Do you guys actually enjoy what you do for a living or are you just doing it just to get by in life?
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What the hell do you think?
im a neet, 5 years and counting, living off of welfare
its a love/hate relationship
i think im happier now than i'd be if i were to work
I work in the solar / renewable energy sector in australia. I am proud of the field I work in, but I basically helped start the company I work for so I feel extra proud about my work
>start of this year
>start random job in sales for a renewable energy company working out of bosses garage
>team of maybe 8 people
>fast forward 9 months
>dozens of employess
>expanding and renting out more office/warehouse space faster than we ever imagined
>decent salary
>work with awesome people
>genuinely helped build a tiny start-up into a multiimillion dollar nationwide company
also pretty sure one of my colleagues lurks Veeky Forums, hes super into crypto and we catch up on the market most mornings and discuss our gains/losses
so yea i actually enjoy my job
I'm just wasting time at my delivery job until my disabled millionaire gf graduates university in a year and I can retire. But if I didn't have her, my life would be gambling and investing heavily. I'd also work no more than 6 hours a day Mon-Fri no matter what I did. I feel like more is a waste of life.
It fuels the crypto rocket and that's all. Will be retired or dead in 5 years.
I'm an engineer. It pays well but I'm bored with it and exhausted every day - which I think is related to being depressed and bored more than lack of sleep.
I hope you aren't really putting everything you make into crypto. And if you are I wish you the best of luck and will pray for you.
Unix admin. Love it.
Bet you're also a /pol/ raging against handouts too
Thank you user. I have two rental properties but the returns are only good enough to live in a third/second world country.
I've put $60k into crypto so far (which is now worth $80k). Plan on working another year to throw $40k more into it, then living in some dump until BTC is worth $200k, but if crypto dies, it's lights out.
Sewer District operator
>1 man work-force
>small district
>easy salary
>only oversight is board meeting once a month
> basically on paid vacation from October til May
>Govt benefits without most state level Govt bullshit
plus living in an area with low cost of living works out pretty well, I'm pretty happy overall
What job? I'm a 30 year old boy
hey its me your colleague, I fucked your wife btw
Some years ago, I founded my own IT startup. Crypto is more of a (lucrative) hobby than something I see as a real alternative to working.
To all the NEET welfare cucks in here:
People who don't work are lazy useless fucks and should be purged. Everyone can work, just learn to code and get a job or become a coding freelancer. If you're too stupid to code, go and clean some toilets, because that's what you're apparently meant to do.
>being this deluded
what incentive is there to work a shit job and waste 10 hours of your day, 5 days a week, if you are currently le entitled to €1500 a month in various welfare and social securities?
the system enables it self to be abused and deserves to be so
this. if they didn't want us abusing the system they would fix their shitty system, no?
Trained Proces Operator on heavy industrial plant
> Dusty, noisy, dirty and hard work conditions
> Varied work
> Control room duty
> 100% male workspace
> Sarcasm and double-tounged speak everywhere
> Severe black humour
> Laugh out loud several times an hour from banter and antics
> Pension plan, healthcare insurance (in Northern Europe no less), 6 weeks vacation
> Excellent pay
As long as I use the appropriate safety equipment it is simply a job that keeps me fit and pays middle-class wage.
I vacation in other countries 2-4 times a year or more
Can't and won't complain
Blue-collar work is the goldmine for good jobs in the globalized world where most young people want to never ever want to touch a tool in their life, and never have.
>have a job
>hate it
>but it pays the bills
>got my own business
>love it
>but it doesnt pay the bills
I'm a professional Pumper. Sometimes a dumper.
I don't blame you using the system. All I want is the system to purge you instead. But I also understand that it's more sustainable to keep you just at the minimum monetary level so you don't revolt but actually believe that you're the "winners" of the system because of your 1.5k$ free gibs. In the end, we don't want the system to change too much (like e.g. 1917 in Russia), don't we?
And the actual incentive for you to work instead of getting your free gibs? If you work and you're worth anything, you actually get the chance to climb the ladder. But if you already know that you aren't worth shit, I completely understand that you decide at a young age to stay at the bottom for life.
As more automation takes place, we're going to have more and more people on welfare. We better get used to it.
Getting used to receive welfare or getting used to be on the side that creates the automatons and reaps the insane profits of automation?
I know which side I want to be on. If you're already accustomed to being a welfare loser however, nothing will change for you either. Except for that you haven't even tried.
Lawyer. Hate it. Learning to code to escape. Have some ideas to develop to blow apart the current legal model, which is overpriced, outdated, and oppressive. Wish me luck.
Yeaa man! The only solution to fixing the system is sterilizing anyone who claims welfare.
Lawyer coins?
Right now I play 7 degrees of Kevin Bacon as work, except instead of movies it's subsea oil rig equipment. Doesn't pay well, but it's fun. Need to find something that pays a little better.
Congrats on trying to get away. Many lawyer standard jobs are on the No.1 list of those getting eaten alive by automatization and machine learning.
I'm doing both. I have 20% less employees than I did 3 years ago and my EBITDA is up 34% . That's 20% less chance of workmans comp claims, stealing, lying, and whatever other bullshit there is.
I in transportation. I wont have a job in 20 years, but im gonna save up a shitton and then claim UBI on top of it, you computer nerds will pay for my shit.
I also studied law. But I never hated my job until I started reading books like The Millionaire Fastlane and started to realize how working for a boss keeps me from making it. Then I started to question why I was working for someone else in the first place.
I tossed around the idea of legal billing tied to the blockchain verifying billable hours between firms and the in-house counsel for their corporate clients. But those are two inert objects with no desire to change the current system as the inefficiency benefits them. I'm aiming more towards mass market, low level infractions and local violations through apps.
If I was going to do an ICO for lawyer coins I'd call it "Legal tender." Feel free to steal.
Thanks man. I'm in litigation so I'm not on the immediate chopping block, but the writing is on the wall and this profession already sucks.
Democrats are too big of pussies, and Republicans have their stupid families of fifteen from the church.
>20 years
That's optimistic.
I want to fucking kill myself
I dick around with super computers and have an affair with a milf colleague. R&D life is the best.
Im in canada. Too much untamed land for automated transport. Im in the know for it.
Imagine all the uber drivers and limo drivers. Be a lot of people sitting at home soon.
And really uber drivers are just people that can't get a real job now anyways, or are underemployeed. So they are already displaced. It's going to be a clusterfuck soon. America is going to be like Brazile with kidnappings and shit, Canada might be better.
Oh im far more skilled than truck drivers or personal transport drivers
You're cute!
But youre right going to be a 3rd world country down there. If a civil war doesnt happen
I want to kill myself every day.
Probably be a combination of civil war and extremely high crime rate feeding off eachother. Then you add in all the guns and it will be a real fucking party.
I like my job. Im a pawnbroker for an awesome family run business. they buy me lunch from where ever we want everyday. I hired one of my best friends. i do a decent amount of reading and trading while at work. i also buy shit the store doesnt want and resell myself, such as old video games and older pro audio equip, which i turn around and sell for great money on ebay.
Even if i reach lambo land ill probably stay working here just for something to do. It really is a rewarding job in many ways, sure i screw some people over but for each one of those screwed 2 more are helped. we do provide a service and people are grateful for it. If i made 1mm + i would probably cut my hours to like 20-25 a week instead of 38.
Im only 24 so maybe the honeymoon will end in a few years, but the pay is good, the incentives are good, and i make even more money buying and reselling crap myself.
>If i made 1mm + i would probably cut my hours to like 20-25 a week instead of 38.
That's my plan. I'm not there yet, but working toward it. Gotta do something, but, right now I work 55 hours a week on average and it sucks.
What the fuck I want to start a company now.
How did you guys find out what you wanted to do with your life?
I just feel like I will never get out of my retail job. I feel like I will be stuck working with these annoying ass high school kids forever. I have been at this job for about 7 years now and fucking hell its really killing me. I'm in college but I don't know if I can continue with my studies. I've changed majors and dropped out of college multiple times. I'm considered a junior and I know I'm almost done, but I just don't think I can continue on with my accounting degree.
I applied for a plain office admin/receptionist job. I'm just hoping that I will get it and actually enjoy it.
>psychopath bosses
>idiot co-workers
>work place bullying evident almost every department
no deal
user, please don't put all your hopes into one person.
You'll just be let down.
>have been without work one month in the last ten years
>9-5 no overtime
>sit on Veeky Forums all day
Accounting is the easiest shit in the world. Sitting in an office is boring but outside of that I cant complain.
dont be a pussy. just finish up ur degree and get an internship. get actual experience outside of working at a retail store or youll be stuck there for good
I'm an engineer. I work basically 2 hours a day, then shitpost the other 7 hours since they don't really know how long it takes me to do anything is.
But if I don't even like my major, then is there any point in finishing my degree?
Hopefully you can do more than just one option with a major.
You can do a billion things with a business degree - I'm sure you could work many many different places as an accountant user.
Guy with nearly 80 employees here. Even if you hate it, finish it so you at least have a college degree. Even if you do something different, you can at least check that box "I have a college degree" and it shows you aren't a complete moron.
any managers taking notes, audit your engineers.
no but what kind of engineer? electrical right, because mech do actual work
I'm a programmer, sometimes it's really fun, other times a bit of a drag. No idea what else I would be doing that would be nicer than this desu.
Would majoring in just business admin be a good idea? I feel like I will take less accounting classes and I will probably finish faster.
hell yes
>was working job at grocery store
>fuck that
>started making websites for businesses around my university
>started social media management
>used half funds to dropship, put the other half in crypto
>killing it
>love life
I don't make a whole lot, but I was able to buy myself my dream car and become completely financially independent. Most of you probably make a lot more than I do but I'm feeling on top of it all rn
What manager? The only person above me is the owner and he is here a few weeks per year total. He lives in another country. The accountant does the same thing I do, and the girl that answers the phone shitposts the entire day.
Yeah. Businesses are always looking for a smart swiss army knife type. Most American business is small business, sub 100 employees, and administrators are needed for that. A guy who can setup a few conventions, handle an insurance claim, talk to customers, find a contractor to fix the lights, and so forth.
Hi user I've been thinking of majoring in accounting/finance, how is it? Do you need a degree from a good school or would a plain state university do? Is getting the degree hard? What's the job like?
I don't believe you.
What shit business would let a 19 year old with no experience make a website for them?
Most small businesses just hire some child to make them a wordpress site.
How much would you even charge them, and what do you do about hosting?
but crypto is what i do for a living . . .
I'm not that user, but I bet they get a few grand at best and then for hosting they just use some shitshow like godaddy or hostgator on the cheapest shared plan.
I enjoy it and would do it for free.
Shrink here, love my job brings me imense satisfaction, but hours are shit and shifts are a bitch. crypto is a hobby that satisfies my tech and possibly gambling itch. Costs maybe 50 eur a month so cheaper than warhammer or even vidya.
My job has its ups and downs. Needless to say, however, that I'm out of there as soon as crypto makes me rich.
But it will probably never happen.
I want to bully because government subsidies
but congrats anyways chad, if you're successful, then why are you still here?
I'm a student. Sometimes I think "fuck this, I wanna drop out, become a NEET and forget this shitty lifestyle". But I need respect more than my freedom and society doesn't respect NEETs
I didn't discover my passion until I was 25 and, even now, I'm working at it (I also discovered that passions are something you need to work at, in order to be passionate about it). I ended up trying a little bit of everything: psychology, medicine, business admin, computing, programming, computer security, cryptography, marketing, physical therapy, accounting, teaching, management, scholar, cook, "culinary artist", salesman, etc. I've dropped out of university a couple of times myself, yet persisted in the end and got my degree.
Go through with your degree, if you're almost done. You might like it in the end. If not, you'll need to try something else.
>inside sales (music licensing)
>work remotely from home (live with parents)
>job is easy, expected to work 9-5 but usually work 8-2 and still hit my goals
>calling ppl all day and getting in arguments with them
>pay is horrible
Could be a lot worse. so glad i dont have to commute and work in an office with a bunch of people i hate. I can deal with the shite pay right now cause i live at home, but once my parents kick me out I might have to find something else..
i work in the construction machines rental business, excavators, and stuff.
i'm in the office, in the workshop, i'm out at the customers, deliver, pick up and repair machines on the construction sites, i do the logistic, am the forwarding agent, i advice and make the planing, i do literally everything.
the job is stressful, dirty, cold, but i fucking LOVE it!
because i am alone. there is no one who says how i have to do my stuff, i have free hand. my boss says what and where, and i care about the rest. i have to deal with assholes, good guys, idiots and professionals, and the time flies by.
but there is ONE thing i hate:
i doing this three years now. same company, but the third time-work agency now. with a "temporary work" contract. my salary is shit and a fucking joke in relation to my responsible area.
i do this for not much more than a welfare check.
i life in germany and time-work is a plague here. nobody hires you with a normal contract, it is all about hire and fire, temporary contracts and minimum wage.
Don't get me wrong, i like what i'm doing, but i am into crypto for a reason. i hope i will make it someday.
That's really good, user. What did you major in and what do you do now? I thought about just getting a degree in business admin and then just work my way up in a company.
Also how was sales? Is it as bad as people say it is?
I'm very jealous. I love blue collar work and wish I had just gone into trades. Actually doing something with my hands and learning practical things. Instead I became an engineer and now I'm confined to a desk for 9 hours a day staring at a screen and squandering my youth.
I work at a funeral home and basically just throw dead bodies around. It's a small local business with really cool coworkers, a great boss, and it pays pretty well. Very flexible hours too so it's easy to just make money on the side while I'm doing 18 credit semesters. Overall it's my favorite job I've ever had, I plan to stick with it until I get an internship in my field.
I don't do it for a living.
I work for ~100k/year + bonus at high frequency trading. Also, I put 50% on fixed income and 50% on batshit crazy stuff like cryptocurencies.
just refuse to get into those arrangements. Only apply to jobs that do a proper contract or collect welfare for as long as you need to. It is about your attitude, germans are very stuck up about having to have a job
If you find intermediate accounting easy you will get through the rest of the degree no problem. It is far easier than STEM.
I went to a no-name state school and banged out the minimum requirements to take the CPA and took it immediately. PWC did not like that I had essentially done the exact minimum so I went into real estate accounting.
The job has been sitting in front of a computer and punching in numbers. The actual job is way easier but also way messier than the education. I am honestly surprised why it pays so well because it seems like a monkey can do it.
My advice is that if you do not want to work overtime ask straight up in the interview what the hours are and say you need work life balance. Also, make sure it is not a start up or a complete fucking mess before you agree to work there.
different user but it's pretty lush. As long as you get your CPA license nobody will give a shit what school you went through
>working in a sector that isn't profitable without big gov handouts
hes an animeposter of course hes on /pol/
I'm a PhD student. I used to be interested in the work, but now I just spend all day mindlessly surfing the web. I've made good crypto gains so I'm thinking of retiring to some cheap country in a few years.
The system is purposely overcomplicated and expensive, idiot.
Why does the gov have a 98% conviction rate on average?
... so there's a market need and I aim to provide a solution. Why am I an idiot? I also said in a later post it's complicated on purpose ya cunt
Join the collaborated pump group where are we discuss what coin we will pump next. When you get here we have 2.5 million dollars to pump with. Here is the link to the private telegram group
Ill see you there
Systems can and will change.
The major international ones. I see it all the time.
He is and so do I.
anime forum retard
This. The system is unsustainable and doing this will only promote its collapse. The fire rises.
Love my job, hate the paperwork and the dealing with people surrounding it.
sure they will, but likely not in any meaningful way that will negate the comfort afforded to you by the state
letting citizens suffer because they cant find work is and will continue to be considered inhumane, probably not forever, but for long enough
18 and I work as a PT and a kickboxing instructor. I make anywhere from $10-$30/hr but struggle to get more than 12 hours a week. I basically get paid to work out with people, which is awesome for me. It leaves me plenty of time for school, lifting and shitposting.
I am a software engineer (backend webdeveloper) and I don't like my job but don't hate it either. To be honest I am just an empty void. Every day is the same. Ever after graduation I just don't know what to do with my life desu, just grinding away in an office job...
>solar energy
the long con
Contract Software Engineer. I landed a few ongoing municiple gov't contracts. Work from home. Only go in for meetings.
Side work with interesting startups every once in a while. Sometimes they even pay me in crypto.
Can't complain.
enjoy as in being able to cope to not kill myself because I have to slave away in a fucking office for 10 hours a day for the rest of my life? yeah sure im enjoying it
>Do you guys actually enjoy what you do for a living
yes. pic related