such a decision must be reached by consensus of all three represented groups.
Not just that, check out ''Patriotic League''. Muslims formed a paramilitary force 2 years before the war erupted.
Finally, let's see the history of Bosnia. In it's present borders, it only existed as an administrative unit of Ottoman Empire, then Austria-Hungary, and then finally second Yugoslavia.
When Bosnia was formed, Serbs had the plurality, not Muslims.
You'll also notice that it was only the Serbs who actually fought for independence, Muslims were perfectly fine with Ottoman domination (they revolted in 19th century, but only because their privileges were revoked), and perfectly fine with Austro-Hungarian domination, and perfectly fine with German occupation in WW2.
Only Serbs fought for fucking Bosnia and for independence.
Bosnia has no legitimacy in it's present borders. It doesn't have any historical or legal continuity with the medieval Bosnia they often invoke.
It doesn't have any historical or legal continuity even with socialist republic of Bosnia within Yugoslavia, because from the start it was a Muslim nationalist project.
Bosnia is the nationalist project of Bosniaks. Learn some fucking history.
u mad son
But hurt roach detected
That's true. I'm not defending their conduct in the war, which was often atrocious.
But they really shouldn't be considered the only culprits for the start of the war (wars).
Especially in Bosnia. Izetbegović was an Islamist. His main aide and advisor was a Muslim imam, for fucks sake.
They push this shit about how Muslims fought for ''multicultural and unified'' Bosnia, but that's a load of dishonest bullshit. They fought for Muslim Bosnia. There were some non-Muslims in their army, but that doesn't change shit.
Of course, by ''Muslims'' I mostly mean their leadership and nationalist circles, most of the people were just swept away by the events, sadly.
Wow you really showed me with those great arguments.
America, as usual.
>support terrorists
>terrorists kill Serbian villagers
>NATO air strikes against Serbia
>encourage seperatist behavior and break-up of Yugoslavia
>Serbia defends itself
It's the same story that's happening in Syria right now.
Wesley Clark didn't do shit in Bosnia though.
All the sides in the Bosnian War were fucking cunts. Serbs and Croats were borderline genocidal while the Bosnians were a hop, skip and a jump away from being Islamist extremists.
>while the Bosnians were a hop, skip and a jump away from being Islamist extremists.
That's just false, there were close to zero native Bosniaks who were extremists or Islamist
>being this butthurt about a war your haughtiness started and your genocidal tendencies lost.
Dude. My wish that Serbia defended itself. It was a complete chimpout. There was no intelligent behavior anywhere.
Croats were known nazi sympathisers
Bosniaks were known turk sympathisers and borderline islamists
Albanians were just all round scum only capable of running mafia groups
How the fuck do you lose to a cesspit of scum like the aforementioned?
Literally how.
Interesting how the most reasonable Yugoslavians, the Slovenians, broke away with little issue.
>borderline islamists
stop spouting this shitty meme, native Bosniaks were not extremist in the least
>How the fuck do you lose to a cesspit of scum like the aforementioned?
By being a serbian neanderthal
There wasn't a big Serb minority in Slovenia.
>How the fuck do you lose to a cesspit of scum like the aforementioned?
Are you forgetting NATO? Retard.
That is literally my point retard. How the fuck do you manage to get NATO to side with known nazis, islamists and the mafia?
Oh, right by shooting down their planes and storming their embassies. i.e Chimping out.
>b-blame NATO
Not like Serbs didn't think they could take on the fucking NATO pact all by themselves, but let me remind you of this:
>Massacre, mutilate and rape tens of thousands of civilians
>blast your own cities to the stone age with artillery
>attempt to commit genocide against said minorities
Very surprising that foreign powers would decide to intervene in that shitstorm. Fuck the Balkans, Tito must've had the patience of a saint to put up with Slavic autism for so long.
[citation needed]
anyone can make false allegations, dumb ass
>Veeky Forums is full of Amerimutt/NATO apologists who defend Mudslime head choppers
No wonder the quality of this board has gone downhill
Holy shit dude, everyone knows what degeneracy the Serbs got into during the Yugoslav Wars.
That's a fucking lie and you know it. Of course majority weren't Islamist, but their leadership for example openly was. Stop lying or spreading shit if you're so misinformed.
>their leadership for example openly
No they fucking weren't you autist. No one in the Bosnian leadership was calling for a caliphate or an Islamist state after the war you dumb fucking Serb.
>you have to go full ISIS to be Islamic extremism
everyone knows the truth about Syria, Ukraine, Georgia, Libya and Serbia
retarded amerimutt.
Please carefully explain how the native Bosniaks were being islamist or extremist
Is it hard to accept your roach people degerancy Serb?
>conspiracy theories and whining about American imperialism whiles sucking Russian cock
Why are Slavs so retarded?
No one is defending anyone you stupid serbian faggot
The Balkans should not even be considered Europe(except Slovenia and Montenegro)
Now shoo off and put your stupid yugoslavian pipe dream elsewhere you dumb slavic ape
fuck you Croatian monkey we slavs made it to space before anyone else. we invented many things, we resist Germans, Muslims, chechen scum, and we are the smartest race on earth. One day you will get fucked by us once more, eat shit kebab for dinner tonight with your dime a dozen whore cheapmonkey mom
Why does every Balkan thread ever devolve to shitposting
slavic ape? Who is slavic ape? dumb filthy sub-human, who put sputnik in space? Who conquered largest land mass of land known to man, who is singlehandedly taking on USA and Israel hegemony in the Middle East, who is working hard as laborer in your country so that you cucks will sit down and watch some Bundesliga or sip on posh tea while we constrcut, plumb, maintain and repair all your infrastructure? Without us Europe will collapse, you monkey sub-human ape
why does every Croatian, Albanian, Muslim scums always devolve the Balkans into shitty third world tier status?
It's never the Serbs fault right?
"we clean your toilets so we're superior to you! YOU'RE THE REAL MONKEYS BECAUSE YOU LET US CLEAN YOUR TOILETS"
The absolute state of Slavshits
How is it their fault? I am not even Serb (I am German living in UK) but I can see clearly by simply picking up history book or whatnot that Muslim gangs were attacking Serb civilians and that your terrorist buddies at NATO bombed innocent Serbian woman and children to protect your radical Muslim filth
Why do Serbian sub-humans pretend to be part of the first world? The only Balkan nation worth anything is Slovenia and maybe Croatia.
Humans usually clean monkey poo at zoo
>Muslim gangs were attacking Serb civilians
Citation required
Out of all the species of slavic subhumans serbian apes are the lowest of them
Barely comprehensible simpletons with no other culture beside genociding other slavic apes
Serbians are the defenders of Europe from Islam. The very few real men left, who can do or perform an action instead of talking shit on the internet about how you will rise up, we rose up once and many times before, we fight for our independence against invaders not just Muslilms but Germans as well, and Austrians and Hungarians, Turkroaches, et cetera.
What have you done? For Europe lately?
Western Europe for not putting their foot down when they had the chance, especially Germany. Don't give me that "they were busy reunifying" shit either. Serbs gonna serb, but western europe should have nipped the problem in the bud early on, and they could have done so easily. The fact that America had to get involved is such a testament to failure on the yuros part.
it is a well known fact. Pick up a history book that hasn't been written by terrorist NATO sympathizers and funders
Is that you kraut and tea
Go back to sperging out about alt rightist
Instead of being an enlightened centrist debater
So this is the power of Serbian education...
>we're defending Europe against Islam
>starts the war by invading Catholic Croatia
So you can't back up what you're saying? Color me shocked when the dumb fucking Serb spouts long debunked propaganda
Look up an average serbian traditional dance, or food, or anything else really, it is far better than the beheadings, burkas, censorship, and pedofilia so common in Islamic society.
>NATO bombed innocent Serbian woman and children to protect your radical Muslim filth
Wrong again slav. It was Serbian autism that caused NATO, your natural fucking ally against nazis, islamists and the mafias, to turn on you idiotic chimps. There is no conspiracy to protect al queda or any other murderous scum in the balkans.
This was entirely down to good ole fashioned subhuman Serian autism. Thanks to you roaches, Europe now has three muslim countries that wouldn't otherwise have existed.
I count only two.
t. NATO shill
Bullshit. You got your asses handed to you by the Turks. The Bulgarians saved the Byzantines during the Siege of Constantinople, the Muscovites pushed back the Islamic Golden Horde, the Spaniards initiated the reconquista and won Lepanto. The Austrians, Hungarians and Poles stopped the Ottomans in their tracks at Vienna multiple times.
You Serbs did jack shit except chimp out repeatedly.
>Croats were known nazi sympathisers
Why do you shits give so much about this? No one outside of the balkans cares that Croats aided the Nazis in WW2. The Finns and Swedes aided Germany to a far greater extent and you never see anyone give a shit about it. You just need to learn to accept that the muh nazi boogeyman doesn't work. Especially in the context of the immediate post cold war where NATO spent decades funding fascist dictators to fight communist.
Croatians slaughtered innocent Serbs under the German regime. Perfectly justified retaliation, you genocidal maniacs
Croatians committed a genocide on Serbians under Nazi occupation. They got what was coming to them
How is it propaganda? "History is written by the victors"
Remember the time Serbs though they could take on NATO?
Funny thing is they now cry bitter tears over the black bombers, heh
Thanks to YOU NATO FUCKING SCUM, they exist today. Serbia was on the verge of removing the Muslim scum, you FUCKING TERRORIST SCUM intervened and caused their existence today. FUCK YOU BLAMING THE RAPE VICTIM FOR PROLONGING THE RAPE BY FIGHTING BACK YOU FILTHY FUCKING SCUM
It's propaganda because this sort of shit is spouted repeatedly by Serb apologist like yourself and you always fail to actually back it up with evidence. If Muslims were attacking innocent Serbs who dindu nuffin show me the proof
>400 Years of Turkish rule
We fought back with minimal shit weapons and still demonstrated more balls than all of you. Bulgarians are native Balkans/Serbs larping as Turks anyways. Poles and Muscovites are Slavs. Austrians and Hungarians had state of the art equipment. we were the only ones with nothing who repeatedly demonstrated tremendous courage in the face of danger. Americans cannot even conquer fucking towelheads in Afghanistan despite technological superiority
In our songs you can clearly see phrases like "hear us muslim gangs" and "our women and children are under attack". What, did they just lie to themselves and sing fantasies that they know are lies to motivate themselves for war? idiot
>removing the Muslim scum
Why do you have such an autistic hatred for Bosniaks?
I know you are shitposting, but its sad to realize that there are Serbs who unironically think like this
Oh nononono ahahahahha
This is what serbian toilet cleaners actually believe
and yet Turks fear Serbs today. Your average Turk would not dare look a Serb in the eyes passing by on the street, he is a natural beta male, just look at these lanky, brown, shitskin subhumans with nigger tier noses in Germany, they have to bully beta Germans to feel alpha, lol
Considering Balkanistani warsongs are filled with grand delusions and propaganda...
>his proof is literally Serb folk songs
The absolute state of you mate
>what did they just lie to themselves and sing fantasies
Nah I'm sure the guys who were at war would never make something up about the enemy. You're a fucking moron dude, your inferior roach genetics is showing
Humans cleaning the poo of monkeys at any zoo, not unheard of. We maintain civilization and clean up your crap, yes, an unfortunate side effect of keeping the zoo operational
If Serbs weren't such subhumans, there would be no logical reason for Albiana to exist as a nation.
well then why did we go to war? For delusions and to get terrorized by NATO? No, we did it because our dignity, and of our wives and children were on the line
The Balkans wars in the 90s were there result of serbs trying to make a greater Serbia. While I don't care about the Muslims they killed I cannot condone the killing of christians they did or the historical revisionist beliefs they hold.
>well then why did we go to war
At least the slav is asking the right question now.
One day he will realise that it was the most pointless chimpout in history of mankind.
>While I don't care about the Muslims they killed
Imagine being this edgy
why should anyone care? These scum turn the world around them to shit for the native populace wherever they go. 60 MILLION pagans in India alone slaughtered by these Islamist SCUM
Islam's ultimate goal is the conquest of the world and to enforce it's culture on everyone. Everyone who isn't a Muslim should hate it.
You are aware the Muslims in Bosnia are not like your typical Muslim right? Most are not religious and quite well assimilated wherever they go. I swear /pol/tards hear the word Muslim and some primal nigger part of their brain gets triggered
nobody does anything without a reason.
You are putting to much faith in them
I must've missed out on all those pesky Bosniaks trying to dominate the world. You're full of shit dude, me and you both know Bosniaks are for the most part not extremists