Chainlink Swift Partnership confirmed by the REQ teaam today!

Since they are in regular contact with the Link team, they must have been told that the partnership is fucking real. Guys this is huge!

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This is nice

priced in

>*toilet flushes*
>Stay deluded linkies

Also rent free etc.

Can you link the screenshot where the partnership is confirmed please? Or a related pic? ty

>some talentless hack from one shitcoin regularly talks to some talentless hack from another shitcoin
never change Veeky Forums

Bitch basturd

Not confirmation at all. Just a hypothetical. You guys are getting desperate now that it's tanking again


going to dump my REQ just because now they have ties with fucking link

holy kek I lost so hard

God damn it nice dubs

Do you hold + fud or are you a salty no-linker?

sunday crabrook

nolinkers btfo

Planning to buy some LINK later, but that doesn't stop me from enjoying the memes

Go look at the Request blog. Latest entry.

I have 37 LINK. 30k REQ.

Am I going to make it?

Go find the updated version. None of those were mentioned in "white paper" only mentioned on website.

Only 2% of circulating supply is not in wallets. Use your brains...

My brain is too little. Please explain to me what you mean by that.

What does it mean

Im buying more mother bitch.

I guess it means that most people are holding rather than short term trading?

it means the vast majority of LINK holders believe in its long term potential and are not interested in trading it. it also means that the price is much more easily manipulated.

Selling the news here enjoy the double bags

>only mentioned on website


only stupid pajeet daytraders getting rekt and trading LINK -

most people keeping LINK safe for when the big news come so they dont make hasted decision and manic selling with all the FUD going around

we will go to solarsystem when swift officially announces their plans and mentions the team

you have been


This is what will happen:
>Sell at $0.23 to pick up a few more link when it drops to $0.19
>Make a slight profit a few times and think you're hot shit
>You sell out again at $0.23, news drops (you can never time this without insider info, look at segwit 2x cancellation)
>Miss out on rapid moon mission to $2 and spend the next week staring at charts waiting for a dip that never comes
>Miss out on life changing big gains for petty weak gains because you think you know better

Really this. The network won't be live until Q2 2018. Some moron would say sell and buy back in late Q1. The problem is if Swift actually makes an announcement about their plans to use the Chainlink network or any other institution does then it's going to Pluto before that. The Pajeet company made an announcement supporting Link out of nowhere. Do you really think you will know ahead of time when Swift does the same thing?

he's agreeing with you genious

Your reading comprehension is terrible and you should feel ashamed of yourself.

agreed, im a bit high, sorry user

>hasty decisions - not thinking straight


Aaah yes, one failed project that did a nice ICO heist teams up with ANOTHER.

Toilets of a feather flush together.

I can feel it. I'll be rich before I even finish law school. Fuck.

We're all gonna be rich Veeky Forums (I know beyong the memes 90% of Veeky Forums is invested on this)

this. countless stories of this happening to people who day traded ANS.