ITT: REQ update highlights

>As announced in the last project update, we are ahead of the roadmap and will deploy the website to create, display, and interact with Request in Q4 2017 instead of Q1 2018 as initially planned.

This is HUGE. Means the Q1 2018 version of Request, available on mainnet, will be available THIS YEAR for people to send and receive from.

>Request has decentralized KYC and AML endpoints.


>Yes, we have received a lot of interest, especially to accept cryptocurrency payments.

Businesses already wanting to integrate Request as a payment processor.

Think: Newegg can actually integrate crypto again.

Who else is /comfy/ here?

can't wait to try it honestly.
Was already having wild dreams of quitting my job and trying to sell this to companies here in Euroland.

This update made me hard. Also

>Is Request actively pursuing new exchanges? Is there an ETA on new exchanges?

The confidentiality policies we have with exchanges are important to us and we want to respect them. We know how important exchanges are to the Request ecosystem and we will keep paying attention to them for the long-term vision of the project. We won’t comment more on exchanges.

Bittrex is coming. They couldn't be more clear here.

All my money is in ark and req. Do I dump some ark for more req? Which one is going to pump first? What if I get it backwards and JUST with both of them.

If it works and is Normie-tier user friendly it will go parabolic.

If it sucks ass, then it will remain a shitcoin and disappear by next year.

Diversification is good, user. Keep them both, maybe adjust your % to the one you think will see bigger gains. I also hold ARK and REQ, another coin you might want to add is LINK (memes aside, even REQ wants to use their oracles for their project)

Lmfao REQ fags ... OMG will destroy this shit

What's everyone's token count?

30k here.

Frankly, REQ will have a working product on mainnet before OMG, with only a 6 person team. Sad but true.

Are you me? Good choices my friend. Memes aside I think all of those are just extremely solid projects.


Considering topping up to 60k.

Should I dump some of my COSS to buy more REQ? Only got 2.6k.

next month people are going to be asking why they didnt invest more

OMG has more stickers and a skateboard.

100k and confy.

They have a solid team. That alone is worth the relatively marginal investment I put in.

We've been through this.

>800 mln market cap already, overbought, overexposed
>Limited market: basically Third World jungle Asians that use their mobiles for shitty ass transactions, something which does not exist in the Chad West
>Development team known for staging hoaxes and loitering in the lobbies of banks and fast food restaurants in a pathetic attempt for legitimacy

>Little known
>30 mln market cap, listed only at obscure exchanges with larger barriers to entry
>Not even advertised
>Team is experienced in running ACTUAL business
>Partnered with serious venture capital and innovative bank

I know you're an OMG bagholder, but to newbies wondering where to park their capital, it should seem pretty obvious.

Isn't GDAX planning on adding tokens soon? There was a list of requirements that they need to meet in order to be added. AFAIK Request meets most of these.
Imagine the publicity REQ will get if it's one of the first tokens to be added on gdax.

I suspect REQ will not want to list until they have a working product, to maintain their prestige.

If they do, it would seem a little scammy.

This whole play will come down to the actual product, which is a refreshing change in the shitcoin sphere.

They're going to have a product on Q4, I don't think GDAX is listing anything until Q1 2018. Perfect timing.

Patience will reward us. Remember to Hodl, comrades.

I want to buy more now.

Please stop.

Dumped all my CFD for this. Got 25 ETH worth of REQ now, hell yeah I'm making it

Will I make it? Maybe a grand so I have actual capital?

Don't forget your RLC!

Could well pull a times 10 if the product they release in the coming weeksbwill ve good and a few companies show interest.
Look what happened to OMG when they spread first rumours about McDonalds and Apple

$400 is my ATH, I just need one good jump to get starting capital and make it.
I should've sold at 1k

.07, or $400


>ramsay died


Just wait until we hit top 100. Soon.
Then we will boom to top 1 and REQ will have 500b market cap

Is that communism kills?

Yes. Glorious Jew Milkers.

Don't remember her having such big tits. Fuck.

Phuck it. The more and more I read the more I like. I'm in

Fuck, I just FOMO'd and bought 1 BTC worth more.

As BTC shrinks, this is a great way to increase my BTC equivalent stack.

It was the racism that won me over.

I can't spend more than 2k USD though. I just can't.

Best right wing e-celeb by far.

Lauren Southern is ironing board.
Who was tits?
Gross bleached hair.

Buy more if you can user. Once this takes all people will mass fomo. srs.

i see all of you retards buying it on binance on 4 hours old news

So when should we see a peak in REQ?
I'm thinking of doing my first large pump in the amount of $500 soon and I want to know what kind of gains I should be expecting from this.

Today has been a selling day on the news. All that selling pressure and only a 7% dip.

Really good perfomance. Lmao