How was it that the British army killed more civilians in the Troubles and the IRA killed less civilians? I was always thought because of films portraying the IRA as bad guys they would have killed more civilians and acted more like Islamic terrorists.
Also Why is Irish unionist music so bad compared to Irish nationalist music?
Is it because the Irish nationalists were more prone to romanticism?
How was it that the British army killed more civilians in the Troubles and the IRA killed less civilians...
>films portraying the IRA as bad guys
itt things that never existed outside the plastic paddy op's brain
well I'm Irish (Catholic) and my family and I fucking hate the sinners and the provos for the balaclava wearing scum they were, no better than the 'loyalist' balaclava wearing scum. Ultimately the paramilitaries and republican and loyalists in northern Ireland were responsible for all the deaths that occurred, not the British. .The PIRA were the bad guys as were all the paramilitaries, torture, kidnapping, human bombs, killing unarmed civilians, assassination, punishment beatings.
You can read that graph right?
The Republicans killed the most out of everyone you dense cunt.
2/10 I responded
>scenes where IRA men shoot men in retirement homes and nonchalantly walking out
>scenes where IRA men kneecap teens
>scenes of IRA men being the cause of Bloody Sunday
etc etc
>You can read that graph right?
Can you? I specifically said civilians
Can you see your own graph?
How do you tell the difference?
A soldier wears a uniform easy job
IRA ALcan dress as any other subhuman paddy and be a civvie
Not only that but shit like Bloody Sunday where IRA were dressed up in civvies clothing
Stop deluding yourself you plastic paddy mutt
Just realised my mistake I meant just the British in general
>Someone gets killed
The eternal celt is the eternal victim.
Yank detected
And to stop any confusion of British, its the military and the unionists
You really are fucking stupid
The white is civilian deaths, and the republicans killed far more than the British
Plastic pad cancer
Because the Unionist paramilitaries couldn't do anything right. Also the Republicans won the propaganda war so some terrorists got white washed into being civilians.
>kneecapping teens
are you trying to imply this doesn't happen all the time? and yes i said happen present tense
>Bad guys
>The Troubles
Oh no, it's retarded! There were no good guys in the troubles. It was a conflict being the IRA and the British Army, as the Unionist people of NI had next to no impact on the activities of the IRA instead electing to go on a terror campaign against exclusively civilians.
While the British worked hand in hand with the Loyalists, painting them with one brush is illogical. The British saw the NI Loyalists as a liability and as a useless bunch of fags, while they saw the PIRA as an organised and deadly force.
Neither side was the "good guys." The "good guys" are the ones who pushed for the peace process. There was good and bad elements to both the British Army and the PIRA, but mostly bad.
However both the British Army and the PIRA did such horrendous things that neither of them have a right to a moral highground. The worst of the 3 combatants is undeniably the Loyalist/Unionist Paramilitaries, but only by a bit.
The absolute state
Most "supporters" of the IRA less supported the IRA themselves and rather supported opposition to Loyalist Rule; NI at the time was hugely oppressive to the catholic Irish and the Troubles came to be due to a heightenining of tensions throughout about by the Loyalists themselves. It was only after several Loyalist shootings and bombings and a riot that the PIRA formally started their campaign. The catholic irish originally supported the arrival of the British, hoping that they'd strongarm the region into stability but unfortunately the British sided with the likes of the UVF and then the Irish Catholics had the UVF, RUC and British Soldiers all in cahoots against them.
In some cases the IRA set up a police force of sorts, however how well this went is up for debate. Many areas simply refused to recognise RUC/British Loyalist authority and rejected it in favour of the local PIRA men. This is arguably the first example of real "co-operation" between the PIRA and the British during the conflict, as communications were set up (not unlike bomb warnings) to help with the control of certain areas.
All this being said doesn't excuse the reign of terror which followed in all communities of NI. I'd say the most innocent people are the bottom of the barrel British footsoldiers who were caught in a shitty place in a shitty time. Not all of them were murderers, some of them were just scared and had their fates sealed by the higher ups.
The saddest part of the Troubles is that the UVF-those who arguably had the most viscous campaign against innocents-are often hailed as heroes and defenders of Ulster while Republicans continue to only really support the "RA" to offset British-Loyalist confidence.
It was a terrible and very dirty conflict, but the GFA was a great achievement as there is simply no way that Northern Ireland could have continued to peacefully existed while those in charge ignored the fact that it will always to a degree be fucking full of Irish people.
This gets posted all the time and it's always with the same fuckfuck statistics game. Apparently killing 5 civilians and 4 enemy fighters is more evil than killing 40 civilians and 50 enemy fighters.
GFA was just a snooze button for a problem no one wants to think about
I see it used to attack Loyalists more than anything. I don't think any non-retards (OP being a clear retard) think the IRA were "good", they more just get triggered by the idea that the British/Loyalists were somehow better. You could arguably morph both the British and the Loyalist figures together as they fought the IRA as a combined effort but that would lend to much to "MUH EBIL BRITS."
The point is that while the Taig Terrorists did a number on innocents, you can make the argument that they were waging a campaign on the British State.
For Loyalists you can't really even argue that since they killed pretty much only exclusively non combatants and made 0 real contribution to fighting the IRA.
Well sure, but it worked. Look at Stormont now.
NI is just tribal voting; vote DUP to keep SF out, vote SF to keep DUP out. Only problem is that the DUP are actually hated by most of their supporters while SF are at worst "a bit too far left" for most of their supporters. It's been a stalemate for years but now there's about 1 or 2 seats stopping Stormont having a majority of seats held by people who want to dissolve NI. Interesting if nothing else.
The graph is fine morons.
It's 'carried out'.
Stop he's already dead!
>direct rule happens
>london just give NI to the ROI to save time and money
Could unironically see it happening