How come we let the Germans get away with their heinous crimes against humanity so many times?
How come we let the Germans get away with their heinous crimes against humanity so many times?
>based Germans saved Europe from communis-
>Implying the Kaiser wasn't tricked by Warburg
Willy was a puppet. It was all Ludendorff's plan.
another hourly german hate thread, its really getting boring, flame on the turks or russians or anyone else once in a while
Hate threads are reserved for actually relevant countries
>contrary ideas are diseases that should be stamped out
t. anglo
You've got no one to blame but yourself, Mr Churchill.
>literally open your borders and say “you can come in and take asylum”
>five second later say “WTF we’re being invaded by dirty sandniggers fuck if only we didn’t fight Based Hitler he could’ve stopped this!”
>get away with
We firebombed their women, children and elderly while massacring their soldiers in the field. Then we occupied and split up their territory for almost 50 years. Now we use their territory for military bases.
So the alt-right was a thing back then.
>the alt-right are the only people to ever be against unrestricted immigration
Where did it all go so wrong?
i adore mosley
Are you going to blame the re-election of George W. Bush on the alt-right as well?
Yea but this seem more specific to the modern alt-right.
No actually, neocons are worse than alt-right.
Except the people doing the inviting and the people complaining aren't the same. British people were NEVER asked if they wanted mass non-white immigration.
>Consent to being overseen by the EU and follow the laws and polices they make
>"We didn't ask for this"
Not saying that the EU is good BY ANY stretch but that's what Britain signed up for
That's Enoch Powell
Good bait, no (You) though
The democratically elected REPRESENTATIVES of the United Kingdom voted for it.
Do you seriously think this type of comic is only approved by alt-rightists?
There's people born in the late 90s and later on this board who unironically grew up believing everything was a dandy multicultural utopia until the mean Ronald Blumpf came along. I mean consider for a second that there's literally people on here who don't remember 9/11, so what kind of perspective do you expect?
Those are /pol/ though
I don't care what board they originally hail from, it's just that I have trouble seeing people under 25 as fully human let alone taking their opinions seriously. It's like talking to retards.
You described /pol/ in a nutshell
Well not just /pol/ but also Veeky Forums, /int/ and several other boards. /k/ is relatively normal still.
And if they had campaigned with that as part of their platform, do you think they would have ever been elected? I find it highly doubtful that they would have.
To be fair, we only maintain the bases because they keep renewing our lease. That might just be stockholm syndrome tho.
Find it interesting you have church hill up?? Some would see him just as bad as hilter and just to say the british empire killed alot more than the nazis. So questions should be... How come the british empire could rape, murder n steal from the world and get away with it.
shut up red button nip monkey
You're right i should shut up!! Not allowed to talk, can't talk about the british empire its a no no. So lets talk about nazis again for the 1000 time
Yet some (((people))) want to lower the voting age even more. What do you think will happen?
They weren't invading other european countries.