Let's compare offices

Sia team - Market Valuation peak - 542 mil / Current 138 mil. Living together and all working in an apartment despite having had numerous rounds of funding.

Request - Current Mcap 38 mil / Peak 45 mil. Project only running for a few months yet set up in a professional office.

Looks pretty comfy tbqh.

>no macs

I guess it's nice to be able to go from your desk (sofa) to your bed (floor mattress) in one step.

you don't want a buff developer
that means he's doing other shit.
like decorating his million dollar office space with your money

Got to say it does look sort of agressive

I think it's the aggressive wood desu, and the hanging wood things (lights?)

LANparty setup. Scammers. 2 are obviously gamers. 3rd has left his game open. 4th is doing "something". The gurl is there only because "hey we have a girl on team". Guy on the right is better cutted of the image because doing absolute shit. NO REQ. THX

Holy fuck, how can anyone who is not dirty pajeet live like this, let alone work.


The office is literally barebones you can see that in the photo user what is wrong with you

why it looks so cheap




yeah iddn't look at the image. only thumbnail
good startup office space, nothing suspicious. doesn't look like they are spending too much.

Compared to the Sia, Req looks incredible

top kek

i fucked up, this one is the top kek, the other was just kek

made me kek out loud.

Lmfao. And people invest millions into these fucking retards on shifty little laptops.

This is the memiest thing I've ever seen

Pic related: actual Request office

This post is funny as hell.

That's your ICO money theyre spending

isnt that what ICO is for?


That's why ICOs are for cucks.

"Hey user do you want to buy some debt. We have fuck all product"

"Take my money!"

Kek'd hard

holder here but lol'd anyways

ChainLINK just announced partnership with Cottonelle. Holy shit. Get in or you'll regret it.

Gave me a good chuckle, thanks

Haha even better

Market cap is irrelevant because Sia didn't do an ICO.
When you run a company for real, you don't burn cash on a fancy office right out of the gate. You could hire two or three employees for the cost of a small office. It's the same reason why startup founders usually pay themselves way less than their market worth -- they need to minimize their burn rate so that the company stays alive as long as possible.

Good rhread sirs

>Anonymous (ID: i9poBK9u) 11/10/17(Fri)12:11:48 No.4285
I think that's sorta his point at least, that REQ is being wasteful because this other much older team didn't buy a nice office

Not that REQ office is even that nice though. I know some startups here in nyc that buy ludicrous office spaces as soon as they get funded


also this is the siacoin team?
fuck Im glad I sold this shitcoin

TokenCard 12 Million ICO, now 30 Million

It's one thing having low spending but I think any reputable company should work from an office instead of squadding up in one flat like some weird nerd orgy with your bed literally inches from your desk lol

just sold 100k because of this

As if anyone ever got serious work done on a laptop