How did these guys compare to their contemporaries
One of the emperors once controlled the price of gold in the Mediterranean
Ghana Mali Songhai
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This guy again
Mali was islamic
Also the sahelian empires predate Arab slave trade
So we're the Aztecs
The Wakanda meme is real.
Veeky Forums was a mistake
>Veeky Forums was a mistake
African Americans should not be allowed to post on this board.
>says the shitposter
*steamrolls your empire*
>Mali was islamic
>Divine gestures and earthly gods: a study of the ancient terracotta ...
Bernard de Grunne - 1987
Although the art of the Inland Niger Delta cannot qualify as an "art of tragic necessity based on human sacrifice, " as Kubler wrote for Aztec art, a comparative study of the role of human sacrifice among other ethnic groups in Mali demonstrates the importance of human sacrifice as a symbolic sacred act shared by many different cultures. The oldest reference to human sacrifice in West African mythology is that o< the young virgin sacrified to the snake Bida
Why do Africans always name their little statelets Empires?
I mean these places were literally smaller than Belgium and mostly mud huts with ocassional city made out of mud huts and wooden hut, maybe stone fort.
It's not the African's fault. These titles were given by "postcolonial" archaeologists and cultural marxists.
>Though the Songhai had a powerful cavalry, they lacked the Moroccan's gunpowder weapons, which would turn the tide of the battle. The Songhai battle strategy was poorly thought out, as the plan to send a stampede of 1,000 cattle to break down the Moroccan lines and to cover their infantry (who lacked the technology of gunpowder weapons) failed, with the cattle charge being repelled by the noise of gunfire and the sound of cannons, which caused the cattle to stampede back towards Songhai lines. The Songhai infantry continued to pursue the Moroccan army as planned but they were slaughtered by Moroccan arquebuses. The Songhai army then sent their cavalry to charge at the Moroccan lines. After an initial cavalry skirmish, Judar maneuvered his arquebusiers into place and opened fire with both arquebuses and cannons. The remaining Songhai cavalry fled the field or were massacred by Moroccan gunfire. At last only the rearguard, a unit of brave and resolute men remained, facing the Moroccans who they fought in hand-to-hand combat until they were killed.
Someone should turn this into a film, it has much potential for kino.
They've are and have always been referred to as Emperors
Mali, Ghana, Songhai, and Kanem were Empress, but yeah the ones like Benin and Dahomey were memes
Empires not Empress
The supplied 2/3 of Europe's and the Mediterranean's gold
Wait didn't Kamen bornu team up with the ottomens
Arabs described them as deeply islamic and that the sultun didn't tolerate injustice and lived lavishly
The men-at-arms come with wonderful weaponry: quivers of silver and gold, swords covered with gold... Four of the amirs stand behind him to drive off flies, with ornaments of silver in their hands... .... The Interpreter brings in his four wives and his concubines, who are about a hundred in number. On them are fine clothes and on their heads they have bands of silver and gold with silver and gold apples as pendants. ... A chair is there for the Interpreter and he beats on an instrument which is made of reeds with tiny calabashes below it [a "balophon"] praising the sultan, recalling in his song his expeditions and deeds. The wives and the concubines sing with him... about thirty of his pages... each has a drum tied to him and he beats it. Then ...[come acrobats and jugglers of swords]..." [Hamdun & King, pp. 52 - 53]
It literally was islamic that story was from Ghana dumbass
Religious and Theological Abstracts
While performing field work in Bambara or Minyanka country in Mali, any ethnographer interested in daily village life will inevitably witness the practices of soothsayers, marabouts, and "feticheurs." Now, between bush and village, mosque and police barracks, the fact is that these practices regularly call upon human sacrifice - which is of course prohibited in Mali
Listing anecdotes doesn't prove your point
Ah yes here to spam the chat with your anecdotes
Arabs called them that
Volumes 6-10 - Page 62
Peabody Museum of Archaeology and Ethnology, Harvard University, 1983 -
One educated Malian explained this type of reference as follows: "You have mentioned the animal, but you haven't said exactly what type of animal, and man is also an animal." In place of a clean-cut break between man and beast the Bamana see a continuous spectrum of living beings that includes plants, animals, and humans — all of which can be appropriate sacrifices. Later, the same informant mentions another method of human sacrifice where a nearby village cast its victims
ater, the same informant mentions another method of human sacrifice where a nearby village cast its victims into a bottomless pool (interview on May 16, 1979, pp. 163-164).
Twins in African and Diaspora Cultures: Double Trouble, Twice Blessed
Philip M. Peek - 2011
Because of their powerful and unrestrained wazo and their nyama, uncircumcised albino children were and still are sought out as sacrificial victims to Faro. ... Yéféguéw and gomblé albinos are considered equally valuable as human sacrifices (personal communications, Amadou Sanogo, Segou, Mali, July 29 and August
So you spam massive text block from this book to prove your point right?