Why is everyone on Veeky Forums so angry, racist and sexist all the time?

Why is everyone on Veeky Forums so angry, racist and sexist all the time?

Do you really think the key to fixing your misery is money, or maybe a change in personality?

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you cant change your personality after age 20 or so. well maybe when you get traumatized heavily but otherwise, no chance in hell.

welcome to 4chin

get out


what about psychedelics?

I asked this same question before. There were about 200 racist replies and 2 decent replies.

Says the guy who's never tried.

I'm balls deep in crypto so I guess I get to stay.


Tell that to LSD

It does make me wonder, I mean I hate spics and nigs but I don't dwell on them 24/7 like /pol/

It's the cocaine

Here's why

Because it's anonymous. This is how the vast majority of people feel, maybe not you, but everyone's angry and a bit pissed off with the status quo. If you think Facebook 'look at my amazing life, I'm so happy' is even remotely genuine, then your extremely naive.

Also you're a newfag so you don't understand that it's just the culture here and most people don't want you to kys... Even tho I actually want you to kys.

Does it change it in a good way?

I keep seeing "pajeet" all the time and can't help but think it's a racist reference. And people supporting dev teams that are all white/male. You guys aren't children, don't need to act like one ALL the time, right?

There was a thread of a person holding a sign that said something about ARK. Because her hair was shown in the shot, the entire thread was fucked.

>Do you really think the key to fixing your misery is money
Of course.

the key to fixing my misery would be to acquire immense wealth via crypto. Then move to a secure compound built in a remote mountainous region. There I can could continue to acquire weapons and ammunition., and live a mostly NEET life in my bunker, with my dog. I would take exotic vacations on a whim, wining and dining beautiful women, living the life of a high roller. Then when i had my fill of society i would return to my bunker.

>but everyone's angry and a bit pissed off with the status quo

voting for the zionist coastal elite doesn't really solve that m8

t. 20something

Don't expect us to change our personalities just because you said so. If you hate free speech, feel free to post on Reddit because that's where you belong.

lsd is a nerve poison that can induce anxiety, psychosis and other neurolgical and psychological disorders, but ive never heard of it being able to permanently change your personality.

well if lsd manages to turn you into a psychotic mess and you fail to escape from the drug induced psychosis i guees you could count that as a "traumatizing event" which can change personality.

That's the most autistic thing I've read this morning.

I love free speech. But it seems like everyone on Veeky Forums is just a conglomerate of hate. Ask yourselves why you're still single.

You've never taken LSD have you?

>if you hate free speech
> proceeds to tell OP to go somewhere else
>and express opinions there

I honestly think this is why. No critical thinking and ability to relate to other people

Why that?

Well nobody knows for sure, but shitty life situation, genes, parents, geographical location, never had a girlfriend, education etc.

It is very sad.

>This is how the vast majority of people feel, maybe not you, but everyone's angry and a bit pissed off with the status quo.

Cope. Don't try to justify your terrible personality. The people here aren't representative of society, if that was the case, most people here would be what you call a "normie."

The truth is, people come, and only a certain type actually stays.

Fuck you bitch nigger

is that relevant?

It's just the neets from /pol/ and /r9k/ shitting things up. Any true Veeky Forumsreali knows there's money to be made all over the world and shutting it out is stupid


And this

you have to go back


It's called banter, kiddo.
Haven't you ever talked shit with your homies in an aggressive- but funny-way?

Don't take the racist/sexist shit too seriously; most of the guys here who believe that stuff are too beta to do anything irl anyway.

P.S. kys libcuck

OP here. I hate niggers and I'm not a fan of indians and whatnot. I think the only decent countries are one ruled by whites or asians while everywhere else is a shithole. And when it comes to women, I think white girls are superior and everyone else is absolutely worthless in comparison.

That being said, this is a business/finance board. Why does racism and sexism have to be bought up needlessly when we're just talking about cryptos?

Hurr durr pajeet, chinks, tits or gtfo REE

i immigrated from a pajeet-type country when i was really young and even though that term sounds super racist i find it hilarious

not everyone, only low IQ people.

prove to me that its not needed

A lot of anons immigrated from /pol/ over the last year

Come over sweet user for a cup of tea and a biscuit any time!

Do you want screenshots of random threads or what?

yes, give us examples of needless racism in Veeky Forums.

If people would take this to heart, the world would be so much better.

They’re still adjusting to their new environment

>Why is everyone on Veeky Forums so angry, racist and sexist all the time?

because Veeky Forums is new /pol/ while /pol/ is new /b/

>>Do you really think the key to fixing your misery is money, or maybe a change in personality?


You have to go back, faggy nigger.

Racism was a word invented by jews to blind the goyim.

It's just pattern recognition and generalization which are useful tools no matter what a jew tells you.

I'm black, self made and pretty wealthy. I come here for the luls

Not everyone feels the way you do, Ernie, no matter how much you try to convince yourself your anger is an evolutionary trait.

Back to your plebbit hug box nigger this is the last frontier for freedom of speech


that belief wont stop a pack of wild niggers from killing you for no reason

Muslim here and this made me laugh

You have no idea what you're talking about.

not an argument bro.

racism doesn't exist

Gypsies, blacks or pajeets... it's all the same for me.

This is actually true, the term was coined by Trotsky, a kike

Also fuck you OP lurk moar.

>Why is everyone on Veeky Forums so angry, racist and sexist all the time?

A lot of insecure people see others being angry/racist/sexist, and then act the same in an attempt to fit in. Also, close proximity to /pol/ etc.

oh look, it's a roastie got roasted yesterday for attention-whoring , so she came back to shame Veeky Forums episode

how typical

>attempt to fit in

newfags, i swear to Allah

>white male

do you see the state of the world? why AREN'T you angry you little weak bitch?

>t. just turned 20,depressed 24/7 btw

it's a female

you still have 10 years until the real depression sets in, young faggot

I was a blue-pilled conservative virgin who used to believe all races were equal until the age of 27
5 years later I'm a full on racist misogynist in a long-term relationship with the girl of my dreams
Jews trying to kill you (literally, individual to individual, not like a /pol/ meme) has a way of making you rethink your worldview

There's no relation whatsoever between anger and racism. If anything, it's the opposite: a racist sees other races as subhuman. You wouldn't get mad at a fox for being a fox, but you're not going to let a fox in your house until he shits all over your carpet just to prove to your weird neighbor you're not angry.

Sounds like something a fish-headed sewer dragon would say.

To anyone who has actually taken LSD, it's a profoundly sound argument.

You have no idea what you're talking about.


A lot of the people here are just really unhappy and don't know how to better themselves or what to do with their lives. They use anonymity as a shield to hide behind so they can attack other people without consequences. I think they just feel compelled to drag others down to their level because they don't know how to climb to a higher one.

It may seem hostile and annoying at first but after you realize that it's really just a cry for help then you feel pity and start to play along and before you know it it's all just a big ironic joke that you just become numb to.

Nerve poison


And it can, I was tested as an INTJ and now I test INTP.


I can tell you've never tried it.

You can handwave this away as anecdotal bullshit if you want too, but I used to be an autistic shut-in, and after doing psychedelics and going to a festival in the woods and connecting with strangers there I was able to break out of my shell and open up to become a much more sociable and well-adjusted person. I don't expect you to go out and do it if it isn't your thing, but make no mistake, it can absolutely change your personality.

You can fire Reddit memes at me if you want, dude. IDC. I've been coming to Veeky Forums off and on since 2007 and never even knew what reddit was until two years ago when I kept constantly hearing it used as an insult on /tv/.

Jesus what a fucking boring cuck.
I bet you voted for Sanders

I know its easy to shit on someone who makes generalizations about drugs, especially when they seem inexperienced, but it's also pretty toxic to view drugs as completely fine and normal in all cases.

It's like weed. Weed doesn't kill you or make you stupid or make you commit crime, but it usually does get smoked, and smoking anything is bad for you. If you smoked a joint every day for 20 years you'd have lung problems just like a cig smoker.

LSD certainly can make people very very uncomfortable. I've done it ten times in my life, and all but one trip, I had very bad experiences at some point. It starts off fine and euphoric, but I invariably get incredibly nervous and feel depersonalized and apathetic, and then can't sleep for up to 36 hours after. So while it certainly might have benefits for some people, I feel that it isn't good for me ==> it's not necessarily good for everyone

I bet my life has been a lot more exciting than yours.
I didn't vote, but I'm guessing you supported Trump. Do you feel that his presidency has made a significant difference in your life, so far?

I agree with you 100%, but as a counterpoint, I would add that the opposite is also true. It's also toxic to view drugs as purely bad for anyone, ever, and to have draconian laws for the prohibition of substances. Certain drugs can provide windows into altered states of mind that can aid troubled people in achieving breakthroughs that elude them while sober.

>I keep seeing "pajeet" all the time and can't help but think it's a racist reference. And people supporting dev teams that are all white/male.

I know you're probably joking but just in case you actually wandered in here through some reddit post, welcome to the real world outside your faggot ass Bernie Sanders Fans Unite circlejerks, where people make remarks about race because it's funny and amusing and theyre not turbopussies (like you) who worry that some comrade is gonna "out" them as an evil "racist" for doing so.



Here's a good example of what I'm talking about.
All this is basically code for "I'm angry and depressed because I'm a virgin and have no real friends and stay in my room all day eating hot pockets and trading shitcoins and I feel like crying when I try to sleep at night and don't know how to make things better."

The correct way to handle this is to call him a faggot and tell him to kill himself.

The numbness and indifference, the callous way we degrade one another, helps to blunt the edges of our mutual pain and make things more bearable for all of us.

We come here because we can't talk to others this way in real life or any place online that is tied to our real identities and we need an outlet. It's like some weird sadomasochistic secret club.


Are you Indian? If so, don't think you deserve respect just for existing.

Hey as long as you hekp me make money I dont care if youre a smelly pajeet or a nigger.
Money doesnt see color

I consider myself leaning towards liberal beliefs, and I find this site funny. Been here since 2008, /a/ since 2009, /v/ since 2011.

If anything about my personality has changed over the years I've been here, it's my sense of humor. That's it.