I'd like to know more about the Zionist movement. Where did the support com from...

I'd like to know more about the Zionist movement. Where did the support com from, and what ended up making the British give the Jewish people the holy land? Who was in charge of the zionist movement and who decided to make the decision? Not a /pol/tard I'm genuinely interested in why Britain thought the Zionists deserved it and just handed it over. Also what do you know about the Jewish religious groups that reject Zionism and are pro-Palestinians?

Attached: unnamed.jpg (1024x697, 285K)

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Years of not being allowed in the nationalist parties of other states. some Jews went towards bolshevism or zionism, and some had money to advance their cause.

funnily enough, the balfour declaration was made out of an anti-semitic belief that it would lead to Britain getting favorable loans from the jewish banking conspiracy

That's pretty fnny.
Do you think there's a main reason for so many countries in history either throwing the jews out or isolating them? Or is it just different and no I no like it?

Oh yeah here's a really neat video I watched on the subject by vice, is probably a bit biased but it's kinda neat, especially the scene where a jewish women is shouting at these guys and how they're not jewish, seemed really ironic to me.

>why Britain thought the Zionists deserved it
well there was an active insurgency against the british, here's one of the more noteworthy attacks

the decision to create the state came from the UN and was largely due to on the one hand desire to defuse the insurgency in palestine, and on the other a global desire to do something for the jews after the holocaust.

The original plan created a jewish and a muslim state in palestine, with Jerusalem to be run as an international zone. The Jews were deeply skeptical of this plan as they felt their three zones could be easily cut off and encircled, as well as it not giving them any of their holy sites, but ultimately the plan was approved by the jews but rejected by the muslims who then declared war against the jewish state (along with all the neighboring muslim states). This was the start of the israeli-arab wars which rage to this day.

Attached: un-partition-plan-palestine-1947.gif (612x792, 15K)

Don't the Ultra Orthodox hate Israel for some biblical reason? Like God hasn't anointed a king or something?

There's ultra Orthodox in America who live separate from the world like Amish, hate non-Jews but refuse to go to Israel.

Also the Torah straight up calls for Holy War during which all non-Jews of a city must be killed.

Successful middle man minorities always inspire hate, envy and conspiracy theories.

>Do you think there's a main reason for so many countries in history either throwing the jews out or isolating them?
traditionally jews were in control of banking, as charging interest was forbidden by church doctrine so issuing loans was not profitable. That along with canonized hostility to jews in christian dogma, and their refusal to assimilate but rather be a separate nation within a nation made them an easy target.

So lets say you're a medieval monarch, you've run up some serious debts with jewish bankers. So you decide to just expel the jews, now you:
1. don't have to pay back your debts
2. can loot all their property when you expel them
3. look like a good christian for doing it

then in a few decades when the same thing happens somewhere else your successor can welcome them in and do it all again

yes you're referencing the people in the video I posted in I really recommend watching it it's neat

makes sense
The more I learn about the medieval era the more I realize it's full of shitheads

name 1 (one) relevant middle man minority besides jews

Asians in america, specifically Japanese people in America during WW2. Not necessarily successful but relevant middlemen.

Lots of reasons.
-Both Christianity and Islam have reason to dislike Jews as they represent bitter-enders who reject their faith's corrections on Abrahamic traditions. Their existence is perceived as an affront to the legitimacy of Christ/Muhammad.
-Pre-Christian Jews were hated by Greeks and Romans because they really were the jihadists of their time. Violent, sectarian and bloody-handed savages rejecting modern innovation and foreign culture in favor of parochial desert-lore.
-What both anons said.
-Customs of forcing Jews to behave in a cringing pathetic fashion became self-fulfilling prophecies.
-Money lenders have always threaded the needle between legitimate economic necessities and bloodsucking mongrel parasites. When the moneylender looks different, is different, speaks different, you're going to have a lot easier time hating him.
-Disproportionate Jewish presence in the moneyed or powerful circles lends itself to the conspiracy theorizing. There isn't a protocols of zion but they certainly are nepotistic to the extreme.
-Their precarious existence certainly would have encouraged avarice and screwing over people as much as you could get away with it. Bit of a chicken-egg situation of "Christians treat us like shit because we screw them over in business dealings. We screw them over in business dealings because Christians treat us like shit and we can barely survive".

Armenians and Maronites/Christians in the Middle East during the heyday of European influence/meddling in the region. Chinese kinda do that in South-East Asia.

Are Ultra Orthodox also against the Persian/Greek/Roman Judea? Because God didn't personally welcome them back from the Babylonian exile?

I been reading Mein Kampf(for educational purposes), and hitler thought in this way about zionism:

...Among them there was a great movement, quite extensive in Vienna, which came out sharply in confirmation of the national character of the Jews: this was the Zionists.
It looked to be sure, as though only a part of the Jews approved this viewpoint, while the great majority condemned and inwardly rejected such a formulation. But when examined more closely, this appearance dissolved itself into an unsavory vapor of pretexts advanced for mere reasons of expedience, not to say lies. For the so-called liberal Jews did not reject the Zionists as non-Jews, but only as Jews with an impractical, perhaps even dangerous, way of publicly avowing their Jewishness.
Intrinsically they remained unalterably of one piece...

Just use ctrl + f to find the paragraph:

Attached: Shin.Megami.Tensei_.PERSONA.5.full.2166851.jpg (1000x1758, 1.1M)

>name 1 (one) relevant middle man minority besides jews
Gujaratis in India, Chinese in Southeast Asia.

Theodore Herzl came up with the idea of zionism in the 1880s, but it was definitely a fringe belief until the 1920s when there were significant jewish migrations to palestine. Even then though, the number who migrated was small compared to the overall jewish population, and they were mostly highly idealistic types who tried to build utopian communes. It wasn't until after ww2 that it became mainstream and basically everyone in europe who survived the war decided to rebuild their life there instead of in whatever country they had lived in before the war.

Was it also an excuse to escape the Iron Curtain at the early stages of the Cold War, or was it just a coincidence?

Yes, so many fled from the USSR that in Isralie history its considered a seperate migration in its own.

to be honest even now you see a yon of eastern Europeans fleeing their shithole countries to come to israel. Many aren't even Jewish by law, they just want an excuse to leave

Gujuratis, Marwaris, and Sindhis from India.
Albanians: Middle-men in drug cartels and human trafficking?

Lombard and Dutch merchants who picked up the Jews moneylending business in medieval England. There were riots and demands to expel them too.

Jews were mad for being scapegoated since forever in Europe. A popular idea formed to return to the place of their forefathers rather than being perpetual visitors in another land. It's not hard to see why, and colonialism seemed to justify the idea. Though an increase in population, nationalism, and the industrial revolution made the same old discrimination sting a little more. Especially since Jews in some areas were quite wealthy and influential. That and the British felt bad they just got slaughtered in the Holocaust. Honestly it was very short-sighted and created a lot of problems.

Some religious Jews think God intended for the expulsion of Jews from the land of Israel and that they're fulfilling God's will by living all over the world. That's why they disagree with the modern state of Israel.

>Ultra Orthodox aren't Jews because they follow Torah to the letter
>ISIS aren't real Muslims because they follow the Quran to the letter
What do people mean by this?

But which Expulsion? Because they came back from the Babylonian Exile under the Persians. Why is the Roman Exile supposed to be permanent?

The Jews are a poor and misunderstood people, why would anyone want to persecute them so?

Attached: annuda shoah.jpg (1396x2879, 840K)

russian is the third most spoken language in israel, behind hebrew and arabic

I'm surprised Yiddish isn't up there.

who knows, they're extremists

yiddish is a dead language, when Israel was created there was a concerted effort to resurrect hebrew so that all jews could communicate with one another, and yiddish was the main casualty of that

There was a minister named John Nelson Darby who one day decided to read the entire Bible literally (or as literal as he could) and came to the conclusion that the Jews were still THE chosen people, and that they needed to take back Israel in order for Christians to be secretly raptured or some shit.

Darby began to spread his theology in England and America, then a guy named Cyrus Scofield became influenced by him, published a Bible with his own commentary, and it became really popular among American evangelicals and Pentecostals who wanted to go to heaven before the antichrist fucked them up.

And this is why burger fundies support and spoil Israel so much.

I'm not familiar enough with their ideology to speak to great deal about it. After Roman times the region was Christian, then Muslim until the last century or so. Perhaps they disagree with the spirit of how/why the SOI was founded.


but ISIS executed everyone who didn't convert to islam from outside religions, even christians and jews who should have dhimmi status under the caliphate as people of the book

>Thinking they give favorable loans...

That protection is only if they accept the Caliphate.

>That pic
Gives me faith in humanity honestly. I know a few Jews and they all hate Zionism.

again please watch it's specifically about a group of jewish people that go to rallies against zionism with other Palestinians and it's really neat. They even have to strap signs to their bodies because they can't carry anything on the sabbath as they interpret it literally in that regard. Really neato insight.