I'll start
Now that BTC is going back up, how much did you lose from fear selling?
Austin Williams
Other urls found in this thread:
Bentley Lewis
>going back up
Bitcoin maximalists coping this hard lmao
Landon Scott
i give up im going to go get a job bye fags
this board was better before this pnd shit
fuck you guys
Adam Perez
it's still dropping fag
Jose Sullivan
It's almost at $7k again.
Cameron Watson
buy bch fag
Jordan Morales
how do u lose 4000?
Jackson Howard
hashrate on bch decreasing, why would miners not mine it if it was profitable? because they know its a pnd and are not switching to bch
Jayden Anderson
It's going down to 4k. Just watch.
Brandon Sullivan
Nothing except countless nervous cells. I think I'm getting used to it.