>laughs at india
how brainlet are you
weeb alert
>Ancient Greece is modern Greece
Nice try Stavros.
Nobody really takes primordialism seriously afaik
they let you shitpost on Veeky Forums during your shift at 7/11, Pajeet?
>India, Russia, and Japan
>no Persia
what would i put for persia? i only know there was some persian guy who invented algebra, also arabian nights im still not sure if it's arabic or persian
>Using great people from before the unification of Italy, Germany and India.
>Modern Greece is the same as ancient Greece meme.
>China not being top tier.
Italy and greece/japan/spain.
Italy gives me the hots the most.
Move China to Greatest Nation. Get rid of Japan and India. Bump down Russia. Greece is only valid if you include Byzantium as part of it's heritage.
>ever being on the level of European civilizations
Spain has been more influential in world history than France,Germany or Russia. Fight me
>ugliest fucking language
>ugliest fucking food
>ugliest fucking architecture, art, music, everything
Spain is just disgusting
>ugliest fucking language
>ugliest fucking architecture, art, music, everything
ugh, couldnt be more wrong
>kicking a man when he's down
You have enough on your plate already.
>World's history is only 1,000 years old
t. snownigger.
>spanish is disgusting
>spanish culture is disgusting
Dutchman located
>no Persia/Iran
Is this another episode of Veeky Forums being completely ignorant on non-western history?
I should also probably add Sweden, Persia and the Arabs in honorable mentions tbqh
maybe Portugal too, hmmm
Spanish food is severely underrated though.
Agree on language etc.
China should be in main players. Arabs in honourable mentions.
Think of how much Swedes have given us at their minuscule population. they'd be amazing if they had a population equal to Germany.
ShuT the FucK Up MehMAt
IsLAm Is A a tHreat TO the Rest of The World
MusLIms are A CanCer and a DisEASe, OK?
ReaD the KoreaN, thear Holy BoOK, it haS it CleAr as DAY
By that logic forget about Sweden and include Iceland. Way more impressive.
tell me famous arabs and chinks to add, im too brainlet, i dont know any
Not an argument
Not even coherent
>UN used as a positive example for USA
Spanish food, language, art and architecture are all amazing.
this is a joke right?
you're either a dirty beaner yourself or you've never heard Spanish being spoken (spoiler: it sounds like a dirty third world gutter shitskin language, only 1000x worse), or you're in denial somehow
>no Iran or Portugal
Add Persia and remove the "Honorable Mention" box and you've maybe got something.
>didn't even exist until the late Middle Ages
>relevant in any way, shape, or form
tell me famous iranian things
i know they invented algebra and zoroastrianism, what else they got?
>USA above Greece
lmao get this shit out of here
>edgar allen poe
>not emily dickinson, walt whitman or hart crane
wew lad
t. Amerilard that thinks Mexican Spanish accent is the standard of what Spanish sounds like worldwide
Spanish food apart from blood sausage, paella and sangria is disgusting.
Spanish architecture is good, but only due to the Moors. They built the best stuff. Their art only gets good after Baroque up to Early Modern.
Op is a retard
It is the standard in dubbing throughout latin america. It also sounds more pleasant sounding than the constant lisp. But the best Spanish is from Argentina or Colombia.
>persian guy who invented algebra
*tips fedora*
what's the problemo friendo? can you respond in english or can you only speak in memes?
>the best Spanish is from Argentina
t, Narizón
Greatest Nations:
>Roman Empire
Honorable Mentions:
>Ancient Greece
>Ottoman Empire
updated a bit
why germany below france and uk?
Lol Germany and Italy didn’t exist until 200 years ago what’s your point ?
Portugal was the European nation that kickstarted the age of discovery, Portugal dominated the trade routes in the Indian Ocean because Portugal against all odds defeated the Ottomans/Mamluks/and their allies
Portuguese is the 6th most spoken language in the world
Portugal managed to stay independent from Spain even though Spain is much larger and has a lot more resources and manpower than Portugal
In the XVIII century the income of the king of Portugal was 30 times higher than that of the king of England. XVIII fucking century, this isn’t even Portugal at it’s peak
Portugal had the 10th largest empire in the World and it’s empire lasted 6 centuries
Also during the XVI century all of the european courts had a Portuguese doctor
The first man to circumnavigate the globe was Portuguese
So yeah Portugal was relevant, go fuck yourself historical illiterate peasant
"nations" is a pretty arbitrary way to rank greatness.
>In the XVIII century the income of the king of Portugal was 30 times higher than that of the king of England. XVIII fucking century, this isn’t even Portugal at it’s peak
You just made this up unless you are not taking into account the budget from the house of commons
>says ancient countries' achievements shouldn't count toward modern countries
>ancient China's achievements should count toward modern China
you're right,it's a bit confusing, i was wondering weather USA should count as anglos, they confuse things a bit, also some of the french ones i added are of italian ancestry(napoleon and lully)
>no Barcelona
Looks like the independence of Catalonia is a given now.
>Lol Germany and Italy didn’t exist until 200 years ago what’s your point ?
Italy had the Roman Empire, what the did the Poors have?
Germany contributed immensely to the science and arts in the past 350 years, unlike Poortugal
>Portugal was the European nation that kickstarted the age of discovery, Portugal dominated the trade routes in the Indian Ocean because Portugal against all odds defeated the Ottomans/Mamluks/and their allies
Yeah, that was Spain.
Not Poortugal.
>Portuguese is the 6th most spoken language in the world
Thanks to the shithole known as Brazil
>Portugal managed to stay independent from Spain even though Spain is much larger and has a lot more resources and manpower than Portugal
top kek
>In the XVIII century the income of the king of Portugal was 30 times higher than that of the king of England. XVIII fucking century, this isn’t even Portugal at it’s peak
it's called corruption sweetie
>Portugal had the 10th largest empire in the World and it’s empire lasted 6 centuries
wow, ruling over shitholes like Brazil must be so hard
>Also during the XVI century all of the european courts had a Portuguese doctor
They weren't a nation until the 1800s. France and Britain were a thing and world powers and before the 1800s. Germany just had some colonies in Africa.
Modern china is the second most powerful country on earth right now.
>his empire was defeated by drunken swamp jews
Lol no China is a shithole, Even Russia is better.
>What is the Han continuos idea of nation (even through different dynasties and emperors)?
stop envying my european nose!!
Shouldn't Julius Caesar be added under the Italian flag?
Not him but Spain is pretty nice. My gf is Spanish
t. Dutchman
Meant for
>Yeah, that was Spain.Not Poortugal.
You gotta be fucking joking
Jesus Christ you are so fucking retarded it makes me wanna kill myself
Please read more about Portugal before making stupid comments like that
I didn’t made it up , at that time there was lots of gold being extracted from Brazil
Are you talking about the dutch?
The only reason why they “won” is because we were in a union with Spain and they had most of our ships and they didn’t bother defending our colonies making them easy prey for the dutch
But even with this advantage the dutch couldn’t beat us without outnumbering us and they only won in Asia they got BTFO in Africa and Brazil
Don't be deluded. The Spanish army reconquered Brazil which was the only place the Portuguese didn't lose to the Dutch. Portuguese version of history is so cartoonish and comical that is not even funny.
user you made that up. The UK had the biggest budget of all European powers in the XVIII
You are right Spain did help us expel the dutch from Brazil but the reason the dutch conquered Brazil from us in the first place waa because Spain had control of our navy and we couldn’t do anything to stop the dutch
>Brazil which was the only place the Portuguese didn't lose to the Dutch.
What about Macau?
What about Goa?
What about Angola?
The dutch tries to conquer all of these ones but failed miserably
I swear I didn’t make this up, it’s true , the King of Portugal had lots of gold from Brazil
Portugal refused to fund the war against the Dutch while being the most beligerant member of the hispanic monarchy. How do ypu expect the king of Spain to send a navy when the Portuguese refuse to fund it? At the end of the day the Dutch were kicked out of Brazil by the Castillian navy and army that was meant to end piracy in the caribean leaded by Fadrique Alvarez de Toledo. If the Portuguese council didn't behave like spoiled children and then revolted as soon as they could,maybe not a single colony would have been lost
And? The British managed the biggest budget in Europe with the French and the Spanish coming at third place in the XVIII century. Ypu are claiming that Portugal had a budget 30 times larger than that of France which would make the king of Portugal managing the same budget at the rest of the world combined. You are confusing personal wealth with state budget if anything,and even then I highly doubt the disparity is that big
After the Union with Spain was established, the spaniards took our navy so that they could fought their stupid battles with the English, not because we refused to fund it, if Spain hadn’t stealed our navy we would have pounded the dutch
You are confusing a lot of terms and time periods my dear user. The navy was controled by the king of Spain not by the Castillian council or any other council in the region. The war with England ended in 1604 while the Dutch attacks on the Portuguese empire around 1620. The Portuguese council was in favour of a war against the Dutch but refused every single time to give any funds to the king,who was forced again to increase the taxes of Castile to finance the war. I have read a lot about this subject and I can tell you that the version that you have been taught is really biased
Yeah you are right maybe I am confusing the centuries, maybe it was the XVI or the XVII centuries
India and China deserve to be there more than irrelevant Britpoors
Dude , a lot of our navy was destroyed in stupid battles against the English, before the king of Spain invaded Portugal we could fund our navy perfectly, but after he starts to fight the English and most of our fleet gets destroyed or damaged of course we can’t fund our navy, if Spain never took our fleet we wouldn’t have had any problems dealing with the dutch
Navies can be reconstructed. You just need to pay for it,which the Portuguese refused to. On top of that Portugal was the most beligerant council out of the Hispanic,even more than the Flemish one,while refusing to pay for any war. Portugal deserved to lose their colonies for having a retarded elite