What would you do with $10,000 right now? Would it change if it were $100,000?
If I gave you $10,000 What Would You Do?
>Buy more LINK
give it to a homeless person and follow with camera
Put it all into a shitcoin
invest in cryptos
convert it to ones and make a nice dildo. if 100k, the dildo will just be 10x as long.
buy a small bag of candy and put it all on JUSTcoins
Two chicks,same time
Put it all on NAK
All in bitbean
Buy a satoshi!
10.000 save it
100.000 pay of morgtage
I would do absolutely nothing
put it all in dogecoin
it'll come back eventually
Get new car, new computer, and invest the rest somewhere where it can grow.
unironically this ive been selling at 19 sats and buying in at 18 over and over and over and over and over and over and over
>Has money
> money is just something to look at
eth roll, 69
I'd do the same thing in both situations. Mostly because I'm in the former situation now.
1) Put 50% in DOGE and 50% in COSS
2) Roll out of DOGE from 100 to 140 sat.
Put into COSS after sale
3) All dividends from COSS get converted to 50% BTC, 25% ETH, 25% BCH
All in LINK
Nothing? Shit man, you don’t need $10,000 to do nothing, just ask my cousin.
unironically making 1 satoshi
Unironically buy BTC. Whoever sells and believes that some failed project will take BTC's place is deluding himself.
It's going up, much more people are buying lower quantities than selling huge quantities, seems like price is manipulated to be low to give whales a better entry point.
I would buy 10 iphone x
I would buy 100 iphone x
I would buy a cheap used car (~$3k) because driving my scooter to work in 33F weather is getting unbearable.
Rest would be invested into stocks and BTC
Add to the down payment for the house I am planning to buy next year
Add most to down payment, rest in S&P 500
I know it's not very exciting, but there'll always be time to be an edgelord later with the money I earn myself.
>keeping your cash in hand
You are one stupid nigger.
I'd buy 10k worth of NULS at $0.70. Then in a few weeks I'd be getting my dick sucked by some hot strippers while I snort coke out of there arse.
I dont need your fucking money
10k would mean i'd bother to plan for how to manage through the 2-3 month recovery period (can't work etc) when i'm donating a kidney soon rather than just going fuckit because everything will go to shit. 100k means it would be easily doable and have enough left to have some income/investment stream throughout a protracted recovery.
sigh /biz
Compedy option is repaint the lambo with a street fighter theme obviously
all in on low volume shitcoin on coinexchange
Deeponion dev basically did this to me, I sold at $4.25 for $9,100
Lmao. You live in IN don’t you.
Buy a 4.5k computer, desk and chair. Then invest the rest into a shitcoin that goes on a +10000% moon mission.
Put it into a volatile penny stock at it's low point.
> $2,000 emergency fund
> $4,000 to poker bankroll
> $1,000 to engagement/wedding ring (I guess that's how much those cost, fuck if I know though)
> remainder to LTC, silver, Mossberg 590A1 (dat home defense, Texas style), new mattress, upgrading to washer/dryer that actually works and isn't a fire hazard lol
> $5,000 emergency fund
> $10,000 poker bankroll
> engagement ring, I abhor marriage as a concept but GF is a rare find
> same other expenses, but more invested into LTC. I'd be able to pay off my car (and keep using that motherfucker for the next decade). Buy a computer (srs, posting from work computer atm), and be able to help support my niece
> I'd be able to help my parents pay off their house or at least give my old man at least some chance of retiring at some point
> $1,000+ donations to the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation, ASPCA, and perhaps a couple of other charities that actually put the money toward helping people and not their own executive pay and marketing themselves. Something for Veterans, I think.
Not really sure what else. That sense of not being perpetually stressed about the month's bills would be nice. I'd like to use some of it to put some good into the world. And as far as the poker goes, bankroll requirements are steep to be able to survive playing, but I have the ability to do that for a living instead of being a wageslave - my firm doesn't exactly shy away from reminding its people that we are expendable. At any rate, I appreciate OP for positing the question. Been struggling and thinking about finances a lot lately and this exercise definitely help put things in perspective.
And I suppose obligatory /begpost: 15r2fpUqWe1cSc8yrMARqwYSdwzyy498kP
Invest some in crypto. Invest some in stock. Build a new desktop. Buy my parents a vacation.
> throw money in the ocean
That’s what you think, dumdum. That’s why you’ll never be rich.
>Buy my parents a vacation.
This is why you can't afford to.
But user, I can already afford it. It would just be nice to buy it with someone else's money.
Do you disapprove of my decisions because you think it would be wise to invest it all instead of spending it on something nice that will not yield a profit?
/biz made me hate link. Fuck this shitcoin. hope it burn with all who owns it
y-yes I live in IN
10k or 100k unironically into prefork btc then forget for 2yrs more.
I think we'll need 1.6m altogther for THE change: stop working, start living, use the capital to generate an income stream to live off. And if that fucks up then cannibalise the capital at 40k a year
So thanks for the 10k or 100k but theyre not enough to change what imma doing
I just remembered you from an old thread.
With 10k I'd probably spend 3k, invest 7k in crypto
with 100k I would probably spend 10k and invest 90k in crypto/restaurant
If 10k$ i would invest 50% in crypto (well tether for right now)and the rest would go to funding a game development project i'm working on, if 100k$ I would invest 30%, 15% on general things in my life and the rest on my work.
Unironically this.
50% toward my student loans, 50% into cryptos.
spend it on heroin and hookers
oh kek thanks for remembering, I was getting a little worried there
10k into crypto, 100k into index funds, make easy 20-30k every year and live off that+work
ZCG without a fucking doubt
BCH, XMR and hodl
>get drivers license
>buy car
>drive to next big city
>rent lambo
God damn, this place is like an internet ghetto. Full of scumbags and faggots. Everyone sounds like a literal heroin addict 24/7. It's like an international ghetto. Every hoodrat across the globe ends up in Veeky Forums
10K in BTC
Everyday I'm hustlin
this was word for word what I was going to post
Put in crypto after btc crash
Just cash out and go on the world trip with gf I'm sparing my money and trading cryptos for, we're just aiming for 60k for both and have already 40k, so that's a nice bonus
>start at /b/
>went to /pol/
>end up at Veeky Forums
The internets finest. Now give me some Bitcoin Cash.
buy a used honda for ~2,000$ and give the rest back to you so you can put it in btc to make it grow back from 8,000 back up to 10,000 again lol, u know this is the only correct answer.