Sniff sniff

sniff sniff

hi guys, smelled some suckers in here. who wants to buy odn? don't worry abt blockexplorer, u can trust me!

handsome fella. Is he Blackstone?

Block explorer is in the roadmap as part of the new ODN XXL upgrade

Hehe, yes another good month or so to cover my tracks in the beginning and plan my escape. i mean great things to come for odn! keep buying, ill even start dumping more for u guys!

w/e you say dude. You have no evidence for any of this.

hurry guys the sale ends fast, i will only be able to dump for another few wks!

-signed ur trusty pump and dump marketing manager. "pumping one low mkt cap coin for jew gold at a time'

OP, you are seriously mentally ill.

look faggot, just dump a btc worth down to make the price crash. none of us are gonna do this for you. then we can get back to actually accumulating.


I'm saging

the funny thing is this one dedicated FUDer is probably helping ODN more than anything by talking about it all the time lol.

ODN is relaunching december 4th:

> slackbot Custom Response [3:03 PM]
Obsidian 2.0 Relaunch Date is 4th December 2017 *** New improved White Paper *** New Web Site *** New Logo/Corporate Design *** A wealth of new content *** Spread the word - The Power is Yours!

I know right!

Look what Veeky Forums did to Espers! Constant FUD 24/7, it sure help Espers now!!! *sarcasm*

By the way, what Espers offer and ODN offer is exactly the same, messaging on the chain.


>By the way, what Espers offer and ODN offer is exactly the same, messaging on the chain.
you have no idea what ODN offers.

I know exactly. A fucking vaporware no one will use.

>messaging on the chain.

uh oh, someone is misinformed here. Messaging on the chain would make it a email-system that is too slow.

Gotta get a mix between on and off chain, like Obsidian. Did i forget to mention ODN is a platform?

You guys can go to hell. ODN is one of the most transparent projects out there. Any questions you might have will be answered straight away on the slack. Please KYS

Nice FUD gayboi

Isnt that the scammer from tak coin or whatever? Haha


Haha it is! Reverse google image searched and his name SageFit came up. I remember that dude from back in the day, huge scammer. He didnt even bother changing his aelias and goes by sagemark now. If you bought odn you deserve to get scammed

i bought odn at ico, sold some at 20k for comfy 10x gains, and saved some for long term, but still up 2x

i sure feel scammed desu

Who is this guy and why does he have such a bad reputation?