Who here getting JUSTed right now?

Who here getting JUSTed right now?

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Bitcoin holder?


>JUST own about 150 eurobucks worth of btc right now
what's happening anyways?

Why the fuck didn't you buy BCH?

Getting fucked -50€ cuz of btc rn

BTC is only down like 3% you spastinigger

>own 40 euro in btc
>still sad
might as well just buy pizza with it insteas

>being yuropoor

>Who is justed
Anyone who sells now and buys back tomorrow at 7300

DEEEEELUUUUDED. We keep telling you fags that BTC's price was inflated because of fork FOMO and you wouldnt listen.

>muh institutional money
>fork money didnt pump it
>CME group news is what caused the pump

I'm so fucking justed I cant believe I listened to fucking core shills. Fuck.
>bch is gonna dump now
They said for fucking hours. Btc dumps instead? Fuck this stupid shitty core coin. Stupid dinosaur.

>2X wasn't an airdrop it was literally all or nothing
>being this retarded

hahaha whatever keep coping, people expected free coins. whether or not they would actually be receiving it for "free" is irrelevant.

BTC will never be $7500 again.
Screencap this you cuck.

>BTC is already going up again
who else /bought10minutesago/ here?

nothing goes down in the span of hours/days in a straight line buddy. you're going to regret that decision once it hits 5k

Guys, really, do you think markets only go up?

Fuck I missed that news. Unironically cashing out now. See you guys at 5k

lol no, i handle BTC as a long term investment. everything will be fine.

For sure Bitcoin has a long way to go down before it comes back up

BCH however has hit it's ceiling, it can't go any higher

>go to bed everything fine
>wake up
>check blockfolio
>immediately JUST

JUSTED thanks to RCN

>be amerifat
>go to bed up 20%
>wake up
>down 20%

ok i transfered what little i ahd left to buy drugs
so long biz

I own no BTC, but I'm getting JUSTed hard.

literally me every day

No just. Only moon. Join us. Best pump and dump group discord.gg/XEmadRR
