Palestinian conflict

Please, tell me something about the Palestinian conflict.

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Other urls found in this thread:

>the eternal anglo decides to cleverly drain Europe of perfidious jews by shipping them to an irrelevant desert shithole they haven't lived in for thousands of years and gets to watch them jihad sandniggers for fun too

>brought to palestine by british will
literally wrong

A classic example of jews being greedy and arabs not being able to resist blowing themselves up. They're both retarded.

Retarded Semites killing other retarded Semites while both demanding that the White Man pay for it.

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Jews illegally occupying Palestinian/Arab lands. They're also killing scores of innocent civilians even after peace negotiations were made.

Israel did nothing wrong.

Might makes right

Cry more SJWs & /pol/estinians

It's another nakba. Somebody call the UN!

>original partition plan is reasonably fair
>jews accept it even though they don't even get jerusalem
>arabs throw a fit because they're arabs
they asked for it

>Implying Arabs aren't just as if not more greedy than Jews

Based. How long till another $4 trillion war in the middle east bros

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>an army of Jews occupying foreign territory

Can't make this shit up.

Israeli did and continues to do nothing wrong.
>supported apartheid South Africa by giving them technology and weapons such as nukes
>supported Rhodesia
>BTFO the USSR via skull fucking their arab socialist allied fucks
>has a Jews first policy and supports a Jewish ethnostate.
>kicked out niggers for being welfare leeches.

I don't know /pol/ hates the Jews so much considering them are everything they admire in a nation.

Because you rats throw a bitch fit when whites form their own ethnostate.

Doesn’t exist
Palestine isn’t real
Those are terrorists and they’re attacking the peaceful israeli people who have been there for thousands of years

Thats literally what I just said you retard.

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European Jews aren't the same as ancient Jews. Also Palestinians aren't real.

>Palestinians aren't real.
They are.

>palestinians aren't real
I can't imagine this as anything other than some wackjob conspiracy on the level of 'God planted dinosaur bones in the earth'

Palestine doesn’t exist it was always israel stop being antisemitic remember the shoah

that top left guy is not jewish

hahahahahaha kike delusions based on a rotting desert fairy tale book

Armenians aren't that different from Jews. They're just poorer and their genocide was committed by chimping Muslims so no one sees it as anything special.

I have more sympathy with armenians than with jews to be honest

>Jews had been in Palestine and across the Arab world under the Ottomans.
>Zionists begin colonization efforts, hoping to recruit Jews from around the world to live in Israel so that they can have a Jewish state
>anti-Semitism and later extermination attempts get the Jews a ton of new arrivals in the 30s and 40s. Jews also not willing to leave the USSR because Stalin is a shit show.
>Jews agree to partition for a small bit of the Levant.
>UN pulls out in 1948 and every surrounding Arab state invades to claim land while Palestinians rise up to extermenate the Jews
>Jews btfo combined Arab alliance, huge Palestinian refugee population influxes into surrounding Arab states but don't integrate with the local culture but do have a fucking shit ton of kids
>Arab states purge their Jewish populations in response to their loss. This creates a huge influx of Middle Eastern Jews into Israel. Purge basically wipes out millennia old Jewish communities around the Middle East except in Iran.
>Palestinian groups keep up steady barrage of terrorist attacks on Israel and want it erased and turned over to them.
>Palestinians lobby Arab states to help them. Arab nationalism gets tied into extermination of the Jews.
>Egypt and Syria begin organizing a planned sneak attack on Israel in 1967
>Israel BTFOs them, seized Gaza and the West Bank including Jerusalem.
>This means more Palestinian refugees in the surrounding states and a large Palestinian population under Isreali control
>Tons more kids, the Palestinian growth rates are insane through this period
>Palestinians not assimilating outside Israel. They set up a defacto state in Lebanon and will eventually plunge the country into a devestating civil war.

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>jews were always there
>jews colonized from all over the world
>implying the jews outside had any right to do so or that they are related to the mozrahim

>rise up to exterminate the jews
oy vey annuda shoah


>Palestinians now a large proportion of Jordan. They keep attacking Israel in small terrorist raids and keep trying to force Jordan to help them invade Israel again. Finally they decide they will seize control of their host country. Jordanian airforce ends up bombing the PLO and fighting with them instead of Israel as they try to hijack the state.
>Some land exchange for having Arab states take on refugees talks happen but at this point the loss of prestige from losing land to Israel is not as bad as having millions of Palestinians in your country demanding another disastrous war.
>1973 all the Arab states sneak attack Israel again, this time on their biggest holiday. They actually do suprise them and gain some ground in the Siani before being pushed back. Israel recovers and takes more land.
>Palestinians have now totally destablized southern Lebanon and a civil war between Christians, Shia, and the PLO breaks out.
>PLO attacks Israel from Lebanon causing Israel to invade Lebanon. Syria also invades Lebanon after getting sick of Palestinian's shit as they now try to take over a second host country that let them in. The war lasts 15 years but Israel stays in part of Lebanon until 2000 and Syria until 2005.
>Then there is the Intifada which was a mass uprising of riots and terror attacks by Palestinians in Israeli won territory from the previous wars.
>Shit escalates for awhile, then calms down.
>Forgot to mention, in the meantime Egypt and then more and more Arab nations make peace with Israel and recognize its right to exist.
>Peace process now gets momentum.
>Eventually Israel offers to give Palestinians their own state with over 90% of the land lost after 1948.
>Arafat refuses the offer because he is being challenged by Hamas for political control .
>Peace falls apart and fresh wave of terror and violence starts.
>Jewish guy kills a bunch of Arabs and the radical Jew kills the pro-peace Israeli PM
>Shit falls apart

The population in 1948 was mostly European but the total purge of Jews from Arab nations lead to another large migration into Israel.

As for "extermination" that's literally the word used in Arab speeches at the time. The stated war goal was the destruction of Israel and the expuslion or murder of all Jews on that land.

literally one-sided half-truth propaganda

>source: Shlomo Bernstein - The Innocent Jews and the Countless Shoahs Against Them

Counter his arguments then, if you can.

> Please, tell me something about the Palestinian conflict.

European Jews: “GTFO, your house belongs to me now.”
Native Palestinian: “What? No way!”
European Jews: “LOL, the UN said I could take it.”
Native Palestinian: "How do you figure?!"
European Jews: "Because Nazis."
Native Palestinian: “Well fuck you!”
European Jews: “You’re a terrorist!”

And that’s pretty much all you need to know.

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Palestinians are mentally deficient barbarians and Jews are morally deficient barbarians

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It's far more nuanced than that. The occupied territories, for one, are only Israeli due to the Egyptian and Syrian involvement in the conflict.

Arab states actually expelled and pogromed all their Jews, even communities centuries old. Palestinians were allowed to keep property and stay in Israel.

>"He didn't talk about le evil Jews so it must be lies but I don't know what I'm talking about so I can't actually rebut anything."



>"We shall never stop until we can go back home and Israel is destroyed… The goal of our struggle is the end of Israel, and there can be no compromises or mediations… the goal of this violence is the elimination of Zionism from Palestine in all its political, economic and military aspects… We don’t want peace, we want victory. Peace for us means Israel’s destruction and nothing else.
Quoted in the Washington Post (29 March 1970)

>"I want to tell Carter and Begin that when the Arabs set off their volcano there will be only Arabs in this part of the world… Our people will continue to fuel the torch of the revolution with rivers of blood until the whole of the occupied homeland is liberated, the whole of the homeland is liberated, not just a part of it.
Quoted in the Associated Press (12 March 1979).

Why didn't they just cede defensive land to the people who wanted to genocide them? Why did they build a border wall after all their neighbors tried a sneak attack extermination invasion twice in six years?

What a bunch of bullies. Palestinians are the true heros. The two attempts to coup nations that let them in or attempts to break the Siani away from Egypt were just slip ups. After all the Palestinians have 8 more kids each we will be the majority in Israel and so they really should give up existing.

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IDK but stats wise it's crazy that Palestine/Israel went from a very poor, undeveloped area to about as rich as the UK in 70 years.

$38,000 per cap GDP and then Egypt, with far more resources is $3,000.

It's an even faster build up than Japan

Its not really crazy considering the "relationship" they share with the U.S.

>Palestinians were allowed to keep property and stay in Israel.
and? they still lost their land and are being treated as second class citizens.

it's still pretty crazy

The existence of the wall is not the issue, it's placement is.

Billions of dollars from the global Jewish community were spent on that development.

They didn't start getting US backing until later though. Their main benefactor until 1967 was France and the US took Egypt's side after the Suez invasion.

All the "palestinians" (Jordanians for the most part) had to do in 1948 to get their own state was to recognize the right of Israel to exist.

The refused then, did not get their state, and continue to refuse.

They're nothing but a pawn of the arabs against the jews. Note that zero arab countries will take them in; they all insist the Jew country must.

The diaspora isn't that big though.

To be fair, they've destablized, tried to topple, and refuse to assimilate in any country they go to.

It's like they think that if they somehow expel all the Jews then the rich nation that was Israel will be theirs. It won't. Expell the Jews and you'll have another Egypt tier shithole

>Doesn't even include the Lehi in the discussion

>recognize the right of Israel to exist.
The massacres and ethnic cleansing began before the state of Israel was even declared

>A single massacure in a war and period full of them wasn't described in a summary of 80 years.

Great rebuttal. There were other Jewish massacures of Arabs and Arabs of Jews all around 1948, that event is hardly unique.

It's also well know that Palestinian terror attacks and massacures and Israeli raids against the PLO occurred off and on from 1948-1973.

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Israel's existence is uncanny but I don't think it's going anywhere.

"If the statistics are right, the Jews constitute but one quarter of one percent of the human race. It suggests a nebulous puff of star dust lost in the blaze of the Milky Way. Properly, the Jew ought hardly to be heard of, but he is heard of, has always been heard of. He is as prominent on the planet as any other people, and his importance is extravagantly out of proportion to the smallness of his bulk.

His contributions to the world’s list of great names in literature, science, art, music, finance, medicine and abstruse learning are also very out of proportion to the weakness of his numbers. He has made a marvelous fight in this world in all ages; and has done it with his hands tied behind him. He could be vain of himself and be excused for it. The Egyptians, the Babylonians and the Persians rose, filled the planet with sound and splendor, then faded to dream-stuff and passed away; the Greeks and Romans followed and made a vast noise, and they were gone; other people have sprung up and held their torch high for a time but it burned out, and they sit in twilight now, and have vanished.

The Jew saw them all, survived them all, and is now what he always was, exhibiting no decadence, no infirmaties, of age, no weakening of his parts, no slowing of his energies, no dulling of his alert but aggressive mind. All things are mortal but the Jews; all other forces pass, but he remains. What is the secret of his immortality? "

- Mark Twai September 1897

>Palestinians are the ones who destabilized the area and lead to war
>Bring up the existence of the Lehi
>Hahahaha nice rebuttal faggot
If you're not going to talk about the literal zionist fascists who went around bombing the British and massacring Palestinians then why are you Veeky Forums and not shitposting with your zionist Twitter pals?

Palestinians were super late to the suicide bombing trend tho

>jews buy lands from """palestine"""
>people from """palestine""" wants land back, but they don't want to give the money back

>>Eventually Israel offers to give Palestinians their own state with over 90% of the land lost after 1948.
when did this happen?

yeah but by the 90's he was for two state solution

I've heard a fairly compelling argument that Jordan is a Palestinian state and that all Palestinians concerned about Israel overstepping its boundaries should move to Jordan. Is this a legitimate argument or is it some sort of Israeli propaganda?

2000. It gave them 86% of the West Bank and 100% of Gaza. Turning this down makes no sense unless you care more about being outflanked by Hamas than a state.

Honestly, the Arabs would have a much better claim to moral authority of they hadn't ethnically cleansed their Jewish population and seized their assets right after 1948.

The amount of Jews displaced was slightly over the number of Palestinians. They should have called it even and swapped but instead the Arabs continue to think Allah is going to hand them victory any day now...

Despite lasting for 60 years, it has a relatively low body count.

very inspiring reading

t. antisemite

>What is the secret of his immortality? "
I dunno, cockroaches have been around for 300 million years and can survive nuclear blasts. How do they do it?

Native Hebrews and Canaanites were minding their own buisness when disgusting wh*te subhumans, helped by other wh*tes, dispossessed them of their land

they turned it down for other reasons than that. For example Israel wouldn't grant the right to return for the palestinian refugees.

>"Giving up a right you will never have is better than being granted independence."

Deep down the leadership realizes that Palestine is going to be dirt poor and unstable even if Israel disappeared tomorrow.

Right of return was just an excuse.

"Palestinians" lose land because they're a bunch of fatasses

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>tfw Jerusalem won't be Muslim no matter how much /pol /and UN cries

feels good man

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So much jealous butthurt.

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No one seriously thinks a full right of return would be possible.

Hate to say it but they'd outbreed, and it's generations of people. One can argue about the jewish exodus and whether they get a right to return as well.

The arabs keep the refugees in camps instead of assimilating them.


>a Jew ever blaming himself
This is top comedy

Eternal kike beats arabs and continues to torture them to this day while lying about it and making up rationalization like muh hamas or muh terrorist palestine or muh human shields.

Palis dont give a shit about their country becoming a dump like Iraq they just want to live in their homeland free of jewish tyranny.

> It's far more nuanced than that.

Of course it is, you’re not going to get a doctoral thesis on Veeky Forums but it’s also completely accurate.

> The occupied territories, for one, are only Israeli due to the Egyptian and Syrian involvement in the conflict.

And that only happened because Israel happened in the first place.

> Arab states actually expelled and pogromed all their Jews, even communities centuries old.

And the Jews did the exact some thing to the Palestinians, who were the actual natives.

> Palestinians were allowed to keep property and stay in Israel.


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>Billions of dollars from the global Jewish community were spent on that development.

And Obama just gave Israel a $38 BILLION pay raise with American tax dollars...

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>All the "palestinians" (Jordanians for the most part) had to do in 1948 to get their own state was to recognize the right of Israel to exist.

“All you have to do to keep a tiny fraction of your stuff, is agree to let us have most of your stuff”…

>To be fair, they've destablized, tried to topple, and refuse to assimilate in any country they go to.

Sounds a lot like another ethnic group I know...

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Veeky Forums needs to go blow themselves up for their precious mudslimes, christ this bitching. Reminds me of the SJW's at college

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>British get mandate on Palestine
>Arab landowners sell to Jewish settlers to make shitloads of money
>Arab peasants blame the Jews for this
>Arabs shoot up Kibbutz for the next 30 years on and off and the British don't really care so the Jews turn to self-policing which inevitably escalates it
>Holocaust happens
>Now Israel is going to be independent
>Arabs are even shittier than ever
>1948 happens
>Then a war at least every decade over it
>Israel keeps taking more land and settling it in contravention of international law
>Camp David Accords finally negotiate something of a working framework after nearly 100 years of shitfighting
>Arabs decide they'd rather vote for radical Islamist parties than the PLO
>Jews decide voting for hardline nationalist parties will resolve the issue
Everyone involved deserves it tbqh

>Jews instigate the whole thing
>blame is evenly distributed

>Buying land off people willing to sell the land
>Instigating anything
I know you don't believe in private property, but come on

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So basically this is a problem of capitalism, and the conflict of interests between owners who wield power over property and those who do not.

Calling the Mandate capitalist is giving it too much credit, it was closer to feudalism with Arab headman owning vast properties and the Arab peasant owning pretty much nothing, so it's easy to see why they'd resent these Jewish settlers coming in and buying prime real estate

Beyond some braindead mudslimes does anyone really believe "Israel will soon be destroyed" anymore?

>Arab landowners sell to Jewish settlers

LOL! The Jews have absolutely no shame.

>Beyond some braindead mudslimes does anyone really believe "Israel will soon be destroyed" anymore?

Even the Muslims don't believe that, seeing as how the Jews have nukes and that means they ain't going nowhere.

its not that, its because anyone who stands up to israel is a antisemetic goy who dont care about the 6 gorllion and is a holocaust denier

>that's literally the word used in Arab speeches at the time.
Who said that and did they hold any position of power?

It's all Israel/the zionists fault. They are the villains of the story.

Anyone that tells you different is either lying to you or fundamentally doesn't understand the conflict.

If you don't believe this but don't know the conflict I suggest looking into the REAL origins as a start. Look into 1880 and the key word: aliyah. Anyone that tries to tell you the conflict started in 1948 or whatever is likely attempting to manipulate you.

british imperialists carved out a chunk of land to created problems to make it easier to get oil because their deal with the germans backfire (when hilter made a treaty with russians there for changing britain n france plan to use hilter nazis army to attack russian)

Understand britain n france didnt care about facism but did about communism and had no problem using the germans to fix this!

But ofcourse israel will do the same today as the nazis did.. kill, rape, steal! its us humans which are the problem its our greed which will destory us.

>"Buying" land from absentee landlords in an area that has no democracy or ability to enforce locally desired immigration controls.

So are you just a disingenuous Jew or from your choice of picture and wording should I take it you're some sort of libertarian/right winger? Do you think the UN or China has a right to dictate how many third world immigrants the U.S. should take in? Just because they, not the people losing their land, got payed by Mexico? Even if the immigrants have a stated desire to take over California and make a la raza separatist state where local whitey (who is not allowed to vote on this in any way) will be treated like second class not even citizen shit?

That's insanity. Not even the most degenerate globalist could say such a "deal" is an acceptable state of affairs.

Immigration without consent is invasion. Always will be.

Over 20% of Israel's population is Palestinian Arabs retard.

That's in Israel proper as full citizens who can vote, not counting the occupied territories. So yes, a large Palestinian population does exist and was allowed to keep their property in Israel.

Tell me which Jewish communities still exist in Arab lands?

>Prime real estate

It wasn't though. Large areas weren't even cultivated, aside from Jerusalem it was dirt poor. Israel had to ration food due to poor production into the late 50s.

Yasar Arafat leader of the PLO for one. Ayatollah Khameni also.

The President of Egypt:

We are awaiting aggression by Israel and any supporters of Israel. We will make it a decisive battle and get rid of Israel once and for all… This is the dream of every Arab"

You know, basically every Arab leader...

Palestinians have had half a dozen chances to settle with the Israelis, and every time they refuse. And every time they refuse, their situation gets worse. They're stupid babies.

Is that image supposed to make me mad? What's wrong with Jews stealing land from retarded, failed arab states? They don't deserve it.

Zionists think Palestine is their promised land because their religion says so.
Hamas think it's their promised land because their religion says so.
Both are idiots, hell bent on genocide.

Lets go back in time for a second.

The Palestinians Arabs have been there since the Roman Empire, which is a fairly long time. Zionism emerged in the late 1880s - Theodor Herzl founded it. Eretz Israel, the name for Palestine in the Jewish religion, had been revered throughout the centuries by generations of Jews as a place for holy pilgrimage, never as a future secular state. Jewish tradition and religion clearly instruct Jews to await the coming of the promised Messiah 'at the end of times' before they can return to Eretz Israel as a sovereign people in a Jewish theocracy.

As they saw it, Palestine was occupied by 'strangers' (aka not Jewish), despite the fact that the Palestinians were there since the Roman times. Zionists first arrived in 1882. Until the occupation of Palestine by Britain in 1918, Zionism was a blend of nationalist ideology and colonialist practice. Zionists made up no more than 5% of the country's overall population at the time.

The religious people in the west regarded the return of Jews to Palestine as a chapter in the divine scheme, precipitating the second coming of Jesus. This religious zeal inspired Lloyd George, who was the British prime minister at the time, to act with greater commitment for the success of Zionism. Lloyd had a great disdain for Arabs, and he called Palestinians "Mohammedans".

The more precise strategies of how to best take over Palestine as a whole and create a nation-state in the country, or in part of it, were a later development closely associated with British ideas of how best to solve the conflict Britain itself had done so much to exacerbate.

British Foreign Secretary Lord Balfour gave the Zionist movement his promise in 1917 to establish a national home for the Jews in Palestine, he opened the door to the endless conflict that would soon engulf the country.

By the end of the 1920s, the British made an attempt to solve the conflict. Until then the British had treated Palestine as a state within the British sphere of influence, not as a colony. They tried to put in place a political structure that would represent both communities on equal footing in the state's parliament as well as government. The Palestinians made up the majority of between eighty and ninety percent of the total population, so they refused the British suggestion of parity. However, shortly after this they offered to accept it as a basis for negotiations but by this time the Zionist leaders rejected it. The Palestinian uprising in 1929 was a direct result of Britains refusal to implement at least their promise of parity after the Palestinians had been willing to set aside the democratic principal of majoritarian politics, which Britain had championed as the basis for negotiations in all the other Arab states within the sphere of influence.

After the 1929 uprising the Labour government in London appeared inclined to embrace the Palestinian demands, but the Zionist lobby succeeded in reorientating the British government back on the Balfourian track.

Another uprising took place in 1936. This forced the British to place more troops in Palestine. The Palestinian leadership was exiled at this time. Between these two uprisings the Zionist leadership wasted no time in working out their plans for an exclusively Jewish presence in Palestine. In 1937 they then accepted a modest portion of land, and then in 1942 they demanded all of Palestine for themselves. They announced that the Zionist project could only be realised through the creation of Palestine as a purely Jewish state.