Bitcoin Classic has confirmed it is shutting down as developers claim Bitcoin Cash (BCH) will become ‘Bitcoin’ by May 2018.
In an official statement Thu...
Bitcoin Classic has confirmed it is shutting down as developers claim Bitcoin Cash (BCH) will become ‘Bitcoin’ by May 2018.
In an official statement Thu...
>dev of a failed fork claims another fork will make it this time
Sounds like poor judgement to me.
to make a lot of money in this market you just got to read news like this and imagine what brainlets/normies would do in such a case.
A literal who shouting random statements and we are supposed to believe this garbage?
can we just use litecoin and ethereum instead. this shit's annoying.
this x100
sounds salty af Tbh
It’s annoying for you because your a tard who follows. Us alphas already knew this would happen. Bitcoin Cash is the only big block solution solving the scaling problem. That’s what the fork was for the scaling problem for fuck sakes. Bitcoin segwit solution was pushing everyone off chain and increasing fees while lining there pockets with it. Don’t be a tard. Buy bitcoin cash and let it make up for the losses of your trading experience cause we are about to witness the flippening
>Us alphas
Don't be bitter sweet. Just read the whitepaper and realize Bitcoin Cash is Bitcoin (it even uses the original chain). Price will follow. Then miners will follow. Then 1x dies and we get back our original ticker if we feel like it.
Do not get emotionally attached to a coin. Just look at the specs and think rationally.
Notice how people only believe in something when it's mooning? Everyone was spitting on it's grave for the last few months.
is that a core dev?
cause he ain't looking like a smart chink
is everyone dumping alts to go all in in BCH? what the fuck?, I'm not selling anything.
You can use whatever the fuck you want.
Buy BCH buy BCH
Buy BCH or be JUST'd
Btc going to continue crashing as more transaction actually get through.. alts tied to BTC will also crash .. unlike before where money was going from BTC to alts, it'll go from BTC to bch
one korean exchange has 50% of BCH trading volume, this is nothing more than a pnd trying to make money of the B2X drama.
No, it really won't. You kiddos come here and shill BCH because you bought at ATH and BCH is slowly falling. It will continue to do so until the panic sets in and then BOOM, CRASH and no more shills, just pink wojaks. Have fun user!
>overtook eth
>spitting on grave
ok bud
>Bitcoin Classic
literally who
That korean market has all the big chinese money going thru it too. The only ppl too dumb to get on bch are brainwashed corecucks, newfags, and people hopelessly attached to alts that will be obsolete when bitcoin actually starts improving again
Have you heard about our lord and savior Bitcoin Cash?
Just buy in when its 0.03 BTC again
the exact same thing happened a couple of months ago, and surprise surprise, BCH crashed.
>imagine being this much of an autistic brainlet
cash was a mistake, a failed attempt at hijacking the bitcoin brand. We don't give a fuck about scaling, nobody does. The only thing that matters about bitcoin is its name, history and first-mover advantage.
>yfw you think a fork is better from a tech perspective but then you remember there are already 500 other superior chains already in existence
Buy now while it's under btc's price faggot this is the start to the flipping
Number 3 spot with ease and you say it has failed. Eth never had it so good as bch the true bitcoin the flipping is coming
fuck you i'd shit down you throat and you'd like it you disgusting faggot